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Everything posted by blacklabel

  1. I'm not sure if it was talked about already but I read yesterday that the league found no evidence of a racial slur being used during the scuffle.
  2. Omar Kelly's gotta be one of the schmuckiest schmuck writers out there. Maybe the defense did screw up on this play, or maybe it was an extremely well executed fake. When I saw it live, my eyes followed Singletary, just like the camera and the Dolphins defense. Josh did a really great job of hanging out for just a split second before he took off.
  3. It's difficult to NOT believe in the kid after you read stuff like this. He's a humble, hardworking dude who is very aware of both his strength's and weaknesses. He's determined to get better and the fact that he's shown genuine improvement is huge. Sometimes guys put in the work and take to coaching but for whatever reason, it just never comes together. It might take some time, but at this point, he's definitely shown he can make adjustments to his game, and if he can keep doing that consistently, then yeah, there might come a time when he's the best QB in the league, like he said.
  4. They pretty much get right to work on game prep for Dallas while finishing up film review/grades for Denver. Fun fact: The combined record of teams Dallas has beat is 11-36-1, while Buffalo's is 13-47.
  5. No to Duke. No to Foster. Somebody get me Da'Rick Rodgers!
  6. I have no idea if the dude is HC material but he's a pretty good coordinator. He can design a run game like nobody's business but one of the reasons he's been let go from every OC job he's had is because his passing game designs are pretty easy to defend against. Right now he's kinda got a perfect storm situation going on in Baltimore with Jackson and that tight end group they have.
  7. To this point here, Garrett stayed on top of Rudolph after he dragged him down and words were exchanged. My guess is whatever was said there (in addition to having a crap game and the late hit) was the reason Rudolph went at him. When DeCastro got in between them it seemed like the situation was deescalating, but Rudolph kept shoving and then got hit with the helmet. Garrett is obviously way out of line but I was surprised Rudolph didn't get a fine for continuing the scuffle when it looked like DeCastro had them separated. By the way, I love DeCastro's actions after Garrett swung the helmet, he's like, "Alright, I was being nice but now I'm just gonna sit on you until you calm yo tiddies." As for Tomlin... I don't think the words "class act" get said much when discussing him. He doesn't run a very tight ship and prefers to be a "bro" to his players as opposed to an authority.
  8. They must not be real thrilled at what they've seen from the two OL on their practice squad. But then again, Tuesdays are the day where teams across the league hold tryouts so this is probably business as usual with a focus on OT's due to Nsekhe's injury.
  9. I'm sure they'll gameplan to give him some help out there. I think he'll be alright, but I guess it depends on what exactly people expect? I feel like some people won't accept anything less than absolutely perfect play. "Yeah, the Bills may have won 63-3, BUT.... Tre White allowed a reception! Cody Ford allowed a tackle for loss! Tremaine Edmunds didn't tackle a guy until he had gained four yards already, FOUR! This is unacceptable and the Bills are in trouble, ohhhh boy lemme tell youse guys, they are in for it. Worst franchise in the history of franchises!" I mean, the other team is gonna make plays, doesn't mean we need to question everything about the team. They're a resilient group with a lot of work to do yet but they're figuring out ways to win.
  10. Bummer for him, thought he'd been playing pretty well this season. Ford will have to step up. If they're smart, they'll scheme up to give him help this week against Miller and notleave him on an island out there.
  11. The way this thread is titled made me think that Jackson himself said he was gonna be having this crow pot pie...ew... I wasn't sure if his style of play would translate well to the pros but he landed in a really good situation where they've designed the offense around his skill set. I think there's still some inconsistency there for him as a passer, it seems like he's red hot or kinda meh. I will tell Mark Ingram to settle the hell down, though. Yeesh. For me, right now, Russell Wilson is the MVP for his pure quarterback play. He has the ability to run as well but it's a last resort for him. He's had all of two games this season where he's had a passer rating under 100. In fact, his and Jackson's worst games this season came when they played each other. But yeah, it's Wilson for me right now. Some of the throws he's made this year are insane. Plus, he doesn't have the collection of backs/receivers/tight ends that Jackson has, and he has the less talented OL as well as a defense that gives up more points a game (25.4 a game to 19.6 for Baltimore). So, he's doing more with less and he's playing at a ridiculously high level.
  12. I think one went for a first down so naturally that calls for a big celebration, especially when you're down by 17. I've always thought that players who celebrate in those situations are lame. But yeah, Flores seems to have most of his guys playing hard. #47 on defense was a chode, made like one TFL and just kept flexing, like, shaddap, sit down. This is a team full of low-tier players trying to put good performances on tape so they can make it either with Miami or somewhere else. This is why Fitz is a perfect guy to have in their current situation. Dude's a gamer, he doesn't care what the record is, he doesn't care who he's playing, he's gonna ball out as best he can every time. On top of that he's smart as heck, works hard, and is just an all-around good dude to have on a team. Those young players will hopefully see that and pick up on his habits and such.
  13. Nah. The only times I find myself yelling during a game is if I'm at it or if I'm watching with a group of people. Otherwise, I usually watch the games without too much insanity. I get psyched when they do well but don't go doing backflips and such, just a fist pump and a "Yussss!" or "About friggin' time." When they're not doing so hot, it's a bummer, but I'm not gonna let it ruin my day. I realize that despite how good a team is, they'll still give up points to an opponent. I feel like a lot of fans on this board forget that and any time an opponent makes the slightest progress against the Bills it just gives them ammo for their nitpicking like, "Well, yeah, it was good that they won 67-13, BUT, the other team had an 11-play 75-yard drive which was EGREGIOUS and CANNOT HAPPEN EVUURRRRR!!!!" The other team is gonna make plays and it isn't always gonna be someone's fault. Big time passes can be completed even when a DB has perfect technique, it just happens and there's no reason to go throwing remotes across the room because of it.
  14. I'd say he's not done but I think the end is in sight. In his prime, you could've paired him up with a couple of D-II receivers and he would've made All-Pro's out of them. Now, it's the other way around, he kinda needs some really solid pass catchers because he's not really elevating the play of his receivers like he used to. I certainly don't see him reaching age 46 or 47 or whatever he's been talking about lately. He can eat all the avocado ice cream he wants but, inevitably, age will catch up.
  15. JB has been great, super consistent too and has a great rapport with JA. As others have mentioned, I still think it'd serve them well to bring in another outside receiver to create some matchup issues for opposing defenses. Beasley can stay in the slot and hopefully they continue to involve Knox more because he can definitely be a weapon.
  16. Solid win. I gotta LOL at all the whining and people yelling "special teams bad!" Well, not that bad. Yeah, sucks to give up the return but aside from that, Hauschka and Bojorquez did their jobs and Andre Roberts had several nice returns.
  17. I'm sure Rudolph will end up with a fine, but the decision to suspend Garrett indefinitely is the right one. Every discussion I've seen about this today has a lot of debate about who started it. IMO, Garrett has no reason to drag the guy down. Ball is gone a split second before Garrett wraps him up and then he keeps pushing to take him down. He has a reputation for hitting QBs late. Leads the league in roughing the passer penalties since he entered the league in '17. He wanted one more shot before the game ended. Dipsh*t train of thought, no foresight. Your team is gonna win their second straight game, they could've rode that momentum but instead they have to deal with this. Words were exchanged when they were on the ground and I think that's what sent Rudolph over the edge. He's played like hot garbage throwing four picks and now this dude wants to drag him down when be absolutely didn't need to. DeCastro steps in and seems to be doing well at separating them until Rudolph decides he still wants a piece. That's where he's gonna get fined. Then Garrett completely loses his marbles and swings the helmet. DeCastro flops on him and Pouncey thinks he's in Mortal Kombat. Myles Garrett could go on to break Bruce Smith's sack record and the first thing people will remember when his name is mentioned will be, "Wait, he's the lunatic who hit a guy in the head with a helmet, right?" Dirty player. And 65 for Cleveland (I know his name but I don't respect him enough to go and check to make sure I spell it right, cause he's a ten pound turd in a five pound bag) is absolutely what Rudolph called him, a b*tch. Dude isn't even involved, comes up and shoves Rudolph in the back. That's 100% a b*tch move on the field or off. Real tough guy display right there, lemme hit you when you're not looking. Browns and Kitchens are a joke. Browns behave like jackwagons and their attitudes suck, you know what they say, attitude reflects leadership. My cat who routinely yells at me and leads me to his already full bowl has better leadership skills than Kitchens.
  18. Yeah, I thought he made some great throws during that game, consistency has eluded him, though. But also, you'd think Daboll would call a bit of a more balanced game. Called like 20 run plays (including Allen's runs, some which were called, others weren't, but he finished the game with six carries, Gore with five, and Singletary with eight, oh and Pat DiMarco got one) to 41 passing attempts. I get that Cleveland stacked the box but they seemed like they abandoned it too early. And it seems like they've really scaled back on the more creative runs and the pre-snap motions and stuff. As for receivers, I think John Brown has played really well. There's also something to be said about the smaller receivers this team has in that it forces Allen to be as accurate as he can with his ball placement since these guys have a smaller catch radius (although Brown is pretty good at extending to make the catch), however, I really think Allen would benefit from a Mike Evans-type of receiver. A guy with size that can go up and get it and has a large catch radius and can bring in throws that don't have the greatest placement, which happens with Allen a few times a game. I know a lot of people want Duke to be that guy but I don't know if that's gonna happen. I'm not someone who believes a team absolutely needs a #1 WR. In the grand scheme of things, they aren't real high on the priority list for a lot of teams. Julio Jones, OBJ, Evans, AJ Green, Hopkins, etc. those guys are all great but none of them are leading their teams to a championship and it's extremely rare that any team is just a receiver away from getting over the hump and contending. That said, it's certainly a big help to have a guy like that who you can count on and go to often. I'm hoping in the off-season that Beane brings in some offensive playmakers, they need it.
  19. Yup. Instead of running a solid program and getting players to buy in that way his philosophy is "buy in or get out." I get that some coaches still have an old school hardass approach but I don't think a lot of players really respond well to that style these days. Jets get everything they deserve with that clown.
  20. Man, Gase is such a friggin' turd. Enunwa should've arranged to have the days off, it's not that difficult. But disciplinary stuff should be taken care of privately. I can't think of any positive reason to put fines up on the board like that, all it does is piss off your players, not that he cares cause he's a colossal schmuck, but still, common sense says to handle that stuff privately. Crazy-eyed doofus.
  21. He needs to sit for at least the rest of the season and maybe until Week 10 of next season. Albert Haynesworth got five games for stomping on a dude, this is quite a bit worse than that. Hits the guy after he throws the ball, knows he doesn't have to drag him down but he does anyway, and he does that a lot, he leads the league in late QB hits since he entered in 2017. I don't blame Rudolph for getting sh*tty about it, kid had a rough night and there they are at the end of the game and this dude is dragging him to the ground for no reason. Then 65 for Cleveland pulls a d*ck move and shoves Rudolph in the back. I had about half a smidge of respect for Cleveland before all this, now I hope they completely implode and guys just end up quitting on Kitchens, he's a friggin' bullsh*t coach. Decent play designer/offensive coordinator, has no business being a head coach, his leadership qualities are equivalent to a baloney sandwich. Pouncey for Pittsburgh is gonna sit for a while too. Throwing punches and kicks like that on national TV, yeesh, not a good look at all. In conclusion, fudge Myles Garrett. Fudge that dude.
  22. Ugh, the worst "Miami squeaks it out" game I can remember is from 2005 where Losman hit Evans for three 1st quarter TDs only for the mighty Gus Frerotte to lead Miami to three 4th quarter TDs and a 24-23 win.
  23. I dunno, I think the offense is a little PO'ed about spinning their tires in the mud. Not that they aren't motivated each week but they might come out with a chip on their shoulder this Sunday.
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