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Everything posted by blacklabel

  1. Good article. On a more random note, did anyone notice his girlfriend (or wife, I'm not sure) in the first episode (I think) of Embedded? She's just about even with him in height, so I went and checked how tall the dude is and he's 6'6". Yowza.
  2. Wow, that's surprising. Daniels is a solid player and he was a captain there, very well respected by teammates. I wonder if the Packers medical staff told coaches that the injury could be something that persists and dogs him going forward. He wasn't making *that* much money there, so the cap excuse is kinda lame, granted, I don't know GB's cap situation. He won't be on the couch for long... unless he willingly chooses to draw out the process in order to skip camp, haha.
  3. Hey pal, you insult my light beer and my dislike for summer again and I'm.... I'm gonna sit right here and do sh*t-all about it.
  4. Yeah, every time I see stuff about work ethic, character, competitiveness, etc. it'll remind me of EJ. Good dude, I'm sure he worked hard as well. He didn't get the best deal in having Marrone/Hackett tell him from day one, "If it isn't there, just run." He already had that mentality in college and I thought it was something he needed to work on but Marrone was all about his 1970s-style power run game so that's what we got. The other thing for EJ that never came together was the mental side of things. I recall reading an article on the official website just before the 2014 season began and it mentioned how he struggled in school quite a bit and needed tutors. Nothing wrong with that, but I'm sure that puts someone even more behind the 8-ball when trying to study/recall/execute all the things a professional QB does. He also looked like he lacked a degree of trust in his teammates. If the play wasn't there as designed, his instinct was to do it himself somehow.
  5. I love the scene earlier when he's trying to scam his landlady and then she sees him with the "mugger" he just saved her from. "You sonofab*tch, how'd you get in here?!? *throws coffee in his face.*
  6. I expect he'll take some strides this season now that they've given him a better OL and WR group. The inaccurate throws are probably gonna be just a part of who he is as a QB. I'm confident he'll improve in that area this season but I think it's something that's always gonna be there. And the Bills are fine with that, Beane said as much. He knows there's a risk of a "WTF throw/play" but he's said they'll deal with that because they know he has the ability to make the big play almost anytime. Again, I think he'll get better but overall, I feel like he'll likely always be a guy that can make you say, "Holy crap that was...bad" one minute and, "Holy crap, how did he do that?" the next. I'll take it after years of seeing guys like Edwards and Taylor be too cautious mixed with the excitement/depression of Fitzmagic, who wasn't afraid to push it down the field but didn't always have the arm to do it, and then throw in scattershot EJ, a year of Kyle Orton and... yeah, I'll take the 6'5" monster who can leap over linebackers and chuck it half a mile.
  7. I saw Siran Neal at Walmart a couple of weeks ago. About ten years ago I ran into Marshawn Lynch at the same Walmart. I know he's not obscure but it was an interesting encounter because he said we should all be Raiders fans. You could tell then that he really wanted to be back in California. It was the same week Jauron got fired and when I asked him about it he just shrugged and said, "Hopefully it's for the best, man, I dunno really what's going on." He's a monster of a dude in person. If you didn't know he was a RB you would think he played LB just by his size. I also have a good friend who's grandfather was president of the Bills Backers for 30+ years, starting sometime in the late 60s/early 70s. He has stories his granddad has passed on about having dinner parties with players such as OJ, Ferguson, Smerlas, etc. He has a lot of unique memorabilia from him as well. He's been working on a project to collect a signature from every player that's ever been on a game day roster. He has a ton from the early years all the way up through the mid-90's (and then the ones he's collected since he was a kid until now) which is I believe when his grandfather retired as the Bills Backers president. I've seen some of his collection and there are definitely tons of obscure signatures from names that no one probably remembers.
  8. Everybody wants to see Josh run less this season, and I agree to an extent. We want him to develop as a passer, obviously, but also no one wants to see him get hurt when he runs with it. But, looking back at last season, I can't recall too many times where he was actually tackled when he ran. Most times he was able to slide or get out of bounds. So, he's smart and protects himself when he does go for it, so I really don't mind if he runs. Just as long as he's pretty sure he doesn't have anywhere to go with the ball or the OL breaks down.
  9. Haha, that was Gus Frerotte. What a dummy. The first SB against Dallas was just an unbelievable disaster on the Bills behalf. Nine friggin' turnovers, OL couldn't protect, etc. I dunno, aside from SBXXV, when I look back, it just seems like as soon as those SB's started, those Bills teams just clammed up and couldn't play the way they usually played. When watching that Four Falls of Buffalo doc a couple years ago, Troy Aikman said something that stuck out to me. He was talking about their second SB against Buffalo and how the Bills had a 13-6 lead at halftime and he said something like, "Heading into the locker room at halftime, I remember looking over at the Bills as they walked off the field and they just did not look like a team that had the lead, didn't look confident." It's a bummer, but those losses really got inside those guys heads and probably interfered with them playing as well as they were capable of.
  10. The topic title is "Tom Brady's face" which I'd like to finish with, "is very punchable."
  11. That's a bit much, I think. I mean, if you wanted, you could nitpick all sorts of things throughout history and eventually find some kind of negative connotation to it. I obviously don't agree with any white nationalist groups using that flag to identify their group/beliefs or whatever, but I also don't agree that it should be pulled off shelves just because it depicts a flag that was used during a time when slavery was legal. That's not what the flag is signifying. Kinda reminds me of how certain people wanna remove certain words from old books because they're offensive. That's just part of American history, you can't rewrite it now, you can only learn from it and move forward.
  12. Dr. Dawkinstein droppin' kah-nowledge. Yeah, this is pretty much it. They'd have a super hard time justifying the expenses incurred on taxpayers if it's an open-air stadium that only gets used for eight football games a year. They'll need a multi-purpose type of place with a roof. I'd vote for a retractable one so they can open it up on the one or two days during the season where it isn't dark, gray and gloomy outside.
  13. Bah, that's the worst. There's a subreddit called r/justrolledintotheshop which has posts by mechanics and whatnot. This reminded me of a post I saw the other day where someone rolled in with a brand new Equinox, 40 total miles, blown transmission. Like, how does that even happen?!
  14. So I'll be here at work for the next seven hours with, "Welcome to West Herr, New Yoooorrrrk!" stuck in my head, so... thanks for that.
  15. I guess I'm confused as to why they say Oliver would make a huge difference in turnovers. Yeah, he's the one big difference from last season's roster to this season's roster but I don't think he's like a forced fumble machine. I'd like to see Tre' come down with more picks and see Hyde and Poyer continue to average about 5 picks each a year.
  16. But, I've read on this very board that the linebackers are suspect and only Edmunds *maybe* has a chance to be marginally mediocre someday. Meanwhile, the DL isn't even cut out to rush a JV QB. It's all true. Cause I read it here.
  17. This dude is a complete moron, consistently has the sh*ttiest takes and cries like a toddler anytime someone calls him out. I'm pretty sure he doesn't actually buy half the crap he spews, just has to get his turd name out there.
  18. There's plenty of blame to go around for that loss, but one of the biggest factors was their stubbornness to adjust to the fact that Belechick's game plan would've allowed Thurman Thomas to have a field day. I mean, he still kinda did, 135 yards on only 15 carries and a TD to take the lead in the 4th. But they wanted to keep throwing it even though the Giants were prepared for that. I get it, the quick-strike, no huddle, throw it all day type of game plan is what got them there but that day they should've just handed it to 34 all day and then take shots with the play action. I think they would've won by a solid margin if they'd done that.
  19. Regardless of the results this season, or next, I don't think they talk extension until he's in the final year of his contract which will be 2021, I believe. For him to get fired, I'd imagine an unmitigated disaster would have to happen. Like the entire team quitting on him or something. But I can't see that happening. Pegulas feel like they found their guy for the long haul and he's gonna be afforded plenty of time to right the ship.
  20. I was gonna post this as well, saw the same tweet from Field Yates yesterday. That's either bad luck or bad scouting by their medical team.
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