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Everything posted by blacklabel

  1. Perry has worn it most of his career and wears it in honor of his family, or something. He was surprised to find out it was available. Maybe it's been available for a while but nobody's ever asked for it? Either way, whatever. OJ is a turd.
  2. Haha. I think Marrone said after a game that he was so worked up over something that he would go home and "probably not even pet my dog." Moody guy, that Marrone. And Zeke is a great big turd sammich. I sincerely hope he smacks his toes off of every piece of furniture he owns. I hope his car runs out of washer fluid at a really inopportune time. I hope the postal services misplaces his packages. I hope he drops his phone in the terlet. I hope his shoes fit poorly so that when he walks he gets a giant blister on his heel. Minor inconveniences because, I, too, like to live dangerously. I don't think he's "troubled" so much as he's arrogant and irresponsible.
  3. He seems to think all his film reviews and number crunching make him infallible, but he's not. This instance is proof he either doesn't know what he's talking about, or has just drummed up some BS to get his name out there in discussions. I dunno if he's familiar with the super simple, age-old formula that you put your best 11 on the field each game, and the best quarterback on LA's roster is.... Phillip Rivers, surprise, surprise. So he'll be starting (obviously) and this nimrod will hopefully fade into oblivion sooner rather than later.
  4. What a buncha crap. The roster has been improved and these dingbats think the team will do WORSE than last season because of it? GTFOH. McDermott is developing a reputation as a coach who can get a lot out of a little. In 2017 he had a real mixed bag of a roster, it definitely wasn't put together how he wanted yet they made the playoffs. They do what they have to do to get their franchise QB and after some demoralizing losses to start the season, the team remained competitive and pulled out six games when everyone knew it was the total rebuild year and figured four wins would be lucky, let alone six. And now the "analysts" mark them down to draft fourth overall next year. That'd mean they'd finish 4-12 or worse (most likely). I hate to sound like a homer but I just don't see this team doing worse than last season. The defense was a strength last season (mostly) and they only got stronger. The offense and OL will take some time to come together but I can certainly see them making some strides in the right direction. You have these guys saying they'll go 4-12 or whatever while other analysts have said "anything less than a playoff appearance would be a disappointment." Nimrods.
  5. Whaley knew in January 2017 he was gone after the draft. This seems like more of a surprise. I hadn't seen any speculation that NYJ was going to shake up their front office.
  6. There was a scouting report I read on him shortly after he was drafted and it made a really good argument on one of his main flaws. It said that the person he trusts the most on the field is himself. Meaning, when things break down or don't go as planned, odds are he's just going to run. Never seemed able to toss up a 50/50 ball and trust that the receiver would come down with it. He seemed to always play hesitant and overly-cautious. It didn't help at all having Doug Marrone and Nate Hackett constantly telling him, "Hey, if the throw isn't there just run, three yards and cloud of dust because we coach football like it's 1978!"
  7. Bruce is his godfather, I believe. EJ's dad and Bruce are like lifelong best buds.
  8. Don't feel bad, man. I went on eBay and bought a bunch of autographed cards of his after he was drafted here. For what they're worth now I'd need 200 of 'em to offset the loss, haha.
  9. Because he's really "just another guy" that can do some things well but there's nothing he's exceedingly great at. Players like that will often be replaced by a younger, cheaper option. Plus, Oakland is rebuilding so a lot of guys signed prior to the current front office are gonna be shown the door. Bills needed a guy with some veteran experience to help out the young group they have. He's probably a good locker room guy, too.
  10. Accurate. Kroft had been their longest-tenured TE with four seasons under his belt but the rest of the gang is inexperienced. Croom started college as a wide receiver, Jake Fisher played tackle until this year, Knox played QB in high school which actually gives him an advantageous understanding of the position, and then he and Sweeney are rookies. I gotta say, I like this group, I really do. Nothing flashy (yet, I have high hopes for Knox) but I think they've done well in addressing this area.
  11. Smith will be that one veteran guy they're trying to make sure they have in every room. I think they keep four and it'll be Kroft, Knox, Croom, and Smith, with Sweeney to the PS.
  12. I wouldn't trade a first round pick for Clowney and I'm pretty sure Beane wouldn't either. The dude's highest sack total was 9.5 in 2017, half a sack more than Trent Murphy had in 2016 and half this board thinks that guy should be cut. Clowney just isn't worth it. Good player, but not the "once in a lifetime generational talent" he was built up to be. And yeah, that's just a numbers comparison. I know Clowney is the better overall defender, he's more disruptive and can line up in a number of different spots. Still wouldn't trade a first. And despite turning 31 in August, Jerry Hughes is still playing really good ball. Sack numbers might not always be there but he's also very disruptive and gets a lot of pressure on the QB. I see no reason why the guy can't continue to play the way he has and if he turns in another solid season I'd be all for paying him again. Give him a two or three-year deal and then after that they can do one-year deals or periodic extensions kind of like how they handled Kyle's contract over his last few years.
  13. Others have already said it but yeah, I never thought Mills was as bad as some on here would make you think. He's inconsistent. He'd have games where he pretty much shut his guy down but he'd follow that up with a clunker where he'd get beat quite a bit. From what I've read, he's a great teammate.
  14. I agree, but one of Beane's traits here is trying to have an established vet with every position group. Right now the longest tenured tight end is Tyler Kroft with four years under his belt. Jake Fisher is converting from tackle, Croom is in year two and Knox/Sweeney are the rookies. Does anyone else get the sense that they might roll with four TE's this season?
  15. Haha, well... that wouldn't make a lot of sense (Hallen) but Beane and McDermott are the two guys most responsible for the direction of this team and it seems like they make a lot of decisions together or at least Beane highly values McDermott's input on things. They just seem to be really synced in with what their vision is and how they go about executing it.
  16. Yeah, I'm a fan of McBeane, it's a combination of the two dudes running this team. Easier than always saying, "Beane and McDermott."
  17. That was my first thought. He is indeed the sports director there so The Athletic must be doing pretty well to be able to lure him away.
  18. That would be an interesting transgression as McCoy wore #29 his rookie year before switching to #25 the following year.
  19. Gabriel is a schmuck. There's a reason he no longer has a job in a front office.
  20. They never officially retired #32 but they took it out of circulation after OJ finished his career in Buffalo.
  21. BW's down the road from the stadium is pretty good. Dinosaur BBQ is good as well but it's a chain and I dunno if you're looking for a Buffalo-exclusive type of spot. Now I want BBQ.
  22. I recognize the quote from the scout so I know I've read this report before but I can't remember who it is... Edit: Oh, wait. It's Tremaine Edmunds.
  23. Sounds like he got a minicamp invite where he'd have to try and earn a spot. Maybe he thinks he should've been drafted or signed outright as a UDFA? Clearly he has some skills and you'd think one team out there would take a shot on him but maybe it's his attitude, who knows.
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