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Everything posted by DFT

  1. Royce has been CRIMINALLY underutilized in Denver. He’s not explosive, but he would be a great pickup and probably could be had for a 7th.
  2. It’s definitely looking that way! This will do nothing to limit his feistiness though!!! ??
  3. I think when the smoke clears it truly came down to them and the Chiefs, which is interesting since both have history playing against him. Really good signing if it happens!
  4. Solid pickup for the Broncos. Great 1-2 punch.
  5. ???? Can I change my guess to Broncos?
  6. I’m not saying I doubt it happening, but I definitely doubt any substance from this source, including their having any real agent or NFL insider access. Again, not trying to be “that guy”, but there are more than a few erroneous claims on their twitter that are just nonsense (let’s say just based on my opinion). To me, this is IC Bob type of goodness. If I were a gambler, I would say I would bet on a 1 year deal with KC. Again, I have absolutely no knowledge or intel (or above average intelligence for that matter). Just a hunch.
  7. Winston (and his bottoming out value) to the Pats May be his best move. But if Arians couldn’t get him to step consistently forward, I doubt the Pats can. This is a pride-swallowing situation for him though, no doubt. Clowney to the Jets seems like a face-saving move for both parties. Very interesting.
  8. Agreed. RB and CB should be pretty solid especially. I think both positions slide some during the run on WRs, QBs and OLs. Back half of the first is where we may see the run begin on edge. I suspect Beane and Coach are seeing that as well. Or, I’m 100% wrong and we take Viska. ?
  9. Agh... forgot to carry the one. Damn pinky finger and tenth decimal point!
  10. And it would be almost purely speculation on his part because talks didn’t pick up steam until later. From there, it turned into something. So he would have been completely fibbing if he said it was anything other than an educated guess. Totally agree. And by by no means am I saying Talbot, draft scouts or any of those folks are lying. I’m saying that John is one of the few folks still plugged in with OBD and that some of these other sources are more reliant on agents info. And some are just the equivalent of incarcerated Bob, which is a lie with guessing ability. Definitely didn’t mean to come across any other way. ?
  11. I’ve caused more problems by defending John, then I ever intended. ‘Tis the season. Can I blame any of this on Melvin’s agent, too?
  12. He said he was trying to enjoy time with his wife and I suggested he was on Xbox. Bad joke on my part that’s probably lost on everyone, not just you. Yikes! No worries and each is entitled to their opinion. He and his source could be way off. This is the season of disinformation. There are extremely reputable sources contradicting him (Talbot, etc.). I’m just saying John’s a straight shooter, if not a little feisty. But more important than that... Is that where you want to be when Jesus returns?
  13. Wawrow is extremely plugged in with good contacts so if anyone knows truthfully, it’s typically him. He doesn’t guess and shoots from the hip. Melvin’s team is most likely spreading information to drum up interest in their client (like D Bilbo - his agent) did last year to no avail. JW was in reference to John’s initials. John May be on a Microsoft-driven piece of software that links to the internet, where murder, theft and rampage are not just legal, but universally celebrated.
  14. I heard it was an undercooked lobster tail...
  15. ‘Tis the season! Wawrow is ultra plugged. When there’s this level of disinformation it’s usually agent-fueled (hard glances Mr Bilbo...). And JW is full of crap on just one thing... He’s on his Xbox and he KNOWS IT!
  16. Falcons will pick him up now, most likely.
  17. (Patrick Mahomes, Lamar Jackson and Deshaun Watson have entered the chat) (Deshaun Watson has left the chat)
  18. Parrino is very credible. There’s definitely talks and it may lead somewhere, but I doubt the other listed stuff heavily. Bills are clearly doing due diligence at the RB position though.
  19. This! Not even agents are leaking Bills interest. You don’t know when Beane will strike. You’ll neither hear, see nor expect it. He’s the Spanish Inquisition!
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