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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. I'm going to be so confused. WHY IS TARON LINED UP ON THE OUTSIDE WR?
  2. I thought it was illegal this off-season for a good player to sign with an NFC team. Must’ve been a post draft clause.
  3. Maybe 10 years ago before the me too movement, the recent Trevor Bauer two year suspension by the MLB, and a bunch of NFL owners ticked off at Cleveland they gave him a fully guaranteed 5 year fully guaranteed 230 million dollar contract. I think it's anywhere from 10 games to a whole season.
  4. It's not a perfect comparison because they were on different teams in different eras but they did play in the same stadium. Here are Kelly's home vs. away career splits. I forgot how much better they were at home looking at the records. No wonder Vegas used to give the home team 3 points when factoring in the line.... Home: 77 games played - 58 wins, 19 losses. 127 TD's, 88 INT's, 86.3 passer rating. Away : 80 games played - 43 wins, 40 losses. 110 TD's, 87 INT's, 82.8 passer rating. What's interesting to me is even though he had a higher passer rating his completion percentage was better on the road (barely). 59.77% at home vs. 60.45% on the road. That's pry where the ungodly wins at Rich Stadium came into play. The Bills also ran more and passed less at home during Kelly's years. I think when Allen's career is all said and done you'll see similar stats. After last year any weather conditions at home will seem pretty minor to him as he's experienced it all at this point.
  5. Money. There would be a bidding war for them as a pair and they’d become the highest paid head coach and GM in history.
  6. Nothing’s impossible but it’s as close to impossible as it gets to make such a massive screwup like that again. Frazier and Daboll called all the plays last year I believe. Didn’t it take Bill Cowher more than a decade or something to win one?
  7. I understand your point if it was a random shooting halfway across the country. However, you're a little tone deaf considering a lot of people on this board are from the area and may know someone who was a victim or a friend/family member who lost a loved one.
  8. McVay...definitely. He's a top three coach for sure. I'm more skeptical with Taylor who had a horrible first two seasons until last year which I still think was a fluky Super Bowl run.
  9. This is where the randomness comes in. If the obvious pass interference call against the Rams in the NFC Championship game is called correctly it's Pats vs. Saints in Super Bowl. The Bengals lucked out with seeding getting the Raiders and the worst #1 seed maybe ever in the Titans before a Mahomes meltdown in the 2nd half in the AFC Championship game. If Jimmy Garoppolo hits Emmanuel Sanders on that deep pass Reid wouldn't have his championship. I'm sure there's a faction of 49ers fans who want Shanahan gone which from the outside looks crazy. There's too much luck involved to fire a consistently winning coach based off playoff heart breakers. The only exception is if a Marvin Lewis who couldn't win a playoff game to save his life. The law of averages will eventually get a team that goes to the playoffs every year that usually wins their division a Super Bowl championship. Until McDermott consistently proves he can't provide that only then do I think a new head coach is needed.
  10. He's 3-4 in the playoffs so he's not Marvin Lewis who couldn't win a darn playoff game to save his life. Here's what I want in a head coach in a parody driven league. Someone who consistently puts us in the playoffs nearly every season that gives us a chance to get to and win a Super Bowl. One of these years the bounces will go that team's way and they'll win the title. Bill Cowher, Mike Tomlin, John Harbaugh, Sean Payton, Pete Caroll, and Andy Reid put up multiple years of double digit wins equaling post season appearances. They've all won multiple playoff games. They all have one Super Bowl ring. Bill Belichick is an anomaly. Only one coach besides him have won multiple Super Bowls since the turn of the century and that was Tom Coughlin. If McDermott doesn't live up to this standard then can him. If not, you're an idiot if you fire him.
  11. I guess I'm sick and twisted but I still get a kick out of the guy. He somehow compared the Buffalo shooting with his record on Afghanistan while adding a Jessie James quote there just for the hell of it.
  12. I remember as he strip sacked Allen in the divisional round. Do you think Clowney is a possibility for the Chiefs?
  13. No need. I think they're in good hands with Jameis. LOL. Even I feel sorry for Tua at this point.
  14. 1.) That's not how things are done in a civilized society. 2.) You have no way to prove your second point and it's insulting to police officers.
  15. Glad the Chiefs didn't sign him.
  16. Right....but if they find out your innocent while your in jail they can release you and you get to enjoy the rest of your life. If your innocent and they execute you they can't dig you out of your grave and bring you back to life.
  17. Correlation doesn't imply causation but mass shootings have increased since social media sites became more common. Here's a chart that shows the number of mass shootings per year with the criteria being four or more people were killed by gunfire in a public place where the primary motive is mass murder (doesn't involve gangs or robberies). I think the rise of social media is a significant reason for this trend for a variety of reasons.
  18. I'd rather see him rot in a cell the rest of his life. The main reason is there's a certain percentage (estimates are about 4%) who are executed that are later found innocent when new evidence arises.
  19. Eye witness on CNN said shooter had bullet proof vest on. Pulled off vest, dropped weapon going to the ground, and surrendered to cops.
  20. Think it will be a sellout?
  21. At least nine Sunday slots where the Bills definitely don’t play. Is this a sneaky way of spectrum to get me to pay for NFL red zone?
  22. Five prime time games. Two home. Thanksgiving game. Betting Super Bowl favorites. Good lord how things have changed.
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