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Everything posted by blacklabel

  1. I hope you get all the plays wrong, Tom. I hope your Tampa endeavor is an unmitigated disaster. I hope you stub your toe on every piece of furniture you own. I hope you lose your stupid playbook!
  2. Is he the authority on what is and isn't acceptable? He's not entitled to receive a certain type of answer. If Fromm prefers to keep quiet about those texts and move forward from it, then that's fine. If that's unacceptable to a reporter then I guess that's too bad for him. He isn't owed any sort of specific response to his questions.
  3. DC Dillholes Washington Wienerschnitzels Washington Wankers DC Skidmarks Washington Whippersnappers Washington Weaselsqueezers (for the uninformed, weaselsqueezers are a pair of jeans that are too tight in a certain area)
  4. Yeah, that's where I was going with it. I mean, it's not a bad idea to draft players from schools that are perennial winners, but to expect that those players will somehow create that winning culture when they arrive here was short-sighted.
  5. The Wilson stuff has been talked about for ages. Even right after that draft they were lamenting the fact that they graded him too low. IIRC, around that time it came out that Seattle was literally the only team that had a third round grade on him. Everyone else had a fourth round or later grade on him. And I recall rumblings in 2016 that they had major interest in Dak, but I don't think it was said that Whaley was all in on Cardale. From what I can remember, Cardale was like the consolation prize because they'd missed on Dak. Imagine how much more of a whoopin' Whaley would've taken if both Dak and Cardale were still on the board and he took Cardale over Dak. Yikes. Dude's a good scout but not a great team builder. His whole philosophy of drafting from winning programs in hopes that picks from those schools would somehow bring that winning magic with them was bogus.
  6. "Here's a guy who, when you throw him the ball, he catches it." - John Madden "Oh wow, unbelievable! That may be the most miraculous play I have ever seen in my entire life." - Cris Collinsworth, every Sunday night "Spider-2-Y-Banana." Prof. Jon Gruden, Esq. "We let 'em off the hook!" - Dennis Green
  7. Rodgers (or as I like to call him, Big Rodg!) is a bit of an odd duck but if I were him I'd be p*ssed at GB as well. They have a window to go after another championship right now and they go and draft for the future. Not only that, they draft a position they're completely set at for at least a few more years. We saw how their offense struggled when Adams missed time last year so you'd think they'd give him some additional weapons besides just him, but nope. A QB and then all defense IIRC. Dummies.
  8. After hearing the news of New Era dropping the naming rights, I joked to the wife, "Welp, here comes Preparation H Stadium!" I didn't think I'd actually be close to what it could be called. I'll leave a bag of flaming dog poo on ol' Uncle Terry's porch if we end up with frickin' Tushy Stadium. I've always hated stadium naming rights. We end up with a bunch of dumbsh*t sounding arenas and stadiums named after banks and other BS. Quicken Loans Arena! Smoothie King Center! KFC Yum Center. What in the everloving crap is that?! What else we got here... Camping World Stadium, wow, someone help me get a grip because the excitement there is just astounding. Guaranteed Rate Field! What the crap! Oh, here's a fun one, a UK rugby team plays in the Mend-A-Hose Jungle. I can't wait until we have Flex Tape Arena. Or KY Jelly Stadium... Hormel Pork n' Beans Center... Tampax Field... Depends Center... Or maybe my personal favorite, Oops I Crapped My Pants Arena! I just can't stand it. There could be a workaround where the company still gets their name on the stadium but it could be like, Buffalo Stampede Stadium (brought to you by Johnson & Johnson Super Soft Baby Butt Wipes!) But I suppose there's just too much money to be made. That's a whole other rant. I've always felt a stadium or arena oughta be named after the team, the city or state, some kinda traditional thing pertaining to the city or state, the owner, a famous player from said team, a coach, anything. Anything besides a stadium that doubles as a gigantic billboard for Uncle Pete's Fat Shack or Big Earl's House of Dingleberries or whatever.
  9. I respect the fact that they're genuinely trying to find solutions and create a safe environment for players and coaches, but man... I just don't know. There are too many variables, too many what ifs. I mean, if one of your starters comes down with it he goes into quarantine but does everyone he's been in contact with also have to quarantine? What if it hits a team and 20 or 30 players get it at the same time? Over half your roster has to go sit on IR for three weeks? Who's gonna play in place of those guys? How would that be fair to that team? They gonna allow a 40 player practice squad? I wanna see a full season as much as the next fan but I just don't see this playing out very well. I'm excited for this current Bills roster. I wanna see Allen take the next step and throw 35 touchdowns and 4000 yards. I wanna see Singletary and Moss run circles around defenses and see Tre pick off 10 passes while Edmunds becomes a top five MLB and Epenesa goes beast mode and racks up 15 sacks and a DROTY award. I wanna see Diggs catch 75 passes and score 12 TDs. Most of all I wanna see all that in a packed stadium with 68k Bills Mafia going ape-dookie. But at this point in time.... I just don't see it happening. And if it does, I don't think it'll be your typical NFL season. Not trying to come off like a pessimist, I try to find the bright spots as much as I can, but just looking at how things are right now with so many variables and unanswerable questions, it's difficult to truly believe it's gonna be business as usual.
  10. I was on Spotrac the other day looking at the FA tracker just to get up to speed on who went where and all that. And I noticed that both Mario Addison and Shaq Lawson received deals that are for three years and $30 million. Guaranteed money for Addison is about $15 mil, while Lawson has $20 mil guaranteed with a larger first-year salary cap hit. I'm assuming the guaranteed money from Miami was more than what Buffalo offered him. I get that Addison has been more productive but he's entering the backside of his career while it seems like Lawson kinda turned the corner last season and is entering his prime as he just turned 26 last month. I understand they view Addison as a leader and they certainly love their vets. But we know Shaq was seen as a solid locker room guy and emerging leader as well. I guess they figure Addison can continue to produce at the level he has or at least match the numbers Shaq put up in 2019. I like both players and I'm not salty that they didn't retain Shaq. I guess I'm just throwing out a hypothetical scenario and saying I might've ponied up the additional $5 mil that Shaq got from Miami to keep him here as it seemed like he was finally coming into his own and he's at that prime age. Just some random thoughts.
  11. Yeah, and they still want the full (almost) $50k tuition. You'd think they'd offer some type of discount since these kids aren't going to be getting 100% of what Harvard classes offer yet they're still expected to cough up 100% of the tuition.
  12. No thanks. Guy drags his contract dispute into social media and tries calling out his GM and whatnot. Has an overinflated sense of ego, doesn't seem like a team guy, therefore, not a process guy.
  13. I'm not sure what all the hype is about, it's not like the guy is some kinda world beater. Take a look at his and Knox's rookie years: Njoku: 32 receptions for 386 yards (12.1 yards per catch) and 4 touchdowns. Knox: 28 receptions for 388 yards (13.9 yards per catch) and 2 touchdowns. His second season, Njoku caught 56 passes for 639 yards (11.4 yards per catch) and another 4 TDs. Last season he played in four games (started only one) and had 5 catches for 41 yards and one TD. I'd say with the promise Knox has shown he can have a sophomore season just as good or better than what Njoku did his sophomore year. So, nah, I don't see any reason to give up anything for this dude.
  14. I heard them going off as late as 1 AM last night. Heard plenty of fire truck sirens as well so someone maybe woke up sans a few fingers today. Also, lighting them off at 2 in the afternoon, what's the point? You can't really see it. There was also the house at the end of my street that set up some contraption two inches off the road, and then it was shooting up little bangers one after the other, as I'm driving by the house, no one is even outside to make sure it doesn't fly into someone's car, or even someone's house across the street or whatever. "Yeah, let's light these off and then go somewhere else!" Dummies.
  15. Yeah, happy fourth. Is it just me or does anyone else find it odd we celebrate America's independence with explosions that sound like a war? I feel bad for vets and pets, man. My one cat keeps zipping to the far end of the house until he hears something on that side and zips back out. Neighbor's dog upstairs is barking like a maniac and even I jump here and there when the next house over lights off a buncha loud ones.
  16. I'd like to see them go with those throwback uniforms that have a darker burgundy and gold numbers. And with the throwback helmet too. Like this:
  17. Meh. I think they'll be alright. Barkley isn't too bad. And Fromm seems like he can pick up on a scheme pretty good. If he had to go in, they would probably be a bit limited in terms of how deep into the playbook they can go, as is the case with any young quarterbacks. Josh is a big fella. And all reports this off-season are that he's beefed up and ready to go. https://giphy.com/gifs/southparkgifs-l0HlNsqRcBSNInrzO Edit: I'll be a buttmonkey's uncle if I can remember how to make gifs appear in posts. Dapgummit! Can someone remind me? Thanks.
  18. I dunno, vengeance is a fun word, I guess. They surpassed the Phins and Pats as the AFCE team I despise the most when they hired that googily-eyed jerkface Wahdam Gase.
  19. I thought Hopkins was going to be named the starter and then he got hurt which led to them signing Carpenter, who kicked well enough that they'd stuck with him even when Hopkins was cleared.
  20. I thought he was all in with them and was the rah rah guy that the team rallies behind? I think he's a pretty good player but probably not worth the money he's gonna end up demanding. Adam Gase, man. I know nothing has really been said about why Adams wants a trade but I'd be willing to bet granpappy's old nickel sock that he's not real keen on Gase. That guy is a tool of epic proportions. Either way... Good. I hate the GD Jets. They've surpassed the Pats in terms of my unbridled hatred and vengeance! You're going down, Spleen Darnold! Down like a sweet muffin!
  21. Yep. I mean, I like the guy, he's a good redemption story and he clearly works hard. But man, last season much of this board was in a fever pitch to get him on the field and all I could think was, if he's as good as everyone thinks he is then he'd be out there already. He came up big in the Titans game and had a few other stick-moving catches but beyond that I felt like he was just another guy. I'd assume Gabe Davis takes over as the "size" receiver this year. You...you monster! Nah, I like A1 and I'm always getting crap for it.
  22. Yowza, that's rough. Glad he's alright. A 99% blockage almost sent my old man to the great beyond back in '09.
  23. I wanna see a full season just as much as the next fan, but the closer we get to September, the less faith I have that it's gonna happen. If the so called leadership in this country had taken this thing seriously from the start then we'd likely be much further along. Other countries that acted quickly in ordering quarantine and then requiring masks have got their cases under control. It's kind of a travesty that one of the world's leading countries is in a mess like this. Many deaths could've been prevented, and I was just dumbfounded how some healthcare workers had to use trash bags and whatnot because PPE wasn't being provided. Unacceptable. And now it seems like the country is in a rush to "get back to normal" with a multitude of people who don't wanna follow any preventative measures and so cases are spiking again and it just doesn't seem like they're close to getting a real handle on this stuff. I mean, they cancelled all concerts, festivals, shows, carnivals, fairs, in addition to almost every sport for the rest of the year yet they're saying, "It's cool to go back to work, don't worry about it. But only work and then straight home!" Aside from grocery shopping there isn't a whole lot to do so a nation full of people with very few outlets for after-work activities is gonna become even more disgruntled, or so it would seem. I don't know what's gonna happen but looking at it right now, it seems like it's gonna be really difficult to make a season happen.
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