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Everything posted by RastaMouse

  1. Believe it or not I was in Sanaa, Yemen. The game didn't make the airwaves there not too popular with the folks.
  2. Marrone is going for it! My thoughts are that he announces EJ the starter - what are we waiting for. Go Bills!
  3. Born and raised in North Buffalo. Interesting fact is I have watched Buffalo Bills games (either streaming video or AFN) in Mexico, Cambodia, Germany (no big deal), Yemen, Iraq and now in Afghanistan. Go Bills!
  4. From Schweinfurt, Germany! Go Bills!
  5. He seems to have that U of Miami showboat, self promoting style without the true talent to pull it off. He is a star in his eyes only and I hope we can hoodwink some GM out there to part with some high draft picks for Mr. McGahee and his ever expanding family. If "High Character" is someone who shows maturity and decency, thinks before he speaks, and is humble where humility is definitely warranted...then "high character"is exactly what I want at the RB position - and of course someone who can get more than 3.8 ypc and block. I'll get off my high horse now.
  6. I wouldn't necessarily call my concern " crying " but I was indeed one of the naysayers. Today I stand corrected. Congrats to Lindell for a great performance. Hopefully he will prove me wrong for an entire season because we will obviously need him this year at his best.
  7. Well I'll say it and I am a Republican and Bush supporter/voter. A glorious opportunity was missed by the Administration to practice "compassionate conservativism " and reach out to groups of Americans (not refugees) that are frequently underrepresented in the GOPs big tent. President Bush, to his credit is an excellent crises leader, he's inspired me and others who are actively engaged in American initiatives overseas. This same leadership came late with regards to Katrina and this vacuum of leadership was further crippled because some Administration Emergency leaders failed him, ie. FEMA Director. Leadership is courage when the outcome of your actions are unknown but desperately needed.
  8. At ease FF Sunny. No statements of doom. Was referring to the rather lengthy 46 yarder yesterday. Not a chip shot at all but given our offensive capabilities these FG attempts will need to be made on a reasonably consistent basis. Merely stating that I could see a regular season game with a similar scenario. But for the record "NO DOOM " from this fan. Carry on.
  9. What? Lindell needs his preseason practice. After the missed fieldgoal and extra point - we can safely assume he's in midseason form. I know, I know...I'm being harsh but this may be an actual gameday reality this season, practice makes perfect or imperfect.
  10. 1) Why did you move out of Buffalo? Military - Quantico, Va. 2) Where did you go? Northern Virginia 3) How does your new home compare to Buffalo? Overpriced and overvalued. Family house in North Buffalo is far superior but the housing market in VA has made me alot of money...so I really can't complain. 4) If the econonmy and job market were stable would you move back? In another year or two I plan on making Buffalo my home base again. I'm frequently overseas and have no real limitations on where home in the states could be, might as wll be the city that I love and grew up in. 5) What suggestions do you have to improve the quality of life here? Buffalo is a microcosm of the US as a whole, previously decent manufacturing jobs exported so working families are taking 2-3 service industry jobs to make ends meet. Law of diminishing returns. Somehow private sector technology based industries need to be courted or the other growth industry is Defense Contracting. Oh yeah, either a Stanley Cup or Superbowl may help a tad!
  11. Piels. I don't know if they make this junk anymore but it was a cheap college favorite back in the day - circa 1990 - 92
  12. Geez I'm gettin'old how about... Home Sweet Home - Motley Crue Wanted Dead or Alive - Bon Jovi Jack and Diane - John Cougar Summer of 69 - Bryan Adams Patience - Guns and Roses Well maybe I like the songs but the videos are alright
  13. Question: What does Josh Reed do better than any other WR on our current staff? Answer: Absolutely nothing. Question: Has Josh Reed broken a single tackle for extra yardage, consistently(if at all) beat man to man coverage or solidified his place on the "All Hands" roster? Answer: No. Question: Has Josh Reed had a fair evaluation time. Answer: Yes. Question: What's he still doing on the roster? Answer: Taking up space while impersonating a WR with good hands who can find the seams and break tackles with a RB's toughness. Someone please tell him to catch the rock first.
  14. Well tha - tha - that's all folks...remember these names because they'll be on the All " Where are they now " thread in a few years except for maybe Everett. Not bemoaning the selections just stating the facts. Check out the ESPN site for first round picks since 1990 and it's apparent that this process is such a crap shoot. I'm outta here - gotta be up in the morning with the rising sun gonna run all day until the day is done ! GET SOME Bills fans.
  15. fluid through the hips breaks well on the ball vision to see the whole field stereotypical two gapper plays with a mean streak can play on an island probably best suited for cover two throwback nose tackle in the 3/4
  16. 48% Yankee and barely holding on. I guess living in VA will cloud previously clear Northeastern thinking. ALL Buffalo ALL the time !!!
  17. CONGRATS, stay focused, listen to the solid advice of your fellow TSWers and get your house. Be aggressively cautious, doggedly reserved, and calmly euphoric. That's my .03 cents.
  18. Father sent this to me, hope it hasn't made the rounds yet, enjoy! We, The People of Buffalo (and surrounding areas) hold these truths to be self evident: FOOD: We call them "wings," or "chicken wings". We never call them "buffalo wings." It's "weck," not "wick." It's "pop," not "soda." They're "subs," not "hoagies or heroes or bombers." A large pizza with cheese and pepperoni shouldn't cost more than ten bucks. DINING OUT: Everyone knows where "the best fish-fry in town" is. There is no public restaurant in town that requires a jacket and tie...and if there was, we wouldn't go there. You won't find Grey Poupon on the table. We don't "valet park" unless there is absolutely no other choice. Every bar has "happy hour" prices from 4:30 - 7:00 PM Monday-Friday. Even though no one orders it, if it doesn't have "Genny," it's not a bar. Anything over $2.00 for a beer is robbery. GEOGRAPHY & ROADS: We call it the "Scajaquada" but spell it the "198." The most famous address is "998 Broadway." We think anyone who drives more than 20 minutes to get to work must live in the boondocks. We get mad when stuck in "rush hour" traffic and it takes 10 minutes longer to get home. We still avoid the "blue water tower" during rush hour if at all possible. We know Fort Erie is famous for two things...Chinese food and the "ballet." We still refer to places like Sloan and Blasdell. To us, "LA" is Lackawanna, not Los Angeles. INSTITUTIONS: We've all been threathened by our parents to be sent to Father Baker's when we didn't behave. It's the "Hamburg Fair," not the "Erie County Fair and Expo." We know the wrong newspaper folded in 1983. J.C. Penney's is considered to be a relatively "upscale" department store here. It's "U.B." ... not "SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst." We have some kind of "fest" here, every weekend from Memorial Day to Labor Day. SPORTS: We're sure the NFL is out to screw us...so is the NHL...the NBA already did..so did Major League Baseball..so did the Big East Confernece. We're not desperate enough to support professional roller hockey...yet. We can't believe that we once liked OJ. MISCELLANEOUS: None of the new theme parks are as cool as Crystal Beach was in its day. It ain't a real snowstorm unless they ban driving for more than 6 hours. A shovel and jumper cables are always in our car trunks. People who live in areas subject to hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, wild fire, mudslides and earthquakes can't believe that we would rather live in an area that gets so much snow? Imagine that!!! Guess they would rather drown, burn, or get blown away, or buried alive than shovel for a while. Hey World, we have snow plows and snow blowers; and most of all four seasons, and sometimes all in one day. Top that! P.S. We also have Weber's Mustard, Sahlen's Hot Dogs, and Texas Hot Dog Sauce. It doesn't get any better than that.
  19. Welcome to the VA/DC/MD area. While I'm not currently there I do own a townhome in Prince William County. I had been a resident of No. VA from 1995 to 2002. Realestate prices are soaring, both for rental and home ownership. I suggest a thorough financial e v a l of your situation versus your requirements as well as giving some thought to the hidden costs associated with commuting. I owned a home in Manassas (Occoquan Forest area) - nice wooded community. In addition to your MD/VA search, I know some people who are actually looking at WVA (Harpers Ferry) as an alternative to affordable and 'best value' home options. If your search is considering Frederick, MD might as well check this out.
  20. It's alright, I'm drunk anyway it's 0100 here, just got back from the bar and it's cool just to watch some hockey.
  21. Oh your kidding me, I must be watching a taped delay! Don't I feel stupid! I need to find some foolish German and bet them....
  22. Watching it now in Germany 0-0, GO USA
  23. Sanaa, Yemen...not a real big fooball city
  24. Good point about Gandy, I forgot about his versatility. I hope we're doing the right thing. If we take a step back with our line, especially with a young QB starting this year, will be our undoing.
  25. Oh, that explains it...silly me and here I thought we were making a mistake. Thanks Coach!!
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