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Everything posted by ILBillsfan

  1. MVS not picking that ball up looked like he had his eyes on it and never adjusted til it was too late
  2. great stand there D...... huge stop on 4th down work clock get points offense
  3. The cards had been blocking across in the middle on the returns and it was opening a hole right up the middle. Head scrtching that there was not an adjustment. Somethign to watch for moving forward that teams will really need to be paying attention more to what the other team is trying to do on the returns. To me this needs to become more of an emphasis for places where wind will be an issues. If there is not a wind issue imo they should be just kicking it thru the endzone. Pre season the avg start position was the 28.5 and kicking it thru the endzone is ball at the 30 so it does not make sence unless they hoping to potentially get the holding or block in the back(not called on the TD return). Still just makes too much sense to just boot it thru the endzone to me. Cards made that decision after the first long return.
  4. McD still hasnt learned how to =play a teamwith all their timeout remaining at the end of the game way too soft of coverage
  5. oh a buffalo wind gust at the right time there vs their punter for a win....a fe first down Bills....let's go men
  6. ST has been a joke for a few years.....head scratching that position hasn't been looked at for a new coach
  7. i would kick it thru the endzone every kick off and jsut let them have it at the 30...avg stat in preseason was the 28.5 why risk it
  8. interesting choice here and with the wind....i think you go for it
  9. only one target to Kincaid today so far....ready for something on that connection from Allen
  10. big hold there D....alright ofense lets get another TD
  11. Groot again.....and the forced fumble and recovery by the Bills....turnovers now even
  12. groot with his second sack of the day .... nice job for a three and out D
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