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Everything posted by blacklabel

  1. The OL has had these breakdowns all season. At certain points in the game they start whiffing on blocks and allowing pressure right off the snap. I'm really not sure what you expect of any QB when he doesn't even get time to complete his drop and setup. He had some bonehead moments all on his own and you could see it in his face at the end how bummed he was, probably going over all the plays they missed on. Farts.
  2. What a poopy feeling. I dunno what was up with that second half but it wasn't pretty. Allen got overwhelmed, Daboll forgot he has Devin Singletary, the OL just allowing so many pressures right off the snap, that's been happening all season, McDermott needs to have a chat with Bobby Johnson on that stuff. And a bunch of other miscues. They had their chance, though. Seemed as the game went on they got more out of sync. Maybe it got too big for them. Anybody screaming for massive player/coach overhaul...walk it off cause that ain't it, chief. This team achieved a lot more than most thought they would and they're on the right path, just need a few more pieces. Lastly, holy effin' crap, I will jump in a piranha tank wearing steak underpants before I listen to Joe Tessitore again. Had it muted by the second quarter. I'd pay good money to see him get the taste slapped out his mouth.
  3. They had their eye on him. They met with him several times before the draft.
  4. From what I've read, he's gonna give it a go but no idea how much he'll be able to do.
  5. I have a lot of faith in McDermott and his secondary, they've been the strongest unit on the team since 2017. If LW can't go, I'm sure KJ will be fired up to play his former team. If Levi is a no-go that leaves an open slot in the secondary... who will it be? Marlowe, Coleman?
  6. My thoughts exactly. Those guys were the dawning of the new modern age of football we see now. Holt and Bruce were both superstars in that offense, putting up numbers that might seem like the norm today but definitely weren't back in the late 90s-early 00s. I think I drafted Holt or Bruce every year when I played fantasy football as a kid, with the pads of paper and a pen and you'd have to check the stats in the paper the next day, haha.
  7. Yeah, I think it's been the buzz this season that he's irritated with Belichick's refusal to address the receiver position. They drafted Harry but he missed half the year. Gronk retiring has definitely affected him, and they didn't bother to try and replace him. Too bad, so sad.
  8. 20 is the magic number for this team. In the McBeane era they are 20-2 when scoring 20 or more points, including winning all seven games this season when they score 20 or more.
  9. Usually lounge around and relax on Saturdays, read, play music, hang out, what have you. So I'm sure I'll start with that but by 4:25 I'll probably be on my feet shifting my weight back and forth from one leg to the other while my wife yells, "Would you sit down?! It hasn't even started!" The Bills are the only team I watch where I feel genuine emotion. I've scaled back from my younger days when I was one of those screaming morons who threw stuff whenever bad plays happened. I've learned to temper my expectations. I know I'm more nervous for this game than I was for the Jacksonville game two years ago. For me, the big celebration was just them getting in and finally ending the drought. I remember saying, "I don't give a crap if they lose 45-0, the drought's over and I don't have to hear about it anymore!" I mean, obviously I wanted them to win but I knew I wouldn't be too bummed out if they didn't. This should be a good game. I hope the offense can really get in sync and level up another gear, finish drives with touchdowns, make some big plays, etc. I tend to not worry about the defense as I honestly think they can hang with anyone. 20 is the magic number. In the McBeane era whenever they score 20 or more they're like 19-2. I'd be psyched if I played on a team like that where your defense can say, "Hey, just put up 20 for us and we'll handle the rest."
  10. Sometimes I wonder who these people really are... because what you hear on their radio show or what you see on whatever TV program they're on is a caricature of themselves. It's amplified a few notches. This is what these guys are supposed to do, come up with a bunch of "controversial" BS to spew and hope that it generates clicks, views, call-ins, and discussions. Welp, he's succeeded because here we all are discussing it. I do agree it's a bit d*ckish to call out Del like he did, Del's a good dude and does a lot for the community. People like that ought to be praised, not insulted. Maybe one of these days I'mma call into one of these shows and as soon as I'm live I'm gonna honk a giant air-horn... maybe it'll fry some of their speakers or something, who knows?! Bah.
  11. Yeah, going all the way back to like, Mangini, none of his assistants have really flourished as an HC. O'Brien, yeah, but his personnel decisions this season are gonna have a real negative impact on their future. Flores looks like he has the team buying in. Patricia will probably get another year due to Stafford being out since like week five or whatever, but yeah, for the most part, his assistants don't do much if they get a shot at being a HC. Yup. I really thought that would sour other teams on wanting to bring him in but I suppose we don't know the whole story. I assume he probably texted them and said, "Nah, I'm good" because he seems like just the kind of dingleberry to do that, but maybe it was more amicable than that. Indy made out better with Reich anyway.
  12. I thought that as well. I find it interesting that despite a lot of his shortcomings, he still gets the hype as if he's lighting it up week after week out there. In the season opener he threw for what, like 175 yards on 28 completions? Lemme run some math here... carry the one... open the calculator app... 6.2 yards per pass, and yeah Crowder had like 12 catches that game but everything was short. Dude seems hesitant to let it rip. But on the other hand, they'll nail Allen to the wall for pushing it downfield into traffic or whatever. "He needs to be careful!" Yeah, he knows, he just has the nads to attempt any throw.
  13. I know I heard that Cleveland wants an "exceptional leader" at the HC spot. I don't think that's McDaniels. The crap I read about him during his time in Denver was lame. Something about Belichick's assistants who get HC jobs and think they can run the show just like Belichick does. McDaniels had a reputation for alienating people with the way he handled things. So... on second thought, go ahead Cleveland, hire that butt-munch.
  14. I think they're going to be motivated to come out of this game with a victory to lead them into the playoffs. Someone already mentioned it here but losing your last three out of four isn't the greatest. They split the season into four quarters, and they've gone 3-1 in each quarter. Right now in the final quarter they are 1-2, I doubt they wanna be 1-3 even though it's a meaningless game for both teams. I do agree with OP, though, I like 11-5 a lot more than 10-6 but either way once that game is over the Bills are then 0-0 along with every other playoff team.
  15. This dude's been saying this for over a month now, ever since they used the clip to promote the Dallas game. There was an article written on him, I forgot who wrote it (maybe Matt Parrino?) and Miller seemed like he couldn't answer any question without including that he should be getting paid somehow for this.
  16. If you read the article it kinda answers the "why?" question. Blank feels like they got on the right track in the second half of the season, after Quinn handed over defensive play-calling duties to Raheem Morris. They had road wins over the Saints and 49ers, plus the players really seem to like DQ. It's interesting that it's his defensive system but the minute he let someone else call the plays they got way better. Maybe he was in a situation where he was overthinking things and outsmarting himself.
  17. I saw a picture yesterday of a lion who had one of his bottom fangs knocked out by a giraffe kick so I figure hey, giraffes must be pretty strong. Also, like 4merper4mer said, longer legs, that way the giraffe doesn't have to be so close to the stank that is AB.
  18. If I could have one final Christmas wish for this year, I'd like it to be AB getting kicked in the face by a giraffe.
  19. Thing that got me about this one was that's not even a table. It's like, a few random boards propped up. He's lucky he missed, he could've impaled himself or something.
  20. Gase got that arrogant, know-it-all persona along with the googly eyes... a bad combo. I have no idea where that dude gets his sense of entitlement from. Just what has he done in this league besides be QB/OC Peyton Manning's clipboard holder/coattail rider? He's seen as some kind of offensive genius/QB guru yet the only time he's ever had real success was when he was with Manning in Denver. They were first in overall offense in 2013 and fourth in 2014. After that, he was the OC in Chicago for 2015 where he led the 21st ranked offense. Goes to Miami as HC in 2016, finishes 24th his first year and progressively gets worse as he finishes 29th in 2017, 30th in 2018... somehow, Jets brass saw his sterling resume and thought, "This is it, fellas! This is the guy to lead our new quarterback to the greatest heights! Hire this man, he's our guy for the next ten minutes, er, I mean, years! Look at that, he's leading the 26th ranked offense this season, what an improvement!" Buncha bums, they can keep him. Guy divides a locker room quicker than... something that divides a room... (a divider? I got nothin' today), has a terrible attitude, gives off a vibe that he doesn't really give a sh*t, and acts like he's the most intelligent/innovative offensive coach to ever live. Put that all together and what do you get... one googly-eyed schmuck in a crap-green hat.
  21. He's just one of those people that's tough not to like. You root for him, he roots for us, I dig it. Also, I feel like we should all chip in and get Marcel a lovely Christmas gift, just because he's not Rodak. I'd heard from some probably reliable sources that once Rodak found out that most of the fan base didn't care for him, he went out of his way to craft backhanded tweets/comments and slide similar comments into his articles. A real pencil-necked geek.
  22. I knew he was an immortal vampire-type thing... definitely some kind of never-dying yet undead creature. You cannot kill that which is already dead! That's the new Patriot slogan. I realize I make less sense than a kangaroo with a kazoo but it's been a long morning and an even longer week. I need the remedy to cure this... and that remedy... is more cowbell! Well, it's that as well as the Bills shellacking the Clam Chowdah Clowns tomorrow.
  23. This is what I pointed out in another thread where a certain poster keeps clamoring for a 300 yard game from Allen. I pointed out how Winston has had ten games with over 300 yards passing and three with over 400 yards... and he'll be watching the playoffs from his couch. It ain't always pretty but it doesn't matter, a win is a win. The identity of this team is that they're going to grind it out, they're going to outwork the opponent and win as a team.
  24. Bench Ford and start who? Ryan Bates? Nothing against the guy, but if he was the better player, he'd be starting. Again I ask... what exactly are the expectations for these players? Especially rookies and younger players. It seems like if these guys aren't performing like All-Pros right away then people are calling for them to be benched or even cut. Right now, OL positions are some of the toughest to adjust to for young players. College offenses rarely ask their OL to put their hand in the dirt and they limit the blocking schemes. Just takes time for these guys to adjust. Has he struggled? Sure, but that's part of the learning experience. And these guys are still in the midst of a crazy whirlwind point in their lives where they've just left college, prepared for the draft, did the combine, met with countless teams, getting poked and prodded by doctors, grilled with questions, challenged mentally as well as physically, then they become a pro, need to attend all sorts seminars on what being in the NFL is all about, there are off-field obligations required by their team, OTAs, workouts, practices, training camp, film review, play installation, learn all their schemes, adjust to how your teammates play, adjust to your new surroundings, adjust to your new coaches, work on your technique, etc. etc. etc. There's just a whole lot of stuff for an NFL rookie to deal with. Now, I'm certain some fans look at this and think, "So? They're professionals, I expect excellence!" Yeah, well, expect it all you want, they aren't machines and no player is perfect and no player wins every single rep. Sometimes I'm reminded of a dude I used to work with in a place where we would turn on Sabres games in the winter. Anytime a goal was allowed he'd be yelling for the goalie to get pulled. Didn't matter if the goal was a defensive breakdown or even if their own player accidentally scored the goal, he would think the solution would be replacing the goalie. I dunno, the grass isn't always greener is what I guess I'm trying to say. Obviously there's always room for improvement and the entire staff knows that. But at this point in the season, you got who you got. You can try to make some minor tweaks but you're not going to get anywhere if you just start going, "Eh, let's try this guy. Nope, he didn't work, how's about this guy?" I trust the coaches to start the right players and put them in positions to succeed. That said, I think they do need to find room for Yeldon. Nothing against Gore, he's a legend, we all know that, but it's clear that he's lost a step. I don't know if they hold allegiance to him out of respect or if they prefer him to be in the game based on his presence and the example he sets as a pro, but right now the production just isn't there. I wouldn't even care if they chose to dress all three backs and bench a player from a different position. They've shown that they like throwing to Singletary, which is great, the more he gets the ball the better, but Yeldon is known for catching the ball out of the backfield, plus I think at this point he probably has a bit more juice in his legs than Gore. Lastly, nothing against Duke but I figured his impact would be minimal given his difficulty in separating. The guy I'd really like to see get going is Foster. I'm not sure if he's grounded or in timeout or what but last season he showed out several times and you'd think he would've carried that into this season but he hasn't. As for off-season stuff, I would like to see them add a receiver with some size and a big catch radius. Seems like that would make sense when you have a QB who's ball placement is a little off sometimes.
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