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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. I think star players have always gotten special treatment on a subconscious level by the refs. If they do call that you'd have people equally upset saying that Jerry has the refs on his payroll.
  2. I don't trust Kittle's health. I expect at least one of those three to miss multiple weeks with an injury.
  3. I don't buy it. It's a marketing ploy designed for NE and Bears fans to buy more jerseys.
  4. Show me where I said it can't quickly change? Find another straw man.
  5. If they were allowed to challenge it would've it been overturned?
  6. I won't change your mind but in general refs tend to bite their whistles late in games especially when it comes to pass interference calls.
  7. Dak throws for plus 400 and the Cowboys lose. Brady game winning drive with a blown ref call. Same as it ever was.
  8. Dawson Knox will finish third in fantasy points among TE's this year. You heard it here first unless your heard somebody else already say it.
  9. No. You have two functioning eyes. The reason they wear white's at home to start off the year is this weird notion that light colors in the warm weather gives the advantage to the home team. At least it's not all reds like last year against Pittsburgh.
  10. Trying to hype up the fear to prevent full in person learning. Here's an idea for adults who work for schools. GET FRICKEN VACCINATED. https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/07/us/miami-school-employees-covid/index.html (CNN)Thirteen school employees from Miami-Dade County Public Schools have died from Covid-19 since August 16, the school district and local teacher union told CNN on Tuesday. Among the 13 were four teachers, one security monitor, one cafeteria worker and seven school bus drivers, United Teachers of Dade President Karla Hernandez-Mats said. All were unvaccinated.
  11. It was usually the opposite before last season. I know because I routinely draft him in fantasy as he always seems to be undervalued.
  12. Yeah. I don't like all the optimistic predictions from the national media. I prefer a 10 page thread on why Nick Wright is an idiot.
  13. I meant he should've taken the democratic primary a bit more seriously knowing he couldn't later file as an Independent. The state basically created its own sore loser law.
  14. The law seems silly on its face but Byron knew the law. I have mixed feelings about it tbh.
  15. That’s a really good point. She’d be laughed out of the room. In a way though wouldn’t it be better for the progressive movement as a whole to show it can beat a more centrist candidate in a general election without the excuse of that person losing only because the centrist candidate’s name wasn’t on the ballot?
  16. Absolutely. I’m not trying to downplay the impact this has had on kids. I also don’t want to over exaggerate the impact either so I prefer data when examining its true effect.
  17. That's what happens when you try to force players to try to get vaccinated without actually requiring it. A better approach since we knew at the time we weren't out of the woods with this thing yet would've been to keep all policies in from last year and allow players to opt out again. Then once multiple vaccines were FDA approved make it mandatory for the 2022 season if need be.
  18. Those are attempts in 2021 over a one month period. There was no mention in that article of the number of deaths. In 2020, suicides were down 5.6%. Drug overdoses were way up which isn't surprising given people were more isolated. I don't read the Atlantic. I don't care if you don't believe this data. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2778234 According to provisional data, in 2020, there were notable changes in the number and ranking of deaths compared with 2019.5 COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death in 2020, with an estimated 345 323 deaths, and was largely responsible for the substantial increase in total deaths from 2019 to 2020. Substantial increases from 2019 to 2020 also occurred for several other leading causes. Heart disease deaths increased by 4.8%, the largest increase in heart disease deaths since 2012. Increases in deaths also occurred for unintentional injury (11.1%), Alzheimer disease (9.8%), and diabetes (15.4%). Influenza and pneumonia deaths in 2020 increased by 7.5%, although the number of deaths was lower in 2020 than in 2017 and 2018. From 2019 to 2020, deaths due to chronic lower respiratory disease declined by 3.4% and suicide deaths declined by 5.6%.
  19. I was just going to mention that. SNF on TNT still felt really weird. Bruce's strip sack won us the game in overtime. It was like we sleepwalked to a victory.
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