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Everything posted by ILBillsfan

  1. Peyton manning I heard the other day talking about how much he learned in the third and fourth quarters as he struggled as a rookie
  2. Show us exactly on the doll where the sports anchor touched you.
  3. No issues here and as far as service I would rate Dtv as top notch they always go above and beyond when I have had issues with free pay tv for 6 months like HBO/Cinemax etc they even gave me a 30$ credit each month for a whole year. Some of you obviously have bad negotiating skills or just expect too much.
  4. No but hew was limited still as a QB and was only reading and throwing to one side of the field since he came form a smaller school program. I am fine with his development taking baby steps and doing this.
  5. This is exactly how the Steelers ran with Big Ben his rookie season turned out pretty well
  6. Murphy will make sure to get guys on his show this week to say how Josh is looking good
  7. Bills call up the colts and trade for third pick and draft Darnold .... although Bills would of probably drafted Allen ?
  8. Lol this is a great thread week by week it gets better n better ? mahomes is light years ahead of Allen
  9. I would do this for a second in a heartbeat it is what’s makes the most sense with the smoke around McCoy w the abuse things as well I would think that would add to the reasons the Bills move him as well
  10. Somebody just tell him to quit challenge the ball spots unless it is seriously bad. Any time he has challenged a spot I have never even thought there was a chance it would be overturned. Other wise I'm pretty sold on coach he is solid imo
  11. Well yesterday he was leaving the pocket early and there was room to step up
  12. He needs to learn to step up in the pocket end of story still young and learning
  13. My thoughts Hughes had a huge game every snap he was putting pressure on cousins
  14. He would of come close to 300 yards and even had a higher completion percentage if Foster and Benjamin could catch. Awesome game showed a lot of poise today. Been a long time since I have said that about a Bills QB
  15. And snap back to reality. When was the last time a sure fire named franchise QB left a a team.. Teams do not let franchise QB's go ( except manning when he had a serious neck injury) It will never happen Rogers will retire a packer.
  16. Uhmm no your bad reading his college passing completion percentage has been bad..... I merely stated the first combine throw was hilarious and just backed up bad stuff I see with him
  17. Too bad his is not an accurate passer ....and thus why he will struggle at the NFL lvl... They very first throw at the combine I was like yep that's why I do not want Lamar Jackson.....ball we almost ten yards short of the WR
  18. I would easily you need a starting qb not a just get by qb Where have you been for the last 17 years????????????
  19. if your gonna give up a kings ransom for number two might as well go for the first pick
  20. I'm totally fine with them moving up in fact I strongly encourage them the last 17yrs should be proof enough
  21. The only thing I will say in regards to the Browns I if they do not take Barkly one he will not be there at 4 both Giants and colts would love him. As for the implied $$$ since the two picks are so close together it washes each other out. So it comes down to the gamble are they OK with losing Barkley for the QB or getting Barkley and one of the top QB's still.. This is for the Browns to judge..If they value Rosen/Darnold very similar I could see them still taking Barkley one.
  22. Yeah I would of loved to see him back in Buffalo...didn't like it when they released him
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