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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. They're in the right city then. It's pretty fun and self satisfying to be able to say I completed a marathon. At least that's what I've been told and I'll take their word for it.
  2. A recent study in Japan showed that too much strenuous exercise might shorten your lifespan. Best study ever conducted.
  3. Both at home due to weather. Another reason for a dome That’s without the stupid holding penalty against the Titans when he returned it for what should’ve been go ahead td.
  4. Bad hire in the first place. His scheme was outdated and lacked any sort of creativity.
  5. Seems like clinical malpractice to have Garrett mentor Jones.
  6. Matt’s just reporting what Daboll said. Don’t kill the messenger.
  7. They seemed to leave Phillips in there more than usual today pry because he's the only true 1 technique player we have with Star out. You wonder if fatigue played a role.
  8. Before the rib injury he seemed like the same player to me. He shined against the Skins, Titans, and the Fins. I don't think he's lost a step but just needs to get healthy. Way more concerned about our lines.
  9. Whatever team wins is the team I'm rooting for.
  10. Two bad picks and a fumble today. He has to be better. He's not an MVP candidate.
  11. We're 6-4 and the decision to build a new football stadium is irrelevant to the Bills current performance.
  12. They've only lost back to back games once over the last two seasons so their post game attitude really doesn't surprise me.
  13. Is there anything he could've said that would make you feel better about the loss?
  14. Sabres give up game winning goal with 0.7 seconds left. LOL. Someone kick me in the nuts and we'll call it a day.
  15. Based on McDermott's "respect their decision" quote after the game I'm guessing both were unvaccinated so Brown will be out against the Saints too.
  16. I blame Lynch. Don't bring any player back from the drought.
  17. Sarcasm coming. The most rational thing to do after shooting someone chasing you after you heard a gunshot is to tend to the victim immediately. No need to fear getting gunned down by anybody else seeking retribution for the person you just shot. Generalize much? One of the first people to tend to Rosenbaum after he was shot was a video producer for a far right news organization. My guess is he was a Republican.
  18. Retractable roofs are a waste of money (especially in colder climates) as only about 30% of games are played with the roof actually open in stadiums that have them. I'd prefer an enclosed stadium that gives the mirage of playing outside in like the Vikings have with their translucent roof. It looks like open air stadium is going to happen though. Unfortunately.
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