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Everything posted by blacklabel

  1. He's got X-ray vision and just drove past Beane's house. Duh.
  2. I was ranting, haha. Perhaps I've been cooped up for too long. On Allen's running, I think the kid knows when to slide or get out of bounds. He's also bigger than a lot of LBs and DBs. He also seems to get a lot of props for being tough. That said, I think he'll probably have some better luck staying healthy than Cam did. I do wonder if he'll suffer the same "no call" treatment Cam had. Watched one game a couple seasons ago and there were at least three clear head to head hits he took and not a flag on any of 'em. Might've been that game where he claims the ref told him he hadn't earned those type of calls yet.
  3. I don't think he's done but I can't imagine he's real thrilled with the front office right now. One of the deepest WR drafts in years and they don't even take a swing on a mid-round guy when it's obvious they need someone decent across from Adams.
  4. What cracks me up is how the "analysts" view different running QBs. Josh Allen takes off for a 15 yard gain, steps out of bounds, no one touches him. Analyst: Oh boy, there goes Josh Allen. Coaches really don't want him taking those type of risks, he could really harm his team if he takes a hit and has to miss time. Analyst #2: He's gotta be smarter, Bob. Just a selfish play here. How dare he! Lamar Jackson takes off for a 15 yard gain, gets plastered by JJ Watt, the 17th hit he's taken today. Same Analyst: Lamar Jackson! Oh my! Is there nothing this kid can't do?! Analyst #2: Dapgum, Bob, I don't think there is anything he can't do! Hell, he can perform my open-heart surgery if he wants! Blindfolded! Ugh. As I've gotten older I've come to loathe the analysts more and more. Started watching some games on mute last year. I hate the whole thing. I know they have a job to do and they have their little production meetings and they outline their stupid little talking points, etc. But that doesn't make me wanna take their microphones away and throw 'em in the lake any less.
  5. Oh man, you just brought back what must've been a repressed memory already. I'd forgotten about Duke's drop. That was a rough one to see. Tough catch for sure, but it was there. I can't quite recall Brown's miss on the other play you mentioned so maybe it was worse, haha.
  6. Me too. I don't think Levi Wallace was that bad and they must think the same while also thinking they can get some production from Norman and Gaines.
  7. Mean Beane Okerlund! It's nice having such an organized, focused, strategic front office. For anyone whining about what Beane did or didn't do, I dunno, perhaps you missed the last 20 years full of Tom Donahoe, Marv Levy, Buddy Nix, Doug Whaley, etc. No GM is perfect, obviously, but I can't tell you how friggin' old it gets to see crap like, "Ermagawd! Da Ravens and da Colts and da Patriots are dEsTRoyInG Beane! This is an abomination of a draft! How dare he NOT move around the board and trade up?! Asleep at the wheel! This is a travesty!" Just...ugh, come off it. So far, he's drafted players a round later than their projections. He's getting excellent value and solid players. "But Beane failed cause Billy Bellychunx traded up and took Kyle Dugger! He's playing 86D chess while Beane plays tic tac turds! Cleanse the office, Pegula! Purge me of this GM who hath constructed a playoff roster simply because I believe another GM did a better jorb!" Derp.
  8. After round three wrapped up last night I was scanning through who was left and thought this kid seemed like a good fit here.
  9. Felt like he'd be the pick with the way the board fell. He's a McBeane Special. Blue collar, nothing crazy spectacular but does everything well, has position versatility, etc. I'm good with it. DL looks pretty good... Hughes, Murphy, Addison, Lotulelei, Oliver, Butler, Jefferson, Epenesa.
  10. Wife made chili last night, so we'll have that with a side of laundry and other various household chores. Super exciting stuff going down at casa de blacklabel.
  11. I'm with ya on this. I do not at all yearn for the days of Buddy "We gon' stand pat, we like our picks" Nix. It's such a catch-22 with some fans, tho. They'll whine that the Bills didn't do enough in the draft, didn't swing any big trades, etc. Then we get a regime that isn't afraid of risks and moves around the board and those same fans will shout, "No! Not like that! You've ruined everything, you've wasted all the good picks!" Can't win.
  12. If I were the Bengals, I'd string Miami along all GD day and make them legitimately believe they're going to get the #1 overall pick. And then when the draft started and the Bengals were on the clock, I'd go dead silent on Miami and let them watch on TV as Burrow gets picked.
  13. Probably the best uniform tweak this year. I really dig the font of the numbers. I'd like to see the Bills with a more modern approach. Keep the colors, I think their color scheme and their shade of blue is great, just add some flair, I guess. I dunno. I'm kinda one of those logo/uniform nerds and dapgummit (Rivers style) if I'm not starting to feel left out of the Uniform Tweak Party.
  14. What a doofus. Some of these guys have no foresight. Not once does this dingleberry think, "Hmm, how will other teams see this? Does this help me in the long run?" And then he calls the dude a spoiled brat when it's been him running his mouth and whining this entire time. Dude isn't even that good and he's acting like he's a top 3 edge guy.
  15. Josh drops back, rolls to his right, fires, he has Shaq Phillips deep! Goal! 4 points! - Stephen A.
  16. I posted a screenshot of the email I received, hopefully that helps some. I don't think I received this email until after I received my first payment from unemployment so maybe you'll get the same one after you receive benefits? But as far as I know, so long as you're returning to your usual job once restrictions are lifted, you don't need to show then you're searching for jorbs.
  17. Everyone getting uniform updates. These are pretty good. Bills up next. Going full camo.
  18. It was in an email I received. Took a screenshot and highlighted the part about COVID. Hopefully this here link will work: https://ibb.co/g4v2X37
  19. This is the case in New York state as well. If you're unemployed due to the virus and are expected to resume your job once restrictions are lifted then you don't need to job search. The offices for that stuff are closed. I'm unemployed at the moment due to the virus and I received a letter last week that covered this. You're welcome to use their online resources or whatever but you're not required as you usually would if you were unemployed for another reason.
  20. Yikes! Thanks for risking your own health and safety to help others. My brother-in-law is a police officer and told me domestic disputes are out of control during this whole thing. People crack under the pressure of being cooped up so long. Stay safe!
  21. I saw a mock up online that used their old orange creamsicle colors and it was outstanding. Makes me wonder who they hire to do these redesigns. Atlanta updated their look today as well. They went with a more modern approach, I guess. I think I'm pretty "meh" on both of them.
  22. I like Milano, I think he's solid and has a knack for creating turnovers. Defense in '18 looked different without him. However, with McDermott being a defense guy, he'd have an easier time replacing Milano than he would Dawkins. Plus, Dion's a captain/team leader.
  23. Rex is a doofus, we all know this. As for Cooper, he's probably not worth the money. Check out these numbers: Also in that tweet thread it shows that he folds against elite competition like Gilmore, Ramsey, etc.
  24. Thanks for the post, Yolo. Good to hear from Beane. I'm ? on board with Diggs being viewed as their first round pick this year. And who knows if Beane pulls some strings to get into the end of the first round, he's an active GM that entertains different offers/ideas without completely abandoning or severely changing their original plans. I also think that as of right now, Bills won the trade. Yeah, Minnesota gets a handful of picks but they could end up spending those picks on guys that bust, while Buffalo gets a proven player who's ready now and not a year from now.
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