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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Jones is inconsequential to who will win that RB4 spot.
  2. Proved himself? He helped lead a team to a 13-3 record and to an NFC Championship game. He's far ahead of Barkley.
  3. Matt Barkley's stock rose and fell like Bed Bath and Beyond's.
  4. Now you’re mad we don’t have mask mandates you claimed would last forever? I told you once the vaccines were widely distributed this would be treated like the flue.
  5. True but if it wasn't for the allegations he would've started for another team last year. Probably the Fins or Panthers. I can see how one can make the argument that it was basically paid leave.
  6. The deadline for adding a new helmet color for 2022 was July 31st of 2021. The Bills didn't request it then. Not sure what the cutoff date is for the 2023 season.
  7. I'd rather him be available to play the entire length of his contract considering I'm paying him 46 million a year. They're basically paying Watson about 30 million to do nothing this season.
  8. As long as he wasn't suspended the full season the contract would kick in this season. Common sense says that if he was suspended 12 games he wouldn't play five for free.
  9. The six games requirement rumor being floated out there for the contract to kick in is not accurate. As long as he wasn't suspended the whole season the contract would've kicked in this year even if he was suspended for example 16 out of the 17 games. The confusion appears to be that six games is required for a qualifying year for free agency which doesn't apply to Watson. The Browns pry would've been better off having him suspended the whole season as now they'll have a 54 million dollar cap hit next year instead of one million. Good luck winning with that cap hit and no first round pick(s) for the next two seasons. This seemed like more of a punishment of Haslam and the Browns organization as opposed to Watson.
  10. Terrible news and I feel horrible for his friends and family. Here's a statement from Ole Miss.
  11. At this point last year the projected o-line had way more time together in training camp, Allen had a more intact WR core from the season before, and we had the same offensive coordinator. That's a better explanation of why he's starting preseason week 2 instead of waiting until game 3 rather than we're only doing this to appease our fans.
  12. Oh yeah. I’m sure Terry strong armed McDermott. “Play him or else.” Lol.
  13. That shouldn’t be a factor in the decision.
  14. I like how they handled it last year waiting until the third preseason game. The Steelers just had a good game plan and Daboll was too stubborn to go to the run earlier. I guess with a new OC they feel they need more than that. Just don’t get hurt please.
  15. Browns browning it up for an unnecessary press conference I see.
  16. Yeah. We don't have to play him. Not everybody was going to be satisfied no matter what the punishment was. Five million seems low. Maybe both sides were in cahoots during settlement talks to draw interest for what would've been a relatively boring week 13 game.
  17. This is some conspiracy theory bs. There was no deal with Publix in Florida any more than there was with Wallgreens or CVS. The wealthy had a higher vaccination rate than the poor in every state. Welcome to real life. These links read as a pathetic hit pieces but this is from the link you provided. But then a few weeks later, Governor Ron DeSantis, breaking from CDC guidelines, announced he would not vaccinate teachers and essential workers next but instead put "seniors first," making anyone 65 or over eligible for the vaccine. The first in the country to do that. DeSantis said seniors were at highest risk. So, Florida prioritized distribution by demographic and risk quicker than any other state. That was absolutely the right call given the data available at the time.
  18. I don't disagree with that but even the bluest of states refrained from Draconian measures that you saw in Canada or Australia. As far as his post @BigBlitz implied that vaccines don't help prevent people from getting Covid and that DeSantis was the only politician who knew this the whole time. That's simply not true.
  19. That's quite the self absorbed point of view. If the reason for the contract was "I think we should give this guy the most money ever for his position to screw over Beane" then it should be grounds for firing.
  20. We only have one consistent WR in his current role over the last few years in Diggs. Everybody else is a projection. We've never seen Davis with an extended workload as the true #2 WR. McKenzie's most catches was 30 in 2020 and has to prove it he can shoulder an increased workload in the slot. Crowder is too much of a wild card given he's been hobbled the last few years. Shakir and Hodgins flashed this camp/preseason but they haven't done jack squat in the regular season. They could both struggle once the real season begins. I can see a lot of scenarios (injuries, failing to live up to the hype) where an OBJ signing early in the season would be great insurance down the stretch. I wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger if he's still available after week 5 or so and we're confident he can come back from his ACL surgery. That's assuming he knows what he signed up for.
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