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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. My point is both created unnecessary distractions. At what point is the hassle not worth the possible return?
  2. All Beasley's doing with his posts is creating an unnecessary team distraction. It's selfish. Keep it in house. It reminds me of when Tomlin said stay off of social media while Antonio Brown was videotaping it on facebook live in the locker room or whatever.
  3. Is having a player spout off on social media about a very controversial subject a part of what we built here?
  4. My guess is Wade is just for depth as they liked him in the draft and the Ravens are deep in the secondary. I don't put too much stock in this being some kind of ominous sign they're moving on from Gilmore.
  5. I wonder what the analytics people of today would've thought of that trade.
  6. I was actually waiting for the Lincoln Project to embrace socialism if Bernie won the nomination. How people can't easily spot scam artists is beyond me.
  7. Good for him. I swore he was from Texas though. Best move Jerry Jones ever made was trading him for assets that eventually took us down in two Superbowls.
  8. Have you traveled outside of Florida? You act like everybody else is in prison camps or something. I haven't had to wear a mask since May besides my annual dental checkup.
  9. Steelers will come out flying. They've been told all offseason how they're on the down slope, third in their division, can't run the ball, and their longtime QB is shot. I have trust in McDermott having this team focused and ready though. I'll take the Bills but it's going to be a dogfight.
  10. It would be nice if the union gets some guts and points out how unvaccinated players could cost vaccinated players game checks. I won't comment any further.
  11. With it FDA approved the NFL should just mandate current nonvaccinated players under contract should get the pfizer vaccine or you're banned for life with no pension. I'm sick of this.
  12. Did I say he was anti vaccine or masks? Read it again.
  13. It's not a ridiculous question since he is the most vocal opponent of mask mandates and vaccine mandates in the country. It shows what Floridians think of his policies. I'm sure if you polled only Republican voters on a national level his approval rating would be sky high.
  14. I said all the symptoms were of the same severity. Do you go by age or vaccination status at that point?
  15. They didn't ask but there was this question when it came to Covid. I'm guessing this is around his approval rating. While 41 percent say that Governor Ron DeSantis is helping efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Florida, 46 percent say he is hurting efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19. Twelve percent did not offer an opinion
  16. Polling isn't that good for him either. I think he's playing to the Republican presidential primaries with his policies rather than focusing on his reelection campaign for governor. Whether it's for president or trying to run with Trump on the ticket as VP. Ron DeSantis hit with brutal poll numbers as COVID-19 surges in Florida New polling from Quinnipiac shows that Florida residents are broadly in favor of taking precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including the mask mandates that DeSantis has tried banning in public schools. Overall, 60 percent of Florida voters support school mask mandates, while just 36 percent are opposed. DeSantis's policy of cutting off salaries of school leaders who defy his mask mandate ban, meanwhile, is even more politically toxic for the governor, as just 25 percent say the policy is a good idea while 69 percent say it's a bad idea.
  17. Lamar got it twice so who knows. I wonder how his research is going.
  18. Yeah. It's puzzling and makes you wonder who was advising him. If graduating was important to him he could've also opted out last year, got his degree, saved a year of wear and tear on his body, and pry still would've been drafted in the first round.
  19. All three had same symptoms and caught it at the same time. All three have type 2 diabetes. The unvaccinated person is 60 and the two vaccinated people are 87. All females.
  20. If there were two ICU beds left and three patients. Two vaccinated. One not. Do you give preference to the vaccinated or sort by age?
  21. Yeah. He's trash. Time to insert Adam Gase in NE. After this past year and a half, I mine as well risk the possible destruction of the entire universe.
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