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Everything posted by DFT

  1. If the Pats jump this Bills, it’s because Beane allowed it. That much I’m confident in. I think “no leaks” at OBD (which is a stark contrast to the Nix/Whaley days), is starting to make everyone grasp at straws.
  2. This happens every year. There’s always a lot of drum up around QBs. But this year could definitely be different. All of this is tied to an early run, which is projected, but not 100%. The #2 pick will be the key. If Cleveland picks Darnold, I can see a slight slide for QBs with maybe 4-5. If they take Allen first, it changes everything and that #2 pick turns things REALLY real.... dogs and cats living together.... MASS HYSTERIA!!!!!!
  3. About three fitty...
  4. Because they truly don’t know. They are reportedly split down the middle between Darnold and Allen. They may not announce until there’s a few seconds left, to ensure total alignment. Great for them, sucks for everyone else.
  5. As soon as Cle decides who they’re taking. Then the pieces will fall
  6. I’d like to also nominate the term, “Arm Talent”, if we’re compiling a list...
  7. I still think it’s Rosen. I just can’t get my brain to go in any other direction. We’ll see, but I trust my gut.
  8. I admire your candor, Blokes. You complete me.
  9. I think everyone is missing the brilliance in Rosen’s tweet. He humorously just did what his coach said he would do. I call that Moxie, but what the heck do I know...
  10. How you got this sentence from what I said, is interesting. I said verbatim that at least the poster admitted his sense is what gave him pause. Mora isn’t offering coaches feedback, he’s flexing his trademark sour grapes, as he did to Myles Jack, which is the reason that not a single NFL employee (coach, scout, trainer, doctor), has sought his feedback on Rosen. Mora is an ass. Pure and simple.
  11. He’s a one-way communicator, who knows nothing about integral and behavioral development. Rosen is the worst thing that could happen because he’s brilliant and is a coach on the field. Manning was the same way, just more visibly. He’s much more passive, but still offers input, which does not suit Mora. Mora’s pedigree will keep him coaching, but I think he’s an ill-spoken “me” guy, who is easily alluded by EQ. He should take a class at Disney-U and work on his own self-development.
  12. I’m gonna disagree heartedly with this.
  13. I think the bigger story is how Rosen reacted, vs how most of us would have reacted. Rosen just proved that he’s not the arrogant prick people thought he was. Very proud of him. If it were Manning, Rivers or Cutler, things would have escalated in ugly fashion.
  14. At least you’re admitting that your opinion is based off of your sense. Nothing wrong with that at all. But for those that have watched him play even before college, there is just no way what Mora did, is accurate or ethical. Luckily, the league knows better than to listen or seek his opinion. Someone is going to get a very good QB, in Rosen. It’s just an unfortunate way for him to start his career.
  15. There’s a pretty good reason no team has contacted Mora. What he did, was truly “sabotage”, at its finest. That’s Mora though. Rather than internalize his own flaws that led to his termination, he seeks reasoning in the Players that gave their all for him. Rosen absolutely played hard for him. Truly unfortunate. You simply do not do this to a player you coach. Pete Carrol did it the right way. Mora did it horrifically wrong and Rosen will now enter the league with more questions surrounding him. My hope is this puts a nasty little chip on his shoulder, that translates to the field. We’ll see though.
  16. https://www.google.com/amp/s/sidelionreport.com/2018/04/01/detroit-lions-trading-top-pick-draft-april-fools/amp/
  17. Yiiiiiiiikes......... Ill agree that I wish Petrino would have developed him a little more mechanically, but calling his offense a 1-read-go???? No way. Jackson has a propensity to run, slightly, but he’s not nearly as run-first as Vick was. And he’s worked really hard this offseason on the mechanical piece and planting/pointing. He’s gonna wow some folks. But he can make reads very well and Petrino’s offense, however flawed you find it, demand multiple reads. If if you were legitimately faster than everyone on the field you would have a “fight or flight” mentality. That is definitely the component Petrino developed. In my opinion, he did a great job, too.
  18. Quite the opposite, if we’re talking about the latest analytics testing the NFL is using, that has replaced the standardized wonderlic. He’s a once in a generation type talent, according to it. I posted a link to it in this thread. I was just as surprised by anyone. The highest bust potential goes to Josh Allen, according to the same test.
  19. Except the offices are linked entirely and he’s one of the most well connected to the Pegula Omni-office, as they call it. Also, their entire admin team that does the travel and arrangements for scouts... shared responsibility. Also they have an analytics department that does both hockey and football. Also Russ Brandon and his ENTIRE STAFF. So yea.... there’s that.
  20. Jeff George. No question.
  21. It is a big day. Don’t let the naysayers say otherwise. His upside is insane. If it wasn’t a big deal, it wouldn’t be broadcasted. Jackson has been working as hard (or harder) than all of the QBs. I’m excited to see what he does.
  22. CTE is caused when a hit to the head (any hit), causes the release of Tau protein into the brain. While there are still studies being conducted on how to test (2 years ago, there was no test for living patients), brain mapping has now shown a direct correlation to the higher impact hits, where velocity develops (i.e. kickoffs, pass defense, momentum tackles). The NFL has vastly improved the equipment over the last 5 years that minimizes smaller, more compact hits. What is being discussed is the momentum hits, where equipment development is irrelevant due to the amount of trauma these hits deliver. What the NFL does, is expected to ripple down across all leagues. Right now, the concern is the growing amount of young players that are showing pre-CTE symptoms during medical testing at the combine. What the NFL is doing about this is actually pretty amazing. They know the risk and the impact these changes could have on earnings. They don’t care. They are trying to protect players.
  23. I think it’s more “bar talk”. The only thing that bothers me, is in leaking it, it damages how well-kept this all was from everyone. It’s disappointing when you think of it that way. But this is one that gave me pause, because I was sure I was reading the tea leaves and the guy was Rosen. The Bills have done a tremendous job getting rid of the scouting leaks that was the “Whaley way”. If you scouted with Whaley, you knew he was loose lipped with his draft strategy. It wasn’t intentional, but even Elaine Benes has a well-known key to her vault (Schnapps- me!).
  24. I’ll agree it’s tighter than it has been in recent memory, but the scouts are asked for specific info by the brass and are aligned to what those “ask” mean. They’re very aligned to the process and potential plan. Jeremy is tied to the scouting world, terrifically. If the scouts know, he knows. And he’s just not the guy that pulls things out of air.
  25. There’s an argument that concussions aren’t being reported due to how much is happening on the field (the field of vision for Concussion spotting is massive), how quick players must get off of the field (Concussion spotting was just implemented due to players not reporting them) and the propensity for extra curricular activities that can distract from Concussion spotting, on kickoffs. It’s a pretty legitimate argument.
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