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Everything posted by blacklabel

  1. That'll be on Kyle Brandt's Angry Runs segment for sure. Throws the first guy down, then drops the shoulder and #30 gets folded up like a cheap lawn chair. If this is just a glimpse of what's to come with this kid then they got a gem.
  2. Holy crap. Some of y'all act like he's Jerry friggin' Rice. He's a bubble guy that was fortunate to make the team. They see something in him, let him keep working and see what happens. If they brought him up now and he was held without a catch his first game half the people here would go, "Why did they even keep him? Get rid of him!" Calm thy tiddies.
  3. NFL Refs: Number 17 sneezed in my general vicinity, possibly exposing me to some degree of illness. I believe he also committed a drive-by gaseous emission near me as I feel my nostrils have been accosted. 600 yard penalty, $5 billion dollar fine and number 17 is never ever allowed to play the foosball again. He's grounded too! *Tom Brady eats an infant belonging to the same NFL ref and slaps the refs wife with a tackhammer.* NFL Refs: I'd like to thank Mr. Brady for choosing my kid as his ritual sacrifice to stay in shape. My wife also says, "Thank you, may I have another?" No flag on the play and Mr. Brady is awarded 12 extra touchdowns by me for the inconvenience I caused him when I failed to supply him with ketchup for his babyfeast.
  4. Don't think it's a "must win" but it's definitely a should win game. Bengals seem to play them pretty close and I think the last meeting ended in a close win for them. I think this is a perfect game to turn the big dogs on the DL loose. Bengals OL is beat up and not playing well. Let the DL throw all kinds of stuff at them and keep Dalton rattled all game. I wish Singletary was playing as Cinci struggles to contain speed to the edge but what can you do. It's tough not to get your hopes up given that the whole thing just feels different this time. In years past when they've had hot starts they didn't really have the cohesion among the players and coaches that this current group has. In years past, most Bills teams that faced adversity seemed to implode. This group seems stronger than that. And they seem humble, motivated, and focused. Just seems like a whole different thing.
  5. He's certainly played better than Cousins, Mariota, and Newton... probably Murray as well. Whatever.
  6. I saw so many posts this week about how nothing was going to come of this stuff. I kept thinking, "Wait until Friday..." because Friday (afternoons especially) is when a lot of news comes from the league. I dunno whether or not the Pats know he's in deep doodoo over the accusations thrown at him, or if they were just tired of dealing with his crap. Either way, he can go kick rocks.
  7. Daahahahaha. Good on them for cutting this moron.
  8. Stadium policy and their prices are outrageous. I'm still salty that they wouldn't let me grab a pair of Bills sunglasses for the 2013 home opener. It was my wife's (then fiancee) first game and I went to grab a pair for her from one of the dozens upon dozens of boxes they had of them and some stadium weenie runs over, "Those are for the kids!" I look around and see just about everyone else coming through the gates is being handed a pair. I said "Whatever" and dropped them back in the box, it was hot and I wasn't gonna debate over a pair of cheapos, but still, relax guy. I guess it depends on which gate you go through, some employees are like, "Yeah, yeah, go through" and others act like they're gonna win a Nobel Peace Prize if they find one random guy with a tiny joint in his sock or something.
  9. I'd assume the player would have to find a way to get over it if he wanted to be on an NFL team. I've read that the main guy from the band Breaking Benjamin is petrified of flying, so his band doesn't do a whole lot of touring/concerts overseas. He's said before that he'll go as far as a boat can take him.
  10. I like what he can do as a pass-catcher, seems to be pretty good at finding ways to get open. Former second-round pick, I thought he'd be a tad more productive than he has been but he's another 'Bama RB that had the benefit of a monster OL in front of him.
  11. Let him heal up, don't rush back from something like a hammy or else it could turn into a season-long thing that slows him down. Credit to the team's medical staff, as well. Doesn't appear they're in the business of rushing players through a half-assed rehab process just to get them on the field. Seems like they're very well-organized in terms of rehab plans and timelines for returns. Knox missed most of camp with a hammy, came back ready for the season, and the injury doesn't seem to be affecting him at all. I'd rather have a full-go #26 for the Pats than an injured one for the Bengals. I might be in the minority here, but I'm interested to see what Yeldon can do.
  12. Right? The guy hasn't even had a chance to show what he can do in this offense. I'm not saying he's gonna come in and put up Gronk-type numbers, but the dude deserves a chance at the least. Obviously the front office brought him in for a reason. And on-field performance is only part of the equation for McBeane when they're adding players to this team. Pat DiMarco is a prime example. People on here call him useless because he doesn't have a huge impact on the field, but not every single player does. They've been putting him in motion on offense to help Allen identify coverage, and then he's on all three special teams units. But, his leadership and approach to the game is a big reason why he's here. When trying to guesstimate which free agents this team might be interested in, look for the guys with a strong off-field reputation. But yeah, overall there seems to be quite a few people who see/hear one or two things and they start saying, "Bah, cut him and save tree-fiddy on dat cap!" Murphy last season was a good example of this. Guy was still recovering from injuries, wasn't 100%, still made some plays here and there. Now he's healthy and he looks like he's getting back into that 2016 form where he racked up 9.5 sacks and was top five in the league in QB pressures. What's more, is if McBeane DID decide to cut Kroft and he went elsewhere, the first time he catches a TD pass there'd be fifty people on here blasting the team for cutting him, half those people would probably be ones that had previously called for his dismissal, haha. Can't win!
  13. It's especially rough during a game where they're getting their asses handed to them.
  14. Dude played in 46 out of 48 games over his first three seasons (missing two games in 2016) and then missed 11 games last season. So it's not like the guy has been a walking injury for his entire career, he just had some bad mojo last season and it's carried over to this season. It happens.
  15. If you have Verizon for your cell provider, there's a good chance the NFL app is already on your phone and it streams games. I'm not sure if there are restrictions based on location or anything but it's worked for me in a pinch before.
  16. I did that once in a Burger King parking lot after a Hatebreed show. I don't recommend it. I also don't recommend riding an hour in a sh*tbox old van that circulates a horrible exhaust smell that makes you yell, "Pull over!" only to be met with, "We aren't stopping for food!" and then, "I don't want any f'n food but if you want the back of your van to stay barf-free, pull over." And then when I walked back to the van I was asked, "Did everything come out okay?" Jerks.
  17. Not to worry. They'll sign the kid sweeping floors down the street at the Whole Foods and turn him into an All-Pro by Friday.
  18. In watching that Four Falls of Buffalo a few years back, you could see that this play still stings for the guy. He just shakes his head and says, "I don't know how in the world he held onto the ball, but he did."
  19. Yeah, that sounds about right, haha. I'm not certain but that sounds like something he'd do/say. He's kind of a putz. Great player, not the greatest teammate.
  20. Yeah, Ben's been contemplating retirement for a while now, this might tip the scales for him. It's been rumored that coaches/team officials had to do a little convincing to get him back for this year.
  21. Definitely possible. It just seemed like they got real nitpicky as the game went on. They're all a buncha nerds that make the game difficult to enjoy at times haha.
  22. Lawson might not show much on the stat sheet but he was noticeable on most of his snaps. Created some pressure, I think he batted down a pass, I feel like while he might not be a sack monster, he has a pretty good all around game. Siran Neal was also flashing a lot today, as many have said, and Bojorquez had a great day.
  23. I thought the flag was weak. Defender drags Allen down by the collar, clubbing him in the head in the process then flops when Ford gives him a little shove. Refs this game sucked.
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