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Everything posted by blacklabel

  1. Good article, thanks for posting it, Yolo. From the start, when they drafted the kid, my thoughts on him have been this: He's a gamer. It's not always gonna be pretty, it's not always gonna go down the way fans would like to see it go down (you know, like he said, rack up 300 yards and beat their opponent by 42 points every game), he's gonna have some rough stretches here and there. But when the game is on the line, it really feels like they're always gonna have a shot with him under center. He just has that air to him and he's already shown it several times in his short career. The other thing he's shown so far is the ability to take to coaching and make genuine adjustments and improvements to his game. The article highlighted it perfectly, he struggled mightily on shorter throws last season but this year he's one of the best in the league at it. Seeing that improvement helps reassure me that he'll start hitting on the deep throws as well. Again, he's only 17 games into his career, hasn't seen every defensive look out there, hasn't played all 31 other teams, he's still gaining experience. And what better way to gain experience by winning in the process? I think he's gonna be a good one. I think more fans need to accept the fact that he's probably gonna make you scratch your head now and then, but in between those moments he's also gonna have times where you're picking your jaw up off the floor because you can't believe he just completed the pass that he did.
  2. I'mma take a wild guess here and say...whine. They wanna whine.
  3. Have the point spreads changed at all? I know some posters here keep up with that stuff. A buddy at work gets these pick'em tickets and on it it gives Philly +3.
  4. It's rough on gamedays when they aren't playing so hot. I got a 3-day suspension for sharing my thoughts on that sometime last year, haha. Definitely a ton of knee-jerk overreactions.
  5. Good read. Goff and McVay's setup has been known for a while and I've wondered if other teams have tried that. Leave it to Belichick, of course, to find the exact right way to defend against that.
  6. Seems like a bit much for Sanu. And I guess I don't get the love-fest for Green. Guy has been beat up the last two seasons and is 31 already. If they were to trade for a Bengals receiver I'd rather it be Tyler Boyd at this point. I just don't think Green has that much left in the tank.
  7. I had to laugh when I saw Belichick trying not to smile over Gase declining both those penalties. Got a lotta respect for Belichick but I'm always gonna put an asterisk next to his name based on his pushing the envelope with the rules. Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern. Guy just always searches for the competitive advantage, even if it means stepping over the line with the rules.
  8. I think they're still bringing him along kinda slowly. They aren't asking him to do too much. That's kinda the mantra of this team, isn't it? No real superstars but the way they come together as a team is what keeps them in games. Is there gonna be a time where he's gonna have to step up and save the day? Sure. I'd say he kinda saved it yesterday going 10 of 11 for 112 yards and two TDs in the second half and led a 98-yard drive to score the TD which gave them the lead that they never gave back. Certainly we'd all like to see him connect on those deep passes. That's gotta happen and I believe it will. Beyond that, though, week in and week out there is so much focus on Allen. And I get it, the QB position is the most scrutinized position in sports. But the offense as a whole really wasn't firing on all cylinders yesterday, either. Pre-snap penalties, holding penalties that wiped out decent plays, drops, OL struggling with some pressure, etc. They were rusty coming out of the gate. But that stuff doesn't always get mentioned. It's just, "Josh bad! Josh frow ball and ball not go to receiver! Josh bad!" Some of these "experts" devote paragraph after paragraph to breaking down his accuracy and all that, without mentioning that just about every game this season, 60-70% of his incompletions are throw-aways or drops. It's like he's held to a standard he can never reach because whenever he gets close, people wanna move the goalposts. I think he and Daboll are fine. Consistency is good, second year in the system, more familiarity with it, etc. Sometimes I think Daboll tries to get a little too crafty. I mean, yesterday they seemed like they were able to run the ball really well, yet he got away from that for whatever reason. But I do try to keep in mind the philosophy behind this offensive system is that they aim to adjust from week to week in order to exploit weaknesses in their opponents defense. So some weeks they may ask Allen to throw it 40 times, others it might be the Gore/Singletary show, it's just how they wanna run things. Does Allen have some areas where he needs to improve? Sure. Does the offense as a whole have areas they need to improve? Definitely. But a W is a W. Victories can only help this team build confidence and more belief in themselves and with that hopefully the execution will start getting smoother and they'll really start clicking.
  9. A win is a win. I don't think many folks here, if any, were crowning this defense as an all-time great one. They're playing very well, though. Top of the league in a number of defensive categories, have yet to allow more than 17 points in a game. Everyone knows one of Fitz's strength's is getting the ball out fast, big part of the reason the OL's he had during his time here looked a little better than they were. Miami plays hard. They're not just gonna roll over and let teams beat 'em up and down the field. Is the team a mess? Yeah, they have a rag-tag roster of second and third string guys playing but those guys are gonna play their tails off because they wanna prove that they can hang in this league. You're not gonna get any players that are gonna buy into tanking a season because players aren't gonna go out there and put their bodies on the line just to lose so the franchise can get higher draft picks that will be brought in to take these guys' jobs. I think Jordan Phillips said it after the game, Phins play hard, but things tend to unravel for them in the second half. And you sure can win games 17-13, or 21-14, or 16-13, a W is a W.
  10. Well yeah... why take a premiere edge rusher when they already had terrors like Dwan Edwards and Alex Carrington?!
  11. It's been said by a number of players that have come over from other teams that the Bills treat their players with a lot of respect. Some organizations treat their players more like property and can be pretty cold. I'm sure they wanted the best for Zay, they obviously wanted him to flourish here, but it just didn't happen. I mean, surely it didn't help that they were unsettled at QB, and in Zay's first two seasons here the Bills were 31st in pass attempts for 2017, and 28th for 2018. So, not a whole lot of chances to shine if you're a receiver on a team that prefers to run the ball. Now, granted, that's changed in 2019 as the Bills currently sit at 12th in the league in passing attempts per game with about 35, so, in theory that should've created more chances for Zay but he just fell behind some of the other receivers on the roster and never quite recovered. Wish him all the best in Oakland. Seems like a good kid, works hard, team player, etc. May have peaked in college, though.
  12. They wanted Cam, I don't think Buddy has minced any words about that. If there was a redraft, though, given the benefit of hindsight, I'd take Miller over Cam and Dareus.
  13. Yep, especially with how DBs have to play these days. Back then you could mug a guy, take his wallet AND the ball and no flag.
  14. Night Train holds the record for picks in a single season, snagged 14 while with the Rams in 1952.
  15. I think I gave him a B+... somehow I must've suffered severe brainfarts between voting and scrolling down to type a reply. Ha! I think he's a solid coach. I've said this before and others have pointed it out but he knows how to get a lot out of a little. The 2017 roster wasn't loaded by any means but he gets them to 9-7 and a Wild Card in his first year. We knew 2018 was destined to be the "growing pains" season and although they looked out of their element at times, they were able to get six victories and some invaluable experience for their rookie QB. I think a lot of folks assumed 2020 would be the season where they'd "arrive for real" but it looks as if they might be a year early, at this point in the season, anyway. Even though this is an entirely different organization from top to bottom, it's still difficult, as a fan, to be confident that they aren't gonna find a way to implode and start 4-1 and finish 7-9 or something. It's not as difficult as it has been in the past but those hot starts/lousy finishes in '08 and '11 still haunt us. I have a lot more confidence now than I did back then, though. He's gotten every player and coach to buy in, and if someone (player or coach) isn't buying in or isn't producing, it seems as though he can see that and make changes as needed. He's installed a culture, he's created confidence, he's created chemistry among players and coaches and he has these guys playing for one another. Yeah, surely he'll have some mishaps here and there, as every coach does, but given what he's been able to accomplish so far, I don't think there's a whole lot of room to complain. Maybe I shoulda gave him an A.
  16. Doh! I hope it isn't too serious. I'm a bit confused on Foster... wasn't he a healthy scratch for the first few games? Something about them wanting him to develop more and keep earning it... and then somewhere along the lines he was inactive because of injury. Am I kinda right or...?
  17. I'll give ol' Rexy-boy credit on this one. He wanted this guy here right from the start and the dude has been nothing but a class act and great player since arriving.
  18. I don't think either of these guys makes this defense lose sleep at night. In fact, the more they play, the more confident they seem and at this point I don't think they're intimidated by anyone.
  19. I think they fear overturning too many calls because they feel like it'll empower coaches/teams to call more challenges and eventually push for additional challenges to be added as well as more rule changes/tweaks. It seems as though they believe if they just stick with what they called, coaches will be dissuaded from throwing the red flag. Seems like they want coaches to think, "Well, they're not going to change it anyway, so why waste my time-out?" Big dumb Al Riveron has a lot to do with it as well. He's a complete schmuck. Officiating makes this game more and more difficult to enjoy every season. If they don't realize that and do something to fix it soon, it's gonna end up going down in history as an element that eventually helped killed the game. Jackwagons, all of 'em. They have too much of an impact on the game and when things come down to the wire between two teams there seems to be two schools of thought in officiating: "let 'em play" where they call virtually nothing, or they call every little thing (in some cases calling BS penalties that you know they've ignored all game). I'm in whichever group thinks the entire rulebook needs to be shredded and rewritten from the ground up. Only way to fix all their convoluted crapola.
  20. I'm not sure why, but it still kinda baffles me that some people expect these rookies to come out of the gate as if they're All-Pro already. The college game isn't doing much to prepare OL for the pros right now. Guys barely line up with their hand in the dirt and there isn't a whole lot of scheming. Takes time to get used to the speed of the NFL game and it takes time to develop skills these guys didn't really work on in college. I think Ford will be alright. At worst he's a capable RT, at best he could be a Pro Bowl guard. He's five games into his NFL career, let's pump the brakes a little bit before we go calling him a bust or saying he was drafted too high.
  21. Carolina is 4-2 with an undrafted backup at QB. In fact, they are 4-0 with Kyle Allen starting (5-0 going back to last season). I think it'd be Cam that's done. I think his body is just shot at this point and it's started to mess with him psychologically because he definitely doesn't seem to play with confidence or urgency when he does play.
  22. I agree with most everyone else on Quinn. That team just doesn't look prepared to compete week in and week out. He won't be out of work long, as someone already mentioned, he'll make a good D coordinator somewhere. I think Kitchens gets the full season just to see how it all shakes out. Browns seem like they're gonna be a up and down team all season. Wouldn't be surprised if Zac Taylor is one in done down in Cincinnati. This trend of hiring anyone who was once within ten feet of Sean McVay doesn't appear to be the best strategy.
  23. Barf @ the Jets winning. I just can't stand Gase's bug-eyed fartface. Seems like the kinda guy that'd kick in the door to a children's birthday party to tell them Santa isn't real. Friggin' turd.
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