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Everything posted by blacklabel

  1. So, I'm scrolling through Instagram and I see Tre White pop up in a promo for a new show on Amazon Prime called Hunters. It stars Al Pacino and is apparently based on a true story from the 70s about a group of people that came together to sniff out Nazi's in America (I guess, I haven't researched it much). But the promo has Tre decked out in 70s garb and calls him The Collector. I think it's just a promotional thing he's involved in but it's got people thinking he's in the show lol. Calias Campbell also has a promo for the show on his IG. So not only is he an All-Pro corner and one of the finest goalies ever to play the game, but he can now add Nazi Hunter to his resume. Kinda fun, if you wanna check it out Tre's IG is oneeight__
  2. Dude says no to a RB in the first round, but yes to a WR...
  3. Oh, good call, I forgot about that one. Yeah, Chris Brown is a super smart dude. And yeah, same here, just don't have the time to dedicate to a blog or something. I've had some ideas. I've kinda wanted to put together a draft blog that does simple player breakdowns. We're in this age of non-stop information and at times it's overwhelming. Plus, there are tons of analysts doing their thing out there so there's just like this information overload. I'd try to break things down in a short, concise manner, just like, "Here's what this guy does well..." and "Here's where he might need some work..." Super detailed scouting reports come off kinda weird to me. I mean, I know it's important for the coaches to know about a players body and things like that but the average fan probably isn't real concerned with that kind of stuff.
  4. I read most of this a couple years ago, thought it was pretty interesting to see how certain players approach the game, why they play, etc. I do agree that the guy came off a little indignant in parts and I'm sure he made some broad generalizations here and there. Overall, not too bad. Another one I enjoyed was Slow Getting Up by Nate Jackson, he was a WR for the Broncos and mainly played on special teams, had some rough injuries. He was in Denver when McDaniels was HC and he didn't have the best things to say about that guy, haha. I'd also recommend Collision Low Crossers by Nicholas Dawidoff. He spent the 2011 season with the Jets and gives an excellent behind the scenes look at everything that goes into a season. You get a lot of insight on ol' Rexy boy, and Pettine, who he had as his DC at the time. Rex would get real carried away with defensive play designs and Pettine would be the one to ground him, like, "OK, if we do that, how do we cover this?" You also get a look at how Rex was during games, seemed to think they always had an ace in the hole type of play they could run but he was always hesitant to call it. Maybe my favorite part is when Pettine and some of the other assistant coaches glued the lid of the peanut butter jar and then watched on the security cameras as Rex become increasingly frustrated that he couldn't get the jar open for his late night snack. Rex would put the jar down and say, "Whatever then, I don't need any g*ddamn peanut butter." But then a minute later he'd be trying to pry it open and swearing at it. Pretty fun. And if you're looking to understand the X's and O's, I'd suggest the two Take Your Eye Off the Ball books by Pat Kirwan. He's also written a series called Go Deeper where he highlights a specific position. I believe he's only written one on QBs at this time and it's an e-book. Good stuff, though. He breaks things down in ways that are easy to understand. I read a buncha foosball books a couple years back when I thought I was gonna start a draft blog or something.
  5. I'm good with that group if Bojorororoqueezz can be more consistent. I think Hauschka is better than the alternatives out there at the moment. And Ferguson is solid.
  6. I'm sure they'll check into it and get a ballpark idea of what kind of deal he's looking for. He's a decent player but he's never quite become the monster he was hyped up to be. I wouldn't be bummed if they don't sign him, and I wouldn't be doing backflips if they do... just kinda meh on it. If they do sign him, just don't give him stupid money. Lot of people been suggesting Yannick Ngakoue, he'd be alright. Jags GM recently said he thinks they'll get a deal done "relatively easily" with him. But then Ngakoue went on Twitter and said "Don't believe everything you hear." One thing's for sure, if they do end up with either of those guys, prepare to see some people losing their marbles over the money. Bills have always had to overspend a little to get FA's in here. Perhaps that changes now that they've hit the playoffs in two out of the last three years... but, even then, if it's a guy they really want here, they'll pay out. Kinda like Morse. Is he the best center in the league? Probably not, but he's paid to be, and hey, whatever works. They might be overpaying some guys depending on who you ask but at least they're going out there and addressing their needs.
  7. I was on the NFL subreddit a few weeks back and someone legitimately called Winston's season with Arians as the new shot caller. Said something like, "Jameis about to rack up 5000 yards, 33 TDs, and 30 INTs" which is exactly what he did... I say this because it seems like there's a feeling that Rivers could do well there... he threw 20 INTs last season, haha, so I guess he'd fit right in. I watched a few Chargers games this past year and anytime they were trailing (which was a lot) it seemed like all they did was toss up a prayer and see if one of their guys would come down with it. There'd be time on the clock to construct a decent drive but instead it was like they were trying to get all the yards they needed in one play.
  8. Isn't having it... good gravy this guy is straight up nuts. Thinks he's above everything, no rule, no law, nothing applies to him because he's good at catching a football. Zero accountability, always someone else's fault or problem. I usually don't advocate any kinda violence but if this dude got kicked in the nards by a horse, well... that'd be alright.
  9. Yep, nobody wants the reputation as the guy who doesn't allow his assistant coaches to move up the ladder. Blocking a lateral move is one thing (case in point, they told NYG to pound sand when they asked about interviewing Daboll to be their OC) but blocking opportunities for guys to move up is gonna get that HC labeled as someone who isn't interested in helping you advance your career. It's not necessarily a bad thing, either, that other teams want to interview your assistants for promotions. Probably means you're doing something right as a HC. Sure, it's a bummer to lose one of your guys, but I think McDermott, for the most part, has done pretty well in replacing guys that leave.
  10. Shenault has that versatility that McDermott loves in his players. I wouldn't be surprised if they have a close eye on him. I also wouldn't be surprised (or mad) if they drafted DL again, probably Edge. Build a dominant DL like San Fran has done.
  11. It ebbs and flows each season as teams catch up to the current trends. For what it's worth, out of the top ten rushing teams this season, seven of them went to the playoffs. Niners just made the Super Bowl after throwing it a whopping eight times in the NFC Championship game. I guess that shows you that you don't need a QB to throw for 350 yards a game. Same as it's always been, a balanced attack. A strong run game that opens up your passing attack with play action. There are only so many concepts and plays to run. In case anyone was wondering, here are the top ten rushing teams for 2019... Rank - Team - Rushing Total 1. Ravens - 3296 2. 49ers - 2305 3. Titans - 2223 4. Seahawks - 2200 5. Cowboys - 2153 6. Vikings - 2133 7. Colts - 2130 8. Bills - 2054 9. Texans - 2009 10. Cardinals - 1990
  12. They knew Whaley was out after the draft. They weren't going to upend all the work he and his staff had done throughout the year. You're going to royally sh*t in the boat as a first-time head coach if you clean out your entire scouting department three months before the draft. And they've said it numerous times, they did not want to pick their franchise guy until they had the front office completely settled. McDermott wasn't going to make one of the most important decisions of his career with a GM that was on his way out. They weren't going to onboard Beane in January and try to reorganize the whole front office that close to free agency and the draft. They've talked about being on the same page and having a streamlined process since the day McDermott got here. They simply wanted to wait until they had everything lined up the way they wanted before making big time decisions like unloading a bunch of bad contracts and acquiring picks they could use to trade up and get their guy. Shoulda, woulda, coulda, blah blah blah, we hear it every year. Hey, they could've had Russell Wilson too. Or OBJ, or JJ Watt, etc. We can play that game all day. What's done is done. It's an exercise in futility (and stupidity if you're Jerry Sullivan or whichever media jackwagon gets your jimmies rustled) to try and discredit a team for who they didn't take. It's a stupid practice that can be applied to every team. Would Mahomes have had the success he's had anywhere else but KC? Maybe. But he walked into a pretty good situation. Sat behind an experienced vet (who played pretty well) for a year and then has a QB guru head coach and a roster full of weapons. And not to discredit Mahomes, he's great, but did y'all see how much time he had yesterday? Mustache Mike screwed the pooch with a game plan that called for a simple three-man pass rush for most of the game. Give almost any QB that kinda time and they're gonna make some plays. And as others have mentioned, they flipped those picks into an All-Pro corner and a Pro Bowl MLB, who, I feel, has just begun to scratch the surface of his potential. Just like Joe Pesci states in The Irishman (three and a half hours spread over two evenings that I'm never getting back) "It's what it is."
  13. Love the dude. His contact balance/ability to break tackles, agility/cuts/jukes, and vision is all top notch. I know they say he lacks the "home run speed" but he's plenty quick and he's elusive. Sets up his blocks really well, doesn't look to go out of bounds, fights for every yard, what's not to love? Watching him play early in the season he looked like a seasoned vet, just seems to be one of those players who has an innate understanding of the game, schemes, concepts, etc. Looks like it comes easy for him. Fun fact: In his spare time, he's a skilled magician. I'm surprised he didn't get in trouble for this, but he had a volunteer from the staff (some guy named Dabs? Dabby? Dobby? Da Bull?) help him make himself disappear... in the midst of a playoff game, no less! Typically, they ask players to keep their hobbies off the field, but I guess ol' Dabs was really determined to see if Motor could actually disappear.
  14. Yeah, super confusing. I recall that he had a few nagging injuries in camp and early in the season, but then after that I have no idea what they were seeing from him that kept him on the bench. I heard he had issues running the correct route, or learning how/when/where he needed to adjust his routes based on what the defense was showing. I think last season they maybe gave him a bit of the sandlot kind of game plan, "Just run fly patterns and Josh will toss it up." IIRC, Cover1 singled out some instances where Foster was shown to be running really good routes so... who knows. Several players have said Daboll's system is complicated to begin with, and then he likes to adjust/adapt it each week based on the opponent, so maybe he was having trouble keeping up? I had high hopes for Zay Jones. I think I was just excited that they finally spent an early round pick on a receiver. Doesn't seem like the change of scenery has helped him much. I'm sure he works his tail off, just doesn't seem to translate on Sundays. And then Kroft had the bum foot, so...
  15. My bad, had the Rams and Niners mixed up. Brutal road schedule next year. I mean, they were 6-2 on the road this year but where'd they go? Across the state three times, that's like an hour and ten minute flight. Then up to Boston, down to Miami, Pittsburgh, Tennessee, Cleveland... and then Dallas was their longest trip. If any of those west coast games end up being back to back, I wouldn't be surprised if McDermott chose to keep the team out there for the whole week.
  16. Yeesh, what a putz. I mean, I'm all for personal freedoms, do your thing, but just... maybe have a little sense and don't broadcast it all over the internet.
  17. Barf-o-rama. As if they don't have enough long-ass road trips already. Trips out to Vegas, Denver, LA, and Arizona, and now across the pond to foggy ol' Londontown. They might win the Ultimate Road Dogs award next season, we'll see if they rack up the most travel miles of any team.
  18. Yep. Pretty common to see players getting procedures done this time of year.
  19. Gotta get them clicks, get them page views!! Ta hell with accurate, objective reporting, dramatize the sh*t outta everything, true or false, and get them clicks!
  20. Yep. The way Joe B says it, it seems like Lawson is a guy with a decent sense of humor. Maybe he's one of those types that can crack a joke and lighten the mood whenever things are getting too heavy or serious. We're not in the locker room so we don't know for sure. But yeah, I don't know that whatever leadership he has would be a big reason to retain him. Now, they may be able to point to him as an example of a guy who was drafted by a different regime, had a rough rookie year with injuries and a system he didn't fit in. Then from there he has to take his lumps as a backup and work his way up after being a big-time player at Clemson. He even admitted he felt down when he heard they signed Murphy, but he followed up with how the culture and the guys in the locker room lifted him up. Then he gets told they aren't going to pick up his fifth-year option. He could've sulked and been like, "What, this team doesn't believe in me?!" but he played pretty well this season and never once did I see any kind of signs of body language from him that would indicate any sort of disgruntledness... he, and most of the team seem very gruntled... probably just the right amount of gruntled. So maybe they reward him with a decent deal and then they can point to him as an example for other guys who have maybe had a similar career path.
  21. From everything I've read, Milano is more of a quiet dude, leads by example. Edmunds is a captain so he has to push himself into a leadership role. Veteran guys like Alexander, Lotulelei, Hughes, etc. are probably seen as OG's in the locker room. Not all of them have the C on their jersey, but they're known in the locker room as guys who can get messages from the players to the coaches and vice versa. They act as kind of a bridge between the two. When you hear the media claim, "This coach has lost the locker room!" it basically means the OG guys have checked out. Communication breaks down, guys lose faith in the coaches, become skeptical of the culture, etc. I've heard Pat McAfee talk about this stuff a lot on his podcasts, pretty interesting.
  22. Yeah, I see his stuff on IG sometimes. Seems like it's mostly song lyrics and him with new clothes/chains, or it's Bills/football related.
  23. This is exactly why McDermott hired Fraser and McVay hired Phillips. Learn from those who have done it, smart.
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