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Everything posted by blacklabel

  1. He hesitated on that Philly run and then got smacked in the chops as Sanders zipped by him. I dunno if he's thinking too much instead of trusting his eyes and reacting or what's going on. Collectively, I'd say everyone on defense has been responsible for the big runs in one way or another. Hard to saddle it all on one guy. After a rough first half, they seemed to shut things down in the second half but that was maybe because they put eight in the box since they didn't really have to worry about Haskins throwing it. They probably won't be able to do that against better QBs but it worked for Sunday. Hopefully they continue to figure it out.
  2. That's neat. It's just that standards for the passing game have elevated so much since '93. Back then, yeah, Kelly's stats looked good. Today, people look at Allen's identical stats and think, "He a bum!" I think he'll get there, though.
  3. I'd rather see them move to a city starved for an NFL team, or at least a city that will give half a crap. Chargers home games right now are a joke. Watched them against Pittsburgh a few weeks ago and the stands were plastered with Terrible Towels. Caught some of their game against Green Bay this past Sunday and it was definitely a GB crowd. If they do move to London, I'd imagine it'd be a tough sell to draw in free agents.
  4. The offense is still a work in progress. Nine new starters, lot of turnover, continuing to game plan so that your QB has room to improve while limiting opportunities for mistakes at the same time. It's a delicate balance. The defense has been pretty good, they keep this team in games, but the offense still isn't at a point where they can afford a pick or two and still overcome.
  5. Schedule this, schedule that, blah blah blah. They didn't make the schedule. They didn't hire Crazy Eyes Gase, they didn't twist Miami's tiddies into tank mode, they didn't hire Zac Taylor, they have exactly zero to do with the teams they've played being dumpster fires this season. I'm convinced that they'd still be perceived exactly as they are now even with a victory over the Pats, Eagles, or both. Analysts have zero belief that this team is for real even if they'd been ripping through teams this season and winning every game by 30 points. It'd go like this.. *Monotone delivery* "The Bills beat the Patriots today, 67-9. They picked off Tom Brady eleven times and held Julian Edleman to one catch for negative 84 yards. The Bills are now 14-0 and have yet to allow a touchdown this season. They are well on their way to winning their 59th consecutive Super Bowl. *With all the excitement of a five-year-old who just got his first Nintendo* "Let's talk about Tom Brady's cleat choice!! Good gravy, did you see those pretty pink sneakers glitter and shine under the lights?? What a miraculous, amazing, incredible, godlike, tremendous, phenomenal, amazingly brave, courageous man to have the skill to wear those cleats so splendidly! Good lord, I'd let the man slap my face and steal my wife!" Something like that. I can't wait for the endless discussion this week about Baker Mayfield's f'n facial hair. What's more important here, is who in the h-e-dubble-hockeystix names their kid Baker?
  6. This might be the first time I've seen this kinda sentiment on this or any of the Bills boards I've been around. I have a hard time with "fans" that constantly trash players. Instead of just saying a guy hasn't played well you get people calling him trash, waste of space, waste of money, worthless, etc. And usually it's coming from someone who probably wheezes when they peel themselves off the couch to go get another fistful of pizza.
  7. Bad things, maaaannn.... Not a Browns game, but one of the more weird things I've seen in a Bills game is that Pats game from 2008 where the wind was so bad the goalposts were bent over. I can't recall if that 6-3 turdfest had high winds or if that was the 8-0 blizzard. Browns are hangin' by a thread in terms of the playoff picture. I just don't think Kitchens has enough buy-in and trust from that team to get them to rally. Lot of egos, lot of aggravation when things aren't going their way, etc. I wonder at what point players will start checking out and looking towards next season where they might be hoping they'll be playing elsewhere or at least under a different staff if they stay in Cleveland. A weird thing I'd like to see happen is an all-out dominant Bills victory. No hanging on by the opponent, no tripping over themselves at the two yard line and going backwards for three straight plays, etc. Also, no overly-cutesy/creative stuff from Daboll. Don't get me wrong, I think he has some creative play designs and the pre-snap motion seems to be effective at times, but at some point they really need to define their bread and butter plays and build around that in order to create an identity.
  8. He may not rack up a ton of sacks but he routinely provides pressure. He might be having a bit of a down year but clearly they think he can still be effective. Also, and I've said this before, some players are here for more than just their on field performance. Hughes is one of those guys. He may not have a C on his jersey but he's a locker room OG, he's a guy that other guys can go to for advice and he's a guy that can communicate with coaches to give them a read on the locker room. This staff also loves his energy, his work ethic, and his approach. They want guys like him on this team so younger players can see how this staff wants things done. On top of that, McDermott's defenses, save for a season or two in Carolina when they had some beasts up front on the DL, have never been the type of defenses that rack up crazy sack numbers. They consistently rush four and they don't do a whole lot of blitzing, stunts or other types of disguises to create pressure. They depend on their guy beating the guy across from them. I get it, people wanna criticize the team. People find concerns and come here to voice them, as silly as some of them seem. But they're 6-2... I'm really not that concerned if they don't have a pair of edge rushers with 15 sacks apiece already. These guys also have specific assignments from play to play. They aren't told to go get the QB on every single play. They have gap assignments, edge responsibility, etc. But for some people here, if they aren't seeing astronomical numbers and stats from some of these guys then they're crap. "He only gots 4 sacks, he crap! The other dude make too much money and he only got two sacks, he crap! He's stealin' money from MAH POCKET with his under-performing ways and DANGNABBIT I am gonna piss and moan like an impotent jerk all over this board!" Yeesh. Yeah, I admit it'd be nice to get a bit more out of the pass rush but as it stands, they're middle of the league in terms of sacks/pressures right now so that's not really a major concern. Run defense was shaky to start yesterday but definitely shut things down in the second half. That'd be my main concern for the defense, continuing to stop the run.
  9. He spilled his chocolate milk a few days ago a d is still sore about it.
  10. I'm not gonna kick any tires. They didn't do anything to me, you know? Moncrief is JAG, don't know that he's an upgrade over anyone in the Bills WR room right meow.
  11. Imagine being lil' Joshy McDaniels, grinding away year after year for like 19 seasons now, stuck with the organization because he believes he's being groomed to take over once ol' Bill retires. But then Bill says, "You know what, I feel pretty good. I was gonna hang it up at 70 but I think I'll keep going." Then Bill hits 78 and says, "I'mma give the reins to my boy, Steve. Sorry, Josh." Couldn't happen to a douchier douche than McDaniels.
  12. Yay, go me! Haha. This Taylor kid looks like he has some real potential. I gotta assume he's a definite upgrade because I can't see him doing any worse than Peko. And speaking of him, I'm sure he'll wind up back on the PS.
  13. I think I mentioned it in another thread but yeah, word coming out of DC is that he's had some difficulty in picking up the playbook. Earlier in the week there was a report that said Peterson had a talk with him and told him to really dive into the playbook. As Yolo explains below, the offensive system they're running is pretty intricate and now that the guy who ran it is no longer the head coach, they've been trying to tweak it and simplify it a bit for Haskins.
  14. Hopefully this won't be one of those instances where an inexperienced/backup QB catches fire. We've seen that happen before. Read some stuff the other day that said Haskins has really struggled to learn the playbook. So much so that they're having trouble finding ways to teach him. I don't think that bodes well for their game plan, seems like they'll be limited to pretty standard/basic designs. Bills should be ready.
  15. Never encountered any Philly fans, but on the flipside, I was at the big victory over Green Bay in 2014 and sat next to some GB fans and they were super nice. Even when the Bills had a good play they'd be like, "Aw man, that was just a really good play." They congratulated us after the game and I said the Bills were lucky Jordy Nelson dropped a deep one that he would've likely taken to the house untouched.
  16. I love the nightlife... I got to boogie...
  17. Schopp's playing a character. It's his job to elicit responses from people. I think the best way he's found to get those responses is to have unpopular opinions that he doesn't waver on. If he gets you riled up then he's done his job.
  18. As a kid I would pick favorite teams based on uniform colors. First, I liked the orange and black of Cincinnati, until the 49ers ruined my day by beating them in the Super Bowl. Then, I thought the Raiders were cool...until Buffalo destroyed them 51-3 in the '91 AFC Championship game. Been on the Bills wagon since then. Couldn't watch Norwood's attempt live. Half my family erupted in joy when he kicked it because they thought he made it...then I looked over to where my dad, grandpa, and uncles were watching the game and saw a flurry of random objects go flying, accompanied by some real colorful language, finally capped off with my one uncle, a Jets fan, passing out tissues. I enjoy the game overall and after Bills games on Sundays, I'll leave the foosball on all the way through the end of the Sunday night game. I tune in for Thursday night games but they're usually background noise. Obviously, I'm more invested in Bills games because I care if they win or lose. I used to get all worked up and yell at the TV but that never helps anything. I always try to temper my expectations while remaining optimistic. Usually, as the next season gets underway (scouting combine, free agency, draft, etc.) I'll feel like, "Eh, I dunno about this year, I think they have a ways to go yet." But as the season draws closer, I usually end up thinking, "Hey, they really played well in that pre-season game, maybe they have a shot!" Losses are tough, especially when it's a team you really felt like they should've beat. But mostly, I just like to watch the game on my own and not get too up or down during the course of events. I do believe this current regime is the most stable they've had in years. They clearly have a long-term vision and they will not commit knee-jerk reactions and panic at the first sign of adversity. I saw so many comments before the trade deadline that just said, "Get a player!" So, trade just to trade? That's not what they're about. I'm interested in seeing what direction they go in the off-season in terms of free agency and the draft. It's fun to log on here and discuss the team with other fans. At times, the unyielding scrutiny becomes a bit much and I just have to laugh because sometimes people will be picking apart things that are just part of the game. "Did you see that 19 yard run the opponent had?! That's just unacceptable! That's Star Lotulelei's fault, and Tremaine Edmunds too! He's just not that good an athlete *stuffs KFC into face for the 7th time this afternoon* nomnomnomschlopschlop, and I know, I played! Yeah, I did! I woulda been all-time, too, but, you know, my pinky toe, devastating injury!" I say it's a bit much because people will really try to nitpick even the most mundane of things. Like, the other team is gonna make plays too. I have a tough time watching games with people who get nuts on every play. "OHMYGAWSH tackle him, get him!!! Oh geez, this is awful," just gets old to hear after every three yard gain by the opponent. And I'll give credit where it's due. If the other team just makes a good play then hats off to them. Not always someone's fault. There are times when a QB just puts it in a perfect spot and the WR makes a crazy catch while the DB is providing excellent coverage. Stuff happens. Whoa... this got away from me quick. Sorry 'bout that. Anyway, yeah, I'm an optimistic but honest fan and just wanna see these guys put it all together and make a deep playoff run and hopefully bring home a Lombardi before I croak. I figure I got a good 50+ years left so hopefully they can get it done at some point in that time frame. Go Bills.
  19. I saw some comments on Twitter about this and the reporter is well known for being a jerk, apparently. I don't really have an issue with what Baker said but he's probably gotta be able to show that stupid questions like that don't phase him, because that's exactly the type of reaction that reporter is looking for in that case.
  20. I think if they do bring Taylor up, it'll be on Saturday like how they did with Duke.
  21. I guess I sorta understood the off-season hype for the Jets. It was pretty much just based around them signing Bell and Mosley, and that many thought Gase would "unlock" Darnold's max potential. What wasn't mentioned was the fact that their OL isn't very good and Bell has benefited from a solid OL in Pittsburgh for most of his career. What also wasn't talked about was the fact that Gase is a terrible leader and hasn't shown at all that he can get his entire team to buy into his program. I hear that some players love the guy and others can't stand him. Not exactly a recipe for success.
  22. I really don't see anything wrong with him saying what he said. I think when he talks about being irresponsible he's basically saying, yeah we did talk to some teams but the asking price would've really impacted future drafts and it would be irresponsible to give up what was being asked.
  23. Brother-in-law lives down in Indiana, said that stadium is incredible. I'd be on board for something like that. Retractable roof for sure because WNY does get some awesome fall days. And I'm of the mind where I don't really think bad weather helps a home team from an area where the weather can get crazy. If it's windy, snowing/raining/sleeting, whatever, it's a detriment for both teams. Doesn't benefit the home team just because it's their stadium. And I'm pretty sure whenever the Pegula's do break ground on a new stadium, it's gonna be a multi-purpose facility that's gonna get used more than eight times a year.
  24. I said this in another thread, but I think Daboll might get too caught up in the "chess match" from game to game. His offensive philosophy is that he wants to be able to operate a number of different styles/systems based on who they play. But I think he gets away from their "money" plays, you know, things they execute really well. I also think he kinda gets a little too smartypants at times and looks for the exact perfect opportunity to run certain plays. That's part of the game, of course, but sometimes things don't line up exactly how you'd like, doesn't mean you can't run the play. It feels like he's trying to show different things week to week but hasn't been creative enough to really disguise what they're doing. Like, one week they're a team running five-wide sets and tons of pre-snap motion, the next week they're like, "Just line up, snap it and run straight!" no movement, not a lot of creativity, etc. McDermott didn't outright say it but he certainly alluded to the fact that he probably had a not-so-fun conversation with Daboll on Monday morning. Hopefully he told him to use the plays/players that have been shown to be effective on a consistent basis and then expand on that stuff.
  25. I kinda tend to believe that maybe 10, 15 years down the road here, there's gonna be a monster scandal with Brady and his TB12 method. It's gonna come out that he did some real sophisticated blood doping or something, some kinda Lance Armstrong sh*t. And is it just me or has he had some cosmetic work done? His face just looks...different, haha. Ethan spilled his chocolate milk and now he's having a temper tantrum.
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