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Everything posted by blacklabel

  1. I thought Hopkins was going to be named the starter and then he got hurt which led to them signing Carpenter, who kicked well enough that they'd stuck with him even when Hopkins was cleared.
  2. I thought he was all in with them and was the rah rah guy that the team rallies behind? I think he's a pretty good player but probably not worth the money he's gonna end up demanding. Adam Gase, man. I know nothing has really been said about why Adams wants a trade but I'd be willing to bet granpappy's old nickel sock that he's not real keen on Gase. That guy is a tool of epic proportions. Either way... Good. I hate the GD Jets. They've surpassed the Pats in terms of my unbridled hatred and vengeance! You're going down, Spleen Darnold! Down like a sweet muffin!
  3. Yep. I mean, I like the guy, he's a good redemption story and he clearly works hard. But man, last season much of this board was in a fever pitch to get him on the field and all I could think was, if he's as good as everyone thinks he is then he'd be out there already. He came up big in the Titans game and had a few other stick-moving catches but beyond that I felt like he was just another guy. I'd assume Gabe Davis takes over as the "size" receiver this year. You...you monster! Nah, I like A1 and I'm always getting crap for it.
  4. Yowza, that's rough. Glad he's alright. A 99% blockage almost sent my old man to the great beyond back in '09.
  5. I wanna see a full season just as much as the next fan, but the closer we get to September, the less faith I have that it's gonna happen. If the so called leadership in this country had taken this thing seriously from the start then we'd likely be much further along. Other countries that acted quickly in ordering quarantine and then requiring masks have got their cases under control. It's kind of a travesty that one of the world's leading countries is in a mess like this. Many deaths could've been prevented, and I was just dumbfounded how some healthcare workers had to use trash bags and whatnot because PPE wasn't being provided. Unacceptable. And now it seems like the country is in a rush to "get back to normal" with a multitude of people who don't wanna follow any preventative measures and so cases are spiking again and it just doesn't seem like they're close to getting a real handle on this stuff. I mean, they cancelled all concerts, festivals, shows, carnivals, fairs, in addition to almost every sport for the rest of the year yet they're saying, "It's cool to go back to work, don't worry about it. But only work and then straight home!" Aside from grocery shopping there isn't a whole lot to do so a nation full of people with very few outlets for after-work activities is gonna become even more disgruntled, or so it would seem. I don't know what's gonna happen but looking at it right now, it seems like it's gonna be really difficult to make a season happen.
  6. Smith deserves a lot of credit for putting together the career he's had given the fact that he had a new offensive coordinator every season for like his first, like six years or something? When given a chance to settle in with the same coaches and players like he did in KC he showed that he's solid.
  7. John Harbaugh's butthole probably just clenched up enough to poop a diamond.
  8. Sooo... you think their fourth round RB will find more success than your big fat free agent acquisition in Le'Veon Bell? The same Le'Veon Bell who was a beast behind Pittsburgh's OL only to crash with the Jets OL for a whopping 3.2 yards a carry? The fourth round kid is gonna do better than Bell and Moss as well? I mean, anything can happen... but I'd say that.... ...I can pretty much promise you that Zack Moss will have a better year than Gore did last season... and probably this season. Nothing against Gore, we all know he's a legend and despite his on-field contributions being less than great, what he offered the young guys in the meeting rooms is where his value was, and a big reason why Beane signed him. I'd say Buffalo has a middle of the road OL right now, but Gore made it look like he had a JV team in front of him. Save for a few nice runs it always seemed to be two yards and a cloud of dust... or smacking into the backside of his OL. But then Devin Singletary would check in and find room to run all over the place, so... that gives me faith that Zack Moss can do better than ol' Frank.
  9. Gee whiz, Billllllll. Yes, he was decent in 2018 but the Panthers still sat home for the playoffs. The injuries looked like they really caught up to him last season. He was missing open guys and the ball didn't have the same zip it usually does. He's kinda been inconsistent over his entire career, so perhaps I mistook 2018 for a different season. Glad we got the Cam Newton Security Squad in you to keep everyone in line.
  10. I know players are keen to push for the best possible deal but it I'm the Vikings, I'm hesitant to give this dude a huge guaranteed contract. He's never played a full 16 game season. He's missed 19 games in his three year career. And no, there's no reason to trade for him. Singletary and Moss will be fine.
  11. His arm seems to be shot. Even when be could've played last season they rolled with Kyle Allen and then let Cam go this year. Also drafted Will Grier. I just think the injuries have really caught up with him.
  12. Hopefully that dumb helmet rule gets changed so they can actually wear the 90s uniforms as their throwback, which I've always wanted to see. I think Tampa Bay contested that rule because they wanna use their classic orange kits which have white helmets. The NFL's whole reasoning is safety or whatever that only one helmet can be used but like... how hard would it be to provide players with their exact same helmet just in a different color? Dummies.
  13. For sure. You also have to account for traditional/folk music of other countries. I'm a big fan of metal and I listen to bands from all over the world. In the early 90s, bands like In Flames, Dark Tranquiliy, and At the Gates gave birth to what's called the Gothenburg Sound (Gothenburg being one of the largest cities in Sweden if anyone was wondering) and the traditional/folk music of Sweden played a role in those bands finding that sound... and I don't think you'd break down their music and just say, "Ah, it's the blues with an overdrive pedal and a Flying V." Music is different all over the world... unless it was strictly American music being discussed and I missed that. But in terms of rap, both black and white individuals played huge roles in developing that genre. People already mentioned the Beasties, but Rick Rubin, a scruffy-haired white dude who's image screams metalhead (which is also true as he's produced some of the greatest metal bands ever) produced a lot of great rap acts when the genre caught on in the mid-80's. But the influence can come from a lot of places, there was the Sugar Hill Gang, and a lot of funk/soul and even disco bands influenced rap. I dunno. Music is a universal language... and there are only so many notes and so many ways to arrange those notes so I've always felt it's kinda weird to be like, "This type of music is OUR music!" I think music, just like culture, is meant to be shared and explored so people unfamiliar with it can gain a better understanding of it. And at the end of the day, it's all art, which is subjective. And that's just how influence works in music... someone hears a certain melody or guitar riff and they expand on it and do it their way. Take a band like Metallica for instance, when they started out people called them ripoffs of British heavy metal bands like Priest and Maiden... but that wasn't the case, they were influenced by those sounds but they went out and played it a little faster, a little more aggressive, etc. and helped create the whole thrash metal scene. Just how it works. One of the coolest quotes I'd ever seen from a musician came from Dimebag Darrell of Pantera. One of the guitarists in a band that was Pantera's opening act on a tour in the early 2000s said he always wanted to apologize to Dime if he ever met him because he was influenced heavily by Dime's style and told Dime, "Man, I'm so sorry for stealing that one riff of yours but it's just too good!" And Dime replied, "Bro, we ain't stealin' riffs, we SHARE riffs!" And I always thought that was a cool way to look at it.
  14. Police have a tough job, no doubt. But, I think a lot of what's wrong with policing in America these days is how officers are trained to believe this "it's them vs. us" mentality. That can cause a lot of officers to respond to things in a hostile/aggressive manner, when that type of manner isn't really needed. If they train every cop to view every incident as a major threat, then we'll likely keep seeing cops reacting poorly and injuring/killing someone. Teach someone that everyone else except fellow police officers is out to get them and it's going to create bad situations. And then there's the problem of qualified immunity. This shields officers and other government officials from being held accountable in situations where even mistakes are made, unless their actions "clearly violate" established law. You combine that with a badge and a gun and a police "brotherhood" that seems to protect even the most rotten apples over the guys who blow the whistle and you're gonna end up empowering some nimrods who regularly step over the line and believe they have the right to do so. So, sure, I'd assume that most cops are just trying to do their job but the way the system is set right now prevents most of those guys from speaking up when they see something out of line for fear of losing their job. And then the court systems are in line with police and it creates this whole circle of protection that most people are afraid to cross because, again, they're likely to lose their jobs for stepping over that thin blue line. I also think cops have too much on their plate. They're asked to wear a lot of hats. I'd like to see a system where there's more integration with police and human/civil services. You look at funding for police and it's usually quite a bit as most states/counties see them as extremely important. I believe people in social work or human services should be seen as just as important yet the funding for those services is always less than the police and it's always first to reach the chopping block when executives try to map out their yearly budgets. I can speak from experience on this, I've been in the human services field for 11 years and at the entry and mid-level of these services it's always a revolving door of people in and out because these jobs are not easy and people are not well compensated for what they do. And the people that make the decisions on this type of stuff are usually the furthest removed from the people hired to actually implement these services and help people in need/crisis. And I know police and social services do work together in some instances, but I believe there could be some situations where police are usually called where someone with more specific training could be more helpful. I'm not saying to send a social worker to an armed robbery... but something like domestic dispute with a married couple arguing is something they could handle instead of a cop who isn't exactly trained in marriage counseling. Fixing things is well beyond removing a few bad apples. It's systemic and right now the system is set in a way where it doesn't allow a lot of the changes people would like to see. I don't have the answers nor do I claim to, I can just say that perhaps easing the workload on police and integrating more social and human services workers to work alongside them and handle things that they're better trained to do could be a step towards a solution.
  15. Someone in his Twitter feed asked about Cam Newton and he said he's coming up, so that means Newton is gonna be ranked ahead of some other guys that, based on last season, he wasn't better than. I don't know what criteria he's taking into account here, but the last two seasons Cam has played like caca.
  16. The fact that he's regularly throwing to longer-developing routes and low percentage throws is something I feel gets overlooked when talking about his accuracy. Any QB can pad their completion percentage if they check it down four or five times a game. And there's nothing wrong with the check down, unless a QB begins to really rely on it way too much, to the point where they earn a reputation as a hesitant QB who'd rather take four yards on a dump off on 3rd & 12 than risk a pick by throwing a 15 yard out route or something. There have been a few times where he's checked it down for big gains too, usually after he's left the pocket and ran around for a few seconds and realizes, "Crap, not gonna get it down the field, oh, there's Chris Ivory, YOINK!" and he takes off for 50 some yards (see 2018 Vikings game). He's done that a few times. 3rd & 13 last year against the Eagles he hit Singletary in the flats and he took it in for a touchdown. Although, that could've been by design. I think I'm reaching a point where I just don't think we need to constantly nitpick his game. The talking heads have their preconceived narratives about him and they'll spin the inaccuracy crap until the wheels fall off. By now, I'm convinced the kid could go out there and go 35 of 40 for 430 yards and 5 TD's and all PFF would show is the five incompletions. "And on this play, he drives the ball right into the ground!" "Uh, he spiked it to stop the clock..." "YEAH AND THE SPIKE HIT THE TURF AND THEN HIT HIS CENTER RIGHT IN THE NUTS! Clearly this kid is so inaccurate otherwise Mitch Morse would still have his left nad!"
  17. I've felt his name should've been torn off the wall long ago. The HOF isn't anything the Bills have control over, so who knows what would happen there. But yeah, I wish they'd remove that skidmark from their history.
  18. This one here. That was supposed to be a big home game and they just came out and laid an egg. It was the second Jets game in late November that year that really did it for me. Towards the end he was just trying to do anything and kept throwing picks. A lot of times when they would try to come from behind he'd go and chuck a jump ball that was always five yards underthrown. I like Fitz, he's a great dude, and he catches fire every now and then but just doesn't maintain it.
  19. I highly doubt that Kap fits ol' Bellychunk's system of the "Patriot Way." He wants guys who fall in line and do what he tells them. Plus, Kap's going on, what, three years removed from pro ball? I dunno, but I don't think the guy could just step right in and pick up where he left off, which wasn't really that great, his final year as a starter I think he was around 175 passing yards on average per game. Kap's had several opportunities to get back in the league (I believe Denver and Baltimore both offered contracts) but he has it in his head that he's a QB1 and deserves the starting position as soon as he sets foot in a team facility. I haven't seen much of Stidham, but when I do, it'll be when Epnesa pummels him into the dirt. Take that, Stinkham.
  20. The 39thirty is where it's at for me. Never got into the flat brim styles, I just look like a doofus in those. I mean, if you ask around, I'm sure you'll find that people think I look like a doofus either way, but that's neither here nor there. Each year, I usually pick up the draft hat. But the last couple years the designs have been straight caca. This years isn't too bad, though. Might have to grab that one.
  21. I've said this a bunch of times before, but I think Josh is gonna be the type of player that can really wow you on some plays, and then make you go, "What in the eff..." on some others. I think Beane and McDermott knew that when they drafted him. They've pretty much said they can live with some WTF plays as long as his positive plays far outweigh the negative ones. Given how much he improved from '18 to '19, I can't see any reason why he won't continue to build on that. He's had quite a bit of consistency in terms of coaches and teammates, something a lot of new QBs don't get. Heading into year three of Daboll's offense, same guys up front to protect him, same playmakers around him which now include a go-to receiver in Diggs and a guy who I think is gonna be a beast in Zack Moss. It's all right there in front of him, it's up to him to take advantage.
  22. Shut...shut your mouth. You're coming off stupid. I'm coming off stupid?? You're wearing tuxedos for a job that requires you to clean toilets. Classic.
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