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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Have any gut feelings about next week's games?
  2. Not accepting that holding penalty to take them out of field goal range was odd. I understand the percentages that the kicker won't make it but put some faith in your pass defense to make sure.
  3. They aren't bickering yet. It's always worse than it seems. Some real soul searching is going to go on and I haven't lost my faith in this team ending the year as the #1 seed. You'll never see the offense play as bad as it did today.
  4. The CBS crew should’ve made that point or at least showed a replay.
  5. Just embarrassing. Offense was terrible. Coaching decisions were terrible. Cody Ford sucks.
  6. You asked a question and I gave you the answer. Your personal feelings are irrelevant.
  7. This is why.....directly from the CDC. He'd likely test positive up to the next 3 months. That's why they rely on the symptom checker.
  8. I put money on the Titans last week after you said the Colts would win. Have any gut feelings about a game this week?
  9. It agree it was about the money. I do recall Bell saying that Big Ben played a factor in him sitting out as he was tough to play with. That somewhat aligned with what AB was saying at the same time so it's very possible that Beane thought AB would fit in fine with Buffalo.
  10. I remember the prevailing sentiment being that Roethlisberger was the reason both AB and Bell's relationship soured with Pittsburgh. I could be wrong though.
  11. I pry have poor recollection then as the only incident I remember was him broadcasting on social media inside the locker room at the same time Tomlin was saying to stay off social media.
  12. Did we know that at the time though? I know he wanted out of Pittsburgh like Diggs wanted out of Minnesota as their relationship soured with the team for whatever reason. That's before AB went off his medication or something and started assaulting delivery guys.
  13. I tend to agree with this as Diggs was just as big of a risk as Brown from what we knew at the time. However, ever since they traded for Benjamin they seem reluctant to make a major move in season. You build chemistry during OTA's and training camp by signing/drafting new players in March/April. They may not want to mess with the chemistry in the locker room and on the field by making a major roster move in November.
  14. The strange part to me is it obviously didn't work and he's still promoting it as an alternative to the vaccine.
  15. It may cost the Packers the #1 seed and a Super Bowl trip. If this selfish prick helps Brady get another ring I'm going to write him a very stern letter.
  16. He’s a narcissistic diva who only has gotten worse with age. Can’t wait til this idiot retires.
  17. How are the Chiefs not on there? They were so desperate they brought Josh Gordon in.
  18. I'm guessing Mills will be fine but I can't ever remember an upcoming game where the Bills may have to prepare for four possible different QB's. God it must suck to be a Jets fan.
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