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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. My guess is Basham as Epenesa was a healthy scratch to start the season last year. If Phillips is ready to go then Zimmer might also be a healthy scratch leaving you with nine d-lineman (which is the most they dressed for any single game last season).
  2. Buffalo isn't NYC and you're talking pure hypotheticals. We've gained in population over the last decade. We weren't the epicenter of the initial Covid outbreak in the US. The Covid restrictions put in place and currently in place here don't differ much from most of the country. Same goes for vaccine mandates from employers. Teachers aren't required to be vaccinated. You also seem to be in your own bubble on how you view the public at large. Public opinion is pretty split on whether the government is doing too much, the right amount, or too little when it comes to handling Covid.
  3. It's tragic but anecdotal. Deaths by suicide last year dropped 5.6% compared to 2019 and was the lowest since 2015.
  4. That's not happening in Buffalo. School is full in person learning starting this Wednesday. You can go basically wherever you want without a mask. The Bills game won't require proof of vaccination. WTF are you talking about?
  5. This isn't the mid 90's and even then Guiliani leaned left on social issues (gun control, affirmative action, gay rights, etc.). Crime is up but nowhere near where it was then. If we were still in strict lockdown then it's possible a more conservative candidate that leaned left on social issues could win. I just don't see it at this point though. Georgia was unique in that Trump kept conservatives home because he convinced enough people that the results couldn't be trusted.
  6. The most logical pick is a rematch of last year's Super Bowl because both teams have maintained the majority of their roster. The same went for a Chiefs/49ers rematch prediction last year at this time. However, there are so many variables that can derail a team and injuries took out the 49ers last year. Other variables this season could be strength of schedule that impacts playoff seeding, Covid, a team getting "hot" going into the playoffs, and maybe just the Bucs or Chiefs having one really bad game in the playoffs. It's possible but unlikely both teams will be back.
  7. Those are mental health counselors. How about maybe increase funding to provide training for police officers to how to deal with a call where a mentally ill person is involved?
  8. That's all that really matters at this point. Look at the zip code breakdown in the city of Buffalo for those that voted Democrat and Republican in this last election. Most voted for Biden above an 80% clip. You have to go to South Buffalo just to find areas that Biden didn't win by more than 10 points. You're incredibly naive not to think the only person that can beat Walton is known as a moderate democrat. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/upshot/2020-election-map.html
  9. Odds are against it no matter how invincible they seem as a Super Bowl rematch happened only once in its 55 year history. I won't dignify the NFC team who won both games by naming them. I'd love a Bills vs. Packers Super Bowl. Two small markets showcased in the stadium that represents everything wrong with the NFL.
  10. Do you live in Buffalo? Just curious.
  11. They don't want to play spoiler. If a large number of Republicans, moderate Democrats, and Independents show up Brown should win as the local media will hype this race. California is different has the odd recall thing where Elder could theoretically win with about 25% of the votes.
  12. It's not really a laugh when I read this. It's mostly pity.
  13. No. God took the seventh day off.
  14. Good catch. I don't think Beane signs Allen to a quarter of a billion dollar deal without the stipulation that he gets vaccinated. Plus, all Josh said was that he needed to do more research as he admitted he wasn't as caught up on the vaccine information as he could've been. Since he seems like an intelligent kid I assume he got the vaccine.
  15. Here's what I could gather based off this article... It's my understanding that unvaccinated players can't leave town during this time because they still require daily testing. The Bills were off Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, practiced lightly on Wednesday and Thursday, and now the NFL mandates that teams take off Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the holiday weekend. Further, the Bills won’t have a full practice Monday, then will start getting ready for the Steelers on Tuesday which is generally a regular day off for teams that play Sunday games. Yeah, imagine the process-oriented McDermott wrapping his head around all that.
  16. It's not unrealistic that we finish with the same record but win the division. We have to play the Chiefs while they have the Chargers. They get the Bucs and Saints at home while we get them on the road. They're also very good at cheating.
  17. Here's the language in the CBA. I'm not sure if GunnerBill is right and they may have to report on Monday although it's been reported they aren't having a "full" practice. Once they move the season to 18 weeks I wish they would just have two bye weeks for each team and start the first weekend of September. (b) If in any League Year (i) the NFL elects to schedule three or fewer preseason games (not including the Canton Hall of Fame Game or any American Bowl game scheduled around the date of the Canton Hall of Fame Game) the final week of the preseason shall be a bye-week, unless the parties agree otherwise, and all players will be permitted two additional days off, for a total of eight days off during the preseason. Four of the eight days off shall be given after the final preseason game, with three of the days occurring consecutively on the final three days of preseason training camp (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday), except that, for any Club whose first regular season game is on a Thursday night, the three consecutive days off following the Club’s final preseason game need not be given on the final three days of preseason training camp (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) but shall be given following the Club’s final preseason game on three consecutive days determined by the Club. Subject to the foreg
  18. There very well could be a week (or even two) where we lose Beasley and Davis because of their brave vaccine stance. The Bills are prepared for this and it may be why they kept seven on the roster. It's nice having a deep bench at WR along with Diggs, Sanders, and McKenzie being vaccinated.
  19. Jeeps have come a long way. This one actually made it across the parking lot.
  20. Great. We accept credit card, cashier check, straight cash, and even Venmo (although 1.4 billion might be too high a transaction fee).
  21. It helps when those players (Shaq and Phillips) kept saying "contract year" over and over again.
  22. Here's the poll that article was referring too. I think no matter how we withdrew we were going to look weak and feeble but Biden certainly exasperated that image. We'll continue to be the "Empire" as we're still spending up the wazoo on defense. However, between abandoning the Kurdish fighters in Syria, reentering the Iran Agreement, and allowing the Taliban to take over Afghanistan.... our image has taken a significant hit. This doesn't really address your question but a question in the same poll more specific to Afghanistan they asked, "Do you think the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan makes the United States safer from terrorism, less safe from terrorism, or makes no difference?" 44% - less safe, 45% - no difference, 8% - more safe, and 3% - no opinion. I don't really see how anybody can look at us withdrawing and conclude there's "no difference" when it comes to a risk of a terrorist attack on US soil. People want to have their cake and to eat it too.
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