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Everything posted by blacklabel

  1. I'm certain the camp competition for the starting kicker job will be a bit more contested next summer. I like Hauschka, I wonder how much that cheap shot he took last year against the Jets has affected him. It's a bummer that he's declined this season and they don't seem to trust him with anything over 50 yards but if it comes down to it , hopefully he can still come through. Overall though, unless you're Justin Tucker, kicking this season has been pretty crazy.
  2. Flug Doutie, heh heh.... There were/are fans who believe he was better than Jimbo? Yeesh.
  3. It's tough not to say Tre' just because of his attitude and all-around personality. Dude always seems to be having a good time, his "we got the ball goin' this way!" dance during the Jags game last season was hilarious. Allen is another one, I think he just has a "gamer" vibe to him, it may not always be pretty, but he really seems to find a way to make plays when it's needed most. I like Edmunds a lot, freak athlete, works hard, leading a talented defense at such a young age is pretty admirable as well. I dunno, overall I really like this roster. People can bash on culture in sports all they want but McBeane has done a fantastic job of building a team full of like-minded individuals who refuse to disappoint the guy next to them and just want to win. Seems like you could ask any player on that team (let's say a WR for instance) "Would you rather have 12 receptions for 206 yards and 3 touchdowns in a loss or would you rather have 2 catches for 24 yards and a first down in a victory?" and they'd all pick the latter.
  4. I'd love for Ed to win it but I think it probably goes to Devin White. Dude had a scoop and score and then a game-sealing interception.
  5. Alright, I'm not necessarily a huge Watkins fan but the part I highlighted is untrue. The dude does put in the work. When he was in Buffalo he was always part of the group of receivers that'd fly out to meet Tyrod and run routes in their off-time, he's done that in KC as well. He's also had zero issues with any community in the cities he's played. Obviously, he didn't pan out here and that's a bummer but it's not like it's entirely 100% on him, injuries added up over his first few seasons and beyond that I don't think his abilities were maximized while he was here. The injuries, getting traded, being on three different teams within one calendar year, having OC's struggle to find what his best role would be, etc. are all things that have surely steered his career in a direction he probably didn't expect. The decent thing is, is he's still young enough to rebound and turn into the receiver people saw at Clemson. As for him returning to Buffalo, that's about as likely as me suiting up in place of Allen this Sunday. Chances are slim and none and slim just left town.
  6. I figured he would be shown the door but I didn't think he'd be the first one to get axed.
  7. They made the right call on the 5th year option. We all like how he's playing this season but obviously it makes people wonder where this kind of play has been in past seasons. I've also noticed most of his sacks are usually due to coverage. He's a decent player in their rotation and I'm sure they'll offer him a modest contract but being that he plays a high demand position there'll probably be a team out there that overpays for him and we know Beane doesn't do bidding wars.
  8. Didn't say it was terrible. It isn't necessary on a game by game basis to constantly throw for over 300 yards in order to win. Lamar Jackson is averaging 211 passing yards per game this season. He has exactly one game where he went for over 300 (a win). He has five games this season where he's failed to crack 200 yards passing, and all five of those games were victories. Throwing for 300 yards each game is not a prerequisite to victory.
  9. Would be awesome if he were still with the team this season. But, I'm sure he's enjoying the fact that he can be around the team and enjoy in their success without having to put in all the work. He seems pretty content to be retired.
  10. I feel like the dude really thrives in high pressure situations and as we move into December and look ahead to January, the pressure is only gonna increase. I don't wanna crown him and say he's arrived as he still has things to improve, but the last three games definitely make it difficult NOT to believe he can be the guy. Just keep it rollin'.
  11. Ryan Fitzpatrick just racked up 365 yards yesterday. That makes him good?
  12. Defensively, obviously they'll need to contain Lamar. Offensively, looked like the Niners had some success running on the edges so I'm sure Daboll will take that into account. Might be a good time to dig into his bag of tricks again too.
  13. ? Barf. Yeah, I don't know what her process is for coming up with these numbers but I'm willing to bet she just throws all team names in a hat and picks at random.
  14. Wait just a goshdurn minute here. This is all wrong. Cynthia Froeundlinedijrr says the Bills only have like a .00007% chance to make the playoffs. And her mathematical process is INFALLIBLE, people! She is a friggin' genius, obviously. I kid. Last time I saw one of her playoff prediction bullsh*t things she had the Chargers with like a 10% better chance of making the playoffs than the Bills. It's mind-boggling on an astronomical level why anyone would pay her for the drivel she comes up with. I probably feel that way about most of these yappidy-yapping toolbags. Dont bother to turn on the TV until 1 PM and sometimes can't even listen to the commentary. All of 'em have an agenda and part of that agenda likely states, "Do all you can to discredit the Bills. They're a small market team and really, who cares that they're 9-3? Dedicate tons of time to talking about how all their victories came over inferior opponents and don't forget to make endless excuses for why Dallas let the Bills win." I just want all of them to feast on a fat turd sammich.
  15. I was surprised that they chose to go with the other official who was further away but I think they did so they could review it. Still though, the other official was in perfect position and made the correct call and then the other zebra comes prancing in with his bestest "complete pass" signal, which screamed, "Oooh, look at me! I'mma eff this game all up now!" I feel as if the officials feel marginalized during games and just wanna be noticed so they go into hyper-douche mode and call 37 erroneous penalties. Even the way some of these guys make the announcement. Seems like it comes with some snark sometimes like, "Oh, you thought you had a nice 20 yard gain but you know what? I got da zebra shirt, I'm da head zebra, I'm in control, ME! Therefore, personal foul on your whole team for having the audacity to think they could have nice plays, my ball now!" I just...if anyone can get this message to Santa just tell him all I want this year is the entire NFL officiating staff to get kicked in their miniscule nuggets for a good three hours.
  16. Lamar Jackson could've farted in Joe Tessitore's egg salad sandwich and the guy would've thanked him for it. I agree with others that feel the announcers need to be unbiased but there are narratives to be pushed. These guys run production meetings and outline their talking points and probably get told to focus a certain amount of time and attention towards certain players and situations. It's lame. I actually can't stand listening to most of them. Al Davis on SNF is my guy and I used to not mind Collinsworth until he turned into a PFF shill and acts like every other play is the most incredible display of strength and skill he's ever seen. I wanted to throw a bowling pin at Rich Gannon this past Sunday. I wouldn't mind if Adam Archuleta had a bad taco and had to deal with the Hershey squirts for 72 hours. Even the hometown guy John Murphy I can't stand. He just doesn't sound good. I haven't heard much of Eric Wood but he seems to be doing well. Most games I keep the volume low and try not to pay attention to the commentary.
  17. Can anyone double check my spelling of Jalen Ramsey? I think I got it, but I just wanna make sure. Here goes: C-H-O-D-E. That looks right... right?
  18. Oh, they'll see it. They say they shut out the outside noise but I'm pretty sure they pick and choose certain things and make the players aware of it as a motivational thing. AND THEN WE SCREAM AT MATT FAIRBURN!
  19. Yurp, I get that. OP asked about the cons of the no huddle, that's one of them. Another poster pointed out how even though the Bills went no huddle, they were still using most of the play clock.
  20. I dunno, getting benched on a 2-9 team when you're supposed to be one of their better players? I mean, maybe they'd consider him for one of their veteran roles but Norman has never really struck me as the kind of player they prefer their veterans to be. They want vets to set good examples for their younger players and be team-first guys, I dunno if Norman is that type of player. I'm fine with Wallace and K. Johnson. I know Wallace had a couple of rough outings but that happens, you know, the other team is going to make plays and players are going to have bad games. Sometimes it feels like the expectations some fans have are unattainable. It's like, "WHAT?! Levi Wallace allowed four receptions for 64 yards?! This... this is atrocious! When is this stoopid organization going to sign players who can actually play, huh? Just what is Beane doing, he needs to go! WAIT, WHAT?! Ed Oliver only had ONE sack, ONE?!?! I said it before and I'll say it again and again and again because I'm da smartest lil' foosball expert youse ever did meet, but that Oliver is a BUST! You only use the ninth overall pick for a DT that's going to get you AT LEAST six sacks a game, 19 tackles for loss and four forced fumbles!"
  21. Yes, right you are on hurry-up and no huddle. They're going no huddle right now and it's giving Josh some extra time to diagnose the defense.
  22. In those 15 seconds where the QB/offensive coordinator communication cuts out, defenses can simply change their alignment and give the QB a different look. Going no huddle can lead to real short offensive possessions if you don't execute and go 3-and-out a lot. This puts your defense back on the field quicker than they'd like. Teams that rely primarily on a hurry-up offense usually don't win the time of possession battle. It asks a lot of your defense. Relying on the offensive coordinator to help the QB diagnose a defensive look is a detriment to a young QB who's still learning. Ideally, you want your QB to be able to come up to the line and assess what he sees without his OC helping him along, because in most scenarios, the QB isn't going to have the OC in his ear helping him out pre-snap. It's also unknown just how much info an OC might be providing to a QB in those situations. As an OC, you don't wanna be in your QB's ear as he's surveying the field, trying to determine what the defense is going to do while also making sure all of his guys are in their proper positions, calling for motion if it's part of the play, checking to a different play, etc. etc. There's already enough for a QB to think about and deal with when they line up for a play, having an OC chirping in your ear that he thinks one of the two high safeties is gonna drop into the box as soon as the ball is snapped might be helpful but it's just another thing the QB has to mentally process. I think the emphasis for Daboll and the offense has been to keep things simple. They run the Erhardt-Perkins system which generally uses a single word to identify a play, which makes it easier for them to call two plays in the huddle (one run, one pass) and allow the QB to either stick with the call or check out of it based on what the defense shows him. I can kinda use a music analogy here. As a guitar player, it's fun and interesting to use all sorts of gadgets and effects pedals, but the more you add to your rig, the more opportunity there is for something to go wrong. I think that's the focus of the Bills offense, especially these last couple of weeks. For most of the season they've been trying really hard to run a bunch of different formations with a bunch of different personnel, which can get hectic with all the subbing in and out that type of game plan calls for. Recently, it seems they're still showing a bunch of different formations but they're mostly keeping the same personnel in there. They scaled back on the constant subs and simplified things a bit and it's been working. It also helps that they've seemed to really find their core plays that they execute well. As they keep saying, they feel like they've found their identity. So yeah, it can be helpful to go up-tempo and allow your QB some extra time to see how the defense is lining up, but it's something to use in moderation, I believe.
  23. Did you not catch OP's part of the post where he said the guy doesn't take himself that seriously? Sounds like he's just having fun.
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