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Everything posted by blacklabel

  1. Yowza, that sounds horrible. It's kinda concerning me so many other people are chiming in with, "Oh yeah, had those too." How common are they? How does one prevent them?
  2. I think Rex would be a fun guy to grab a beer with and let him tell all kinds of wild stories he's seen from his days in the NFL. He's a relatively entertaining guy at the least. Overrated as a coach and lacks awareness (i.e. fixes what isn't broken). Mayfield isn't playing well at the moment but neither is most of the Browns offense, the OL especially. Collinsworth kept pointing it out on Sunday night that unless Mayfield was able to unload the ball within two seconds he was in trouble as the line just didn't hold up. However, there were several plays I saw where they did give him a clean pocket and he bailed after his first read. I don't think Browns management made a great decision in giving Kitchens the HC job, especially with the types of egos on that team. I really have no idea what Kitchens is like but from what I understand he seems to be a decent X's and O's guy, but appears to be seriously lacking in leadership. They lose a few more games in the next month or two and a heavy percentage of that roster is gonna check out on the guy and they'll be looking for another HC by January.
  3. OP's question answered... but I thought I'd just make myself look like a dingus and say that I had no idea Notre Dame was in Indiana until I was like 24, haha.
  4. Seems very elusive... although he won't have much luck going backwards in the NFL. Defenders are just too quick.
  5. Cowplops. Just get sick of hearing about them. Even when they're terrible they're talked about. Part of the reason I pretty much completely stopped watching any pre-game shows, or any talking head stuff. It's all just drivel at this point. Can't say I flat out hate Washington, I actually kinda feel bad for the players there because Snyder is such a chode. A good buddy of mine is a Giants fan who hates Philly so whenever those two play I'll join in that Philly hate a little. Can't hate 'em too much since they beat the Pats in the Super Bowl, so. NFC teams don't get me riled up nearly as much as AFC teams. Lately I just can't stand the friggin' Jets. All off-season they were hyped up because they signed Bell and Mosley while the pundits just ignored the fact that they hired a coach who couldn't lead a group of Cub Scouts to a campsite if he'd been given a map and dropped off ten feet from the location. Guy has no heart whatsoever, a spineless, googily-eyed dweeb.
  6. I figured it'd be Peko over Taylor since Peko's been here longer and has more experience/knowledge in this defense.
  7. Burleson is kind of a weenie. I feel like he might still be figuring out his broadcaster/on-air persona, but the guy is way too quick to crown things. After week one he was on CBS calling Sammy Watkins the best receiver in the league just based on that first game. I get that these guys gotta make comments like these sometimes but Burleson seems like a guy who's always doing that so it kinda diminishes his thoughts/opinions. And yeah, he picked Cinci as his absolute lock of the week. I mean, you gotta kinda have a negative slant towards Buffalo at that point. They've been playing good ball and the Bengals had just got slapped by San Fran, but they were gonna be the sure thing? Bah.
  8. I think for a guy like him it's gonna be really important to finish his career on his terms. If he's forced out by injury or his behavior, that could send him back down that spiral again.
  9. Welp, the same thing said for Allen right now can also be said for Edmunds, he's only started what, 18 NFL games? And he's still only 21, and switched positions from college to the pros. He's been saddled with a ton of responsibility, has been voted a captain and has teammates depending on him to run the defense. That's a lot to throw at a second-year player, but I think he's up for it. What I think I see is that there are times where he's still thinking too much, and that's probably a byproduct of him still learning the intricacies of playing MLB and they've likely added more schemes to the defense that he has to know. I think he has enough talent to turn the corner and catch fire as an MLB. I think he needs to make a big play to give himself a confidence boost. And if for some reason it doesn't work for him at MLB, they can always shift him outside.
  10. Obviously it's never easy against the Pats, but if there was a time and a team to get it done, this Sunday with this Bills team might be it. They're riding a three-game win streak, however they know that they haven't gone in an obliterated any opponents. They've played tough football, overcome mistakes/bad breaks and have earned three hard-fought victories. I think these guys will be jazzed up to take on the Pats. The challenge for the coaches is to keep these guys level and playing within the systems and not letting their emotions run too wild and cost them yards/points, etc. It'd be great if Edelman can't go, but I've been watching Brady and Belichick steamroll Bills team after team for 20 years now and, honestly, it seems like they could be down a dozen starters and they still wouldn't miss a beat. Develin being out is big... but again, NE's ability to plug and play and succeed with almost any player/position is ridiculous. I joked last week when I read the news on their left tackle Wynn going on IR. I said they'd probably find some kid sweeping floors at a Whole Foods and turn him All-Pro by Saturday. Their defense is maybe the best group Belichick has ever put out there. Not one offensive TD allowed so far. But... they did play the hapless Steelers, the white-flag waving Dolphins, and the New Jersey Spleen Machines. Daboll is gonna have to craft one of, if not his best game plan yet and the offense can't afford to muck it up like they have a few times this season. They can't shoot themselves in the foot against NE, not even a little, because they'll capitalize on that mistake in a heartbeat. I do feel like the offense has had some series' where they've been rolling and the only thing that's stopped them was themselves. A bad penalty or a turnover and the drive stalls. Can't have that against NE, not against their D. As for Buffalo's defense, I'm sure the coaches will be preaching/practicing having the DL get their hands up to bat down passes because Brady is (as usual) getting rid of it in about 0.004 seconds on any given snap. I think they'll also have to find some creative ways to produce pressure up the middle because that's where Brady really struggles. If his pocket isn't clean from the middle, he falters. He's amazingly good at sidesteps and subtle movements inside the pocket when the pressure comes from the left or the right, but when it's coming right at him is when teams have success in slowing him down. Also, he's 42 friggin' years old, someone please remind him of that with a monster hit. Everyone's gonna need to be on their A game to even have a chance. Go Bills. Also, anytime I see the phrase "dare to..." all I can think of is Weird Al's "Dare to be Stupid."
  11. Oh yeah, you ain't wrong. I'm prepared for an implosion at some point. I obviously don't want that and am not expecting it, but they're still a young team finding their way and they're likely to hit some speed bumps this season. I just hope it doesn't come against a team like Miami who have just completely mailed it in for this year. I'd like for them to continue this trend of beating teams they're supposed to beat.
  12. I can understand how the lack of national attention/recognition can kinda get on our nerves as fans. It even wears on the players some. After the game, Tre' was asking Matt Fairburn (I think) to write about things that'll hopefully get some attention. I even argued with a dude on The Athletic's comment section that it's alright for a player to want a little recognition, especially after a solid game. His argument was that the Bills haven't done anything worthy of recognition and said that all the players should be like the 90s Bills and just prove it on the field. Never mind the fact that those 90s teams were loaded with guys who had monster egos. Bruce Smith talked himself up in a 1991 SI interview and Darryl Talley campaigned for himself to get in the Pro Bowl, so... anyway... The thing I try to keep in mind when hearing/reading the schlock that these "experts" come up with is this: these guys are paid to make inflammatory comments in order to generate attention and discussion from the viewer base. Some of these nimrods come up with stuff that's so ridiculous that I feel like they can't even believe it themselves, but during a production meeting someone said to say it because ratings or whatever and here we are. Schopp is a perfect example of this. I've heard that the guy himself is a genuinely good dude and that he's almost "playing a character" on WGR. He blurts out all sorts of idiocy in order to get people to call in and disagree with him, which is precisely what they want. It's just how sports media works these days. They pay attention to the big markets and usually shower them in positive praise. With the smaller markets, they'll acknowledge when a team has had some success, but it usually comes with the caveat of, "Yeah, they beat so and so, BUT, that team had some injuries and the coach had the sniffles so they obviously weren't at their best, so how much can we really trust that Small Market Team A is actually good?" It gets pretty old after a while, but that's the shtick, at least IMO. I prefer the shows that just have honest discussion without too much opinion thrown in. I know it's a pure homer show but that's why I enjoyed One Bills Live a few years ago when I was working 4p-12a shifts and could catch the show before heading into work. It's just general Bills talk with a more positive slant and hey, that's alright.
  13. I'd assume the heat has something to do with it, although whenever I consider that I also consider that so many of these players are from hot-ass southern states so they're probably used to playing in the heat. If the Bills find any sorta way to have their worst game against Miami at either game this year, then I am just gonna lose it.
  14. That's classic. Agholor's response is fantastic, good on him. I've never been to Philly, but I worked a customer service job like 14 years ago and once spoke to a 60-something year old lady from Philly who went on for a solid 15 minutes about how she'd lived there here whole life and how the city is the worst. She referred to it as the "City of Brotherly Shove." Like any city, I'm sure there are great parts and not so great parts. But Philly fans do have a reputation that precedes them at this point.
  15. He might not enjoy playing here so much if this trend continues for him: Since McDermott took over in 2017, Brady has more interceptions than passing TDs against Buffalo (3 TDs/4 INTs). It is kinda cool of him to compliment the gameday atmosphere up here. It's also been cool to see comments from that one Bengals coach who said the Cap was louder than Seattle! Keep it going, youse crazy fans youse.
  16. Yeah, this is what's up. The Jets were off-season darlings because they added Mosley and Bell, but I was like, "Uh, they hired a guy who can't lead a pack of first graders to safety during a fire drill, let alone a pro football team." Browns got hype for winning five of their last seven games to close out 2018 and the OBJ trade pushed them into the "contender" conversation, but again, coaching. Kitchens definitely seems way in over his head right now. Undisciplined with all the penalties and Kitchens has never been in a situation before where he has to try and manage so many egos. People bag on the culture stuff constantly, but it's true. You need to have everyone on the same page working for the same things. The route they're going is more sustainable, I think.
  17. Man, that's a bummer. Looked like the dude was on his way to a breakout year. Hope everything heals up well and he can get back next year.
  18. Don't know if it was ever revealed exactly what exploded in his hand, but this here SI article is probably the most informative piece out there.
  19. I saw this on the EverythingBuffalo Instagram along with screenshots from texts, one was EverythingBuffalo asking if they could post the video on their social media, and they also asked, "Is he alright?" The response was, "We're 3-0, he'll be fine."
  20. Since they drafted him, my thought on Allen has been, "They'll probably have to live with him making a knucklehead play here and there, but when it's crunch time, he just seems to step up and get it done." He's a gamer. In years past whenever this team was down by one score late in a game, I rarely ever had confidence that they could complete the comeback and win the game. (In fact, I feel like the only time they did that was against Miami in 2016, only to allow Miami to march right down the field and win the game anyway, eff youse, Rex!) But now, if they're down, it doesn't feel like it's over as long as he gets a chance with the ball. And the guys rally around him, they have confidence and belief that he's gonna get it done. That's something this team has been without for a long time. I'm sure teammates had a lot of love for Tyrod, he's a good dude, decent player, but I wonder if any of them really ever felt like, "He's clutch, he's gonna throw us on his back and get the win." Not much in his history suggests that he's that kinda guy, but it's the opposite for Allen and it's great to see it as a fan.
  21. The one from Juzcyzszkyzkyk looks more like a hip toss, haha. Cool to see, but Knox rolled two dudes and set them up to win the game on that play.
  22. He was a wildman out there. The big catch and run was ridiculous, basically throws down the first defender by his face, then drops the shoulder and crumples the next guy. Those guys might spend some extra time in the ice tub today.
  23. Still can't believe they called a jet sweep to a TE, haha. Don't think I've ever seen them run anything like that. Knox is a heck of an athlete, tho, so why not, right? Love it.
  24. Pay them no mind. Mike Florio is a pencil-necked geek. Yeah, pop gun...they've only produced like eight 70+ yard TD drives and are near the top of the league in percentage of red zone trips that end in TDs.
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