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Everything posted by DFT

  1. Hoax! Show your work!
  2. Hoax! There’s only one Deuce in this bowl.
  3. “Go Bills - this board has lost it's luster. I'll be back when Biden wins. Until then, sayonara all.” - Manbearpig
  4. Hoax! Art is too subjective to be Artfully spoken. Stay mobile, Deuce!
  5. Hoax! Libs don’t own. They rent. There’s too much needed mobility from burning town to town to settle down and own. These boats are a rowin! As you were, Deuce Master
  6. Hoax! ######s isn’t a word. or a boat. As you were, #2.
  7. Was it Putin or Kim that nominated him for the Nobel (twice)? And after 8 years of bowing to any and all, I’d agree that when our president sees wrongdoing and stands up for the country, it can come across as “shltting on US allies”. Yet he’s never been wrong even once on his foreign policy, while having to drag the Washington sewage machine with him in all that he’s accomplished.
  8. The articles you shared don’t really reinforce the message you’re trying to share, that you feel the police are terrorists and have oppressed you (despite ducking every poster who’s asked for examples). So given the timing of your post I have to ask... Are you sharing these articles as a means to celebrate the two officers who were ambushed? Is that the Angle here? Try to get people fired up with intended insensitivity to further prove your point of how awful the police are?
  9. Unreal. Support for this is supporting pure evil. Every politician with air in their lungs needs to denounce this stuff, now. When you callously celebrate the potential loss of life of your fellow man - someone you didn’t even know, you are no longer on the side of good.
  10. I think I’ve shared my thoughts on this before, but if not, this is awful. So awful. I’m not a doctor, but I’m very familiar with cognitive decline. Joe, in my opinion is being treated with a medication (Memantine possibly) that is helping him through a few hours (barely), but as it is with those medications, after your neurons begin firing irregularly, you become overwhelmingly exhausted, dizzy and irrational, before an even bigger decline happens. I see he’s sundowning, too. Cognitive meds don’t account for that. This is sad. Truly, truly sad and when it’s combined with all of the other things we’ve seen, it paints an ugly picture of truth about the DNC that many of us use to vote religiously for. My heart breaks for the guy. I know this is a type of hell for someone to endure.
  11. Honestly though, you didn’t. You created a perception in your mind based off what I shared. You then assumed his salary, assumed his associates are paid terribly and have poor quality of lives and that he’s going to tell you you’re evil because others like him have. then I go the distance to tell you his ideals are actually more similar to yours which should have made you realize you pre-assumed, but instead of receiving it with grace, you continue to besmirch him and claim because I interviewed him, I have a bromance. My advice to you is if you’re tired of hearing that your actions kinda suck (virtue signaling) let it shape better actions from you then what you clearly showed tonight and you’ll hear it less. “The ceo who makes 10000x the necessary income while his employees suffer and get sh*t wages and poor quality of life is the guy to tell us how evil we all are. Thats ironic.”
  12. Let’s make this the first lesson on the importance to “discuss things” before we assume. You assume that his views were to talk about his life as a Black man and the issues he overcame. So let me speak on his behalf to share he never mentioned his race. He didn’t agree with much of what he saw in the media because he felt it didn’t represent his struggle. Instead he talked about his faith and how he leads by it, unapologetically. But he shared so much more beyond that, that any listener would consider themselves fortunate to hear. Not just about how to be a successful Black man in America, but how to be a successful person in America, while never wavering in showing all others respect and being true to their beliefs. So the BS media stuff you alluded to and what you may have expected to hear was said by Mr Ellison is the driving point of what I shared. We would all do much better to talk, Liston (to hear, not respond) and be willing to see beyond your own understanding or perception. I mean this generally of course, and not at all just directed to you.
  13. You drew some sort of conclusion that I admittedly didn’t follow. But if you have an issue with him for some reason, you should know he began his career making minimum wage and worked himself up. Also Lowe’s was a top 20 performing 2020 company and have been recognized for their many spontaneous bonuses for their employees during the response to COVID. But again, I don’t know what exactly it is that I shared, that garnered that kind of a response. But I’d be happy to talk about.
  14. Wow... A lot of awesome in this thread. A few things... If you watch sports, understand that the player is a person and they have freedom to express. One of the wealthiest most profitable businesses in our world supports their employees doing it. We should all be so fortunate. There’s tremendous good here. I totally support the players for the cause they’re uniting to discuss. It’s noble and necessary in today’s world, but as a former footballer myself, I really love the thought of directing a young, wealthy man in the direction of nobility, and not leaving them to what they usually find. To me, this is one of the best (and least discussed) victories in the NFLs history. Like I said, there’s tremendous good here. In the same breathe, not all MAGAs are as described - brainwashed, just as all BLM supporters aren’t fire starting anarchists. For from it on both fronts We’d all do well to remember that the players aren’t the only ones who are people. Your fellow fans are as well. None of them deserve to be labeled as the world sees fit. We’re all going into this season, election and the rest of the year fighting the same pre-conceived notions that got us here. We think we know, but we need to just do better to hear others voices without instantly gravitating to their beliefs or affiliations. Love people and appreciate their perspective even if you don’t agree with it. One of the new partnerships in the NFL comes via Lowe’s (the hardware retailer). I had the chance to speak with their new CEO, Marvin Ellison during a teleconference in August. You talk about perspective. Just a few minutes with Mr Ellison and I was amazed at his stance on our country’s current state and his focuses on making changes in that paradigm. Suffice to say, his views were not what I expected. It was refreshing as much as it was surprising. He’s the kind of person that you hope one day decides to run for office. Yet if I would have come to the conversation with my pre-conceived notion, I would have missed my chance to learn from him what he was willing to share. I share this because I’m as guilty as any person of gravitating towards my own understanding instead of learning, listening and being a better version of myself. Speaking personally, I lose 100% of the time when I think I know a person based on my perceptions or EQ, and don’t invest in learning more. I hope everyone who is passionate about football, enjoys the game, the players sharing what’s truly important to them and what should be an incredible season. We’ve been through hell and back as fans. Wouldn’t it be fitting that the Buffalo Bills won it all in 2020, literally the worst year in history? May your drinks be cold; your wings be hot and your voices be loud! unless you use ranch. Then we can’t be friends and I wish you war, death and famine.
  15. Now you’re a fortune teller??
  16. “Go Bills - this board has lost it's luster. I'll be back when Biden wins. Until then, sayonara all.” - Henry Rollins
  17. “Go Bills - this board has lost it's luster. I'll be back when Biden wins. Until then, sayonara all.” - OJ Simpson
  18. This is as close to fascist behavior (on Twitter/ Facebook’s part) as most in our country will ever experience. It’s one of the funniest ironies of today’s world.
  19. “Go Bills - this board has lost it's luster. I'll be back when Biden wins. Until then, sayonara all.” - Jake Sully
  20. “Go Bills - this board has lost it's luster. I'll be back when Biden wins. Until then, sayonara all.” - Jim Acosta
  21. The NFL has made its choice on where it feels it’s focus should be. America has to make its choice of whether to support the NFL. Personally, I think you can celebrate the NFL’s stance while not agreeing with everything they do, say or feel. I think you can celebrate freedom of speech and expression even when what’s expressed isn’t how you feel. I’m glad the NFL has given it’s players and coaches a voice. I intend to hear the message (Intently) and how it’s conveyed because it’s important to those who convey it. If it broaches a line beyond where the message should go, then I’ll reserve my rights as a listener. But I have a lot of confidence in how these young men can deliver through their platform.
  22. “Go Bills - this board has lost it's luster. I'll be back when Biden wins. Until then, sayonara all.” - Casey Anthony
  23. Agree to disagree. I think he acted appropriately. I think many of the governors and local politicians are the ones who did not. But I appreciate your points! 🍻
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