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Everything posted by blacklabel

  1. Yeah, given the way Herbert has played today I'd keep him in there for good. He's the guy sooner or later anyway. He's looked pretty solid today.
  2. Yeah, I'm pretty sure Murphy mentioned this during the radio broadcast. With the heat and humidity they planned on rotating to keep guys fresh.
  3. Incredible day for JA. So great to see a Bills QB rack up the numbers like this, been way too long. Some of the throws he made today were ridiculous. Everything down the field, I think his YPA was 17.9 or something. Crazy. For the second straight season, he displays growth and improvement in an area considered a weakness. After his rookie year, they said he couldn't throw the short/intermediate stuff. Comes out in '19 and shows marked improvement in that area. But struggled with the long ball and touch on certain passes. Two games into 2020 and he's shown fantastic improvement in that area. To see that type of progress is definitely promising. The best part about today's game for me was just watching him have total command of the offense. He's recognizing coverages better, he doesn't look to bail out of the pocket at the first sign of trouble, and he's got the confidence and swagger to try any throw. He dropped some dimes today, wasn't reckless, didn't force anything, but didn't shy away either. Hope it keeps rolling for him. Love it.
  4. I was never on the "cut Murphy" bandwagon. But good lord, Joe B couldn't stop talking about it all summer. He had to delve into the cap stuff and whatever money they'd save. It's not like the dude is on a record breaking deal. I've always figured you can never have enough solid DL/pass rushers. And McDermott's defense has always depended on a really strong DL. On top of that, we don't know if Murphy was at or even near 100% healthy in '18 and '19. And yeah, I'm aware that no player is 100% as the season progresses but I say this in regards to the injury he's dealt with for a while now. He's also part of a rotation that McDermott sticks to pretty religiously so these guys aren't playing 75% or more of the snaps. Plus they have their responsibilites on each play. Also, I like Darryl Johnson but without pre-season to evaluate whether he's taken the next step, it's tough to roll the dice on him right now, so it makes perfect sense to keep a veteran who seems to be returning to the player he was before his injury. Maybe even better. I've said this before but Beane and McDermott bring in guys for more than just their on-field production. They're obviously very big on culture and finding the right type of players for that culture. They want guys like Murphy in the building because they want their rookies and young guys to observe his practice and preparation habits and emulate those. The entire approach to team building and how they operate everything is such a huge contrast to how things were run for the last 20 years. Can't explain how nice it is to finally have competent leadership and how that's permeated through the building to create a team that players genuinely want to join.
  5. It's strange what's happened to him in Cleveland. It's not like they don't game plan to get him his targets. I don't know if he's in his head or what but he hasn't been the same. Go back to the NFC. Packers would be smart to jump on this.
  6. Second OC. He had Jeremy Bates his rookie year and it's been Loggains since 2019. Bates and Loggains have also served as QB coaches for Darnold's career. I thought he had three OCs already as well so I had to check. I think it's Gase, really. Not that you can trust everything the media reports but if nine outta ten people say you're an assh*le, then you're probably an assh*le. It just does not seem like his players enjoy playing for him. I saw it with Miami and now with the Jets, when Gase is HC there's like zero spark or energy on the sidelines. In Miami, if those Gase-led teams got down by 10 or more points, forget it, it was over. No communication the sidelines, no one trying to rally everyone, just blank expressions all along the bench. And it doesn't reflect well on coaching when some of the better players on your team actively find a way out. Gase just seems like a standoffish pr*ck who couldn't care less about results, just so long as his paychecks are deposited every week. Strange dude. Doesn't strike me as a true leader. As for Darnold, I feel like he would probably be doing better in a different situation. I think he needs a coach who wants to sit down and really figure out who he is and how he approaches and plays the game. With Gase it feels like, "This is my system and it is impeccable, you will learn it, you will adapt your game to it." When it should be, "Here's our system, we're gonna adapt it to your skills and develop it from there." I also feel like Darnold is more of a quiet type of person so his leadership might be more of a "lead by example" approach instead of a guy like Allen who leads by example but also has an extroverted personality that allows him to be a vocal leader as well. I also think Josh just has more of a "I want this" vibe to him. Josh had to scrape and claw his way through zero DI offers and JUCO and all that just to get himself on the map. Sam was a four-star recruit and the starter at USC three games into his second year there. Not saying he's had it handed to him, but his path to the NFL differs a lot from Josh. Get Darnold in the right situation with a better coach that will adapt their system to his skills and take the time to really get on the same wavelength and I think he'd be really good. With the way the Jets are going, I can't see him succeeding there.
  7. Easy, junior. He'll be alright. They knew they were rolling the dice on a rookie kicker without the benefit of pre-season. I'm sure they're aware that they're going to have to live with the occasional miss on a kick that should be good. Kicking ain't easy. Let the kid settle in and get some games under his belt before you go chasing him out of town.
  8. With a decent OL, more talented receivers and a coach who is not Crazy-Eyes Gase, Sam Darnold would probably be in pretty good shape. Instead, he's stuck on a team with an arrogant pr*ck for a coach and a front office that gave him a JV line last season and JV receivers this season. I don't care how good of shape Bell is in now, without a solid OL he's just another guy. Not that there was much for the Jets to celebrate but I get the impression that they really aren't a team. And by that I mean, their culture probably isn't great, and that, of course, reflects on the abysmal "leadership" from Gase. You just don't see players interacting with the guy. There's like zero spark or excitement on their sideline. Meanwhile, the Bills sideline will go apesh*t when a second or third string guy gets in there and makes a play. McDermott is constantly communicating, praising when it's warranted, criticizing just the same. He's right in there *with* his team. He's not just the boss collecting a paycheck like Gase. This is why culture matters. Is Buffalo the most talented team in the league? No. They have one All-Pro and a few Pro Bowlers (although I'm starting to disregard the Pro Bowl as a true honor because these days it's nothing more than a popularity contest, kind of a joke too, really, when guys who get voted All-Pro don't go to the Pro Bowl) but they have a group of players who understand their role, have the desire to make not only themselves better but their teammates as well, and they work very cohesively. And that results in success. We may not see a WR rack up the numbers like Adams in Green Bay did today, but you'll see eight different guys each doing their part when they're called on and not a one of them will whine about not getting the ball enough. That's a team.
  9. Just hang onto the stoopid ball, Josh. I give him an A-
  10. This here is a good post. I knew I wasn't the only one who feels like Levi can hold it down across from Tre. And not to get ahead of myself but last I checked, da Jets ain't lining up any world beaters at WR this weekend.
  11. I drove down Abbott earlier and as I passed by all the lots I started to envision them packed with cars and a sea of Bills fans making their way to the stadium. I could smell the food being grilled, I could hear the buzz of excited fans ready to turn that buzz into a deafening roar of support for our Buffalo Bills. I could hear the random announcements over the PA. I could see the teams warming up on the field. I could feel the tension rise as the sounds of a stampede charged through the stadium followed by the introduction of Josh Allen, Legend of the Shorts himself. And then... I could hear the voice in the back of my head... And it said unto thee, "Haha, not this year, loser! 2020, b*tch!"
  12. They intend on re-signing Andre Roberts, that's probably why.
  13. I always felt bad for Marcell. So many people in his life that he was close to just up and died. Many of them before he even finished high school. That said, he had ample opportunity and resources, as well as plenty of people in his corner to overcome and turn into one of the top DTs in the game. We know that Kyle Williams took him under his wing. But when Dareus left, Kyle more or less said, "I tried, but you can't reach everyone." At this point in his career he's made his money which, I'm pretty sure was the sole motivating factor for him. He doesn't seem too concerned with trying to win a championship. And I don't think he's a "locker room cancer" as some like to say. I think that term gets thrown around too much and should only apply to players who truly fit the description. With Dareus, I'm sure teams are hesitant to bring him in because they probably don't want their young guys to pick up on his practice and preparation habits which are probably at the level of "do just enough not to get yelled at." Either way, with COVID playing a role and the possibility that teams may be sent scrambling for replacements, I'd say his chances of playing this year are probably better than average.
  14. It's been a real strange last 10 months. Lost an important family member to suicide two days before Turkey Day last year. So while the Dallas game was awesome, I kinda sat there dumbfounded as I watched. Then my wife and I miscarried. And then the rona. And then adios my job. Despite the miscarriage, we're expecting the next Lil' Bills fan by the end of January. Tensions in this country have only gotten worse. I don't think our "leadership" has done a very good job in handling a pandemic. Other democratic countries who looked way worse off to begin with now have things under control and the US doesn't, which is an embarrassment. Seems like a game feels trivial in all of this right now. And like it or not, politics and current event issues are gonna be a part of the season. Everyone gets a say, that's democracy, that's how this ***** works. That's why I've never understood the morons who always scream "stick to [name of profession]." I've always wanted to ask them, well what do you do, Cleetus?! You a forklift operator? Stick to forklifts! You a janitor? Stick to floor buffering! It's just so dumb. All that said, yeah, I'm not as focused on da foosball as I normally would be but I'll still pay attention this season. Just the Bills luck that they've put together one of their best teams in two decades and the world decides to fall apart.
  15. One time, a work colleague totally refused to believe me that there was a town called Horseheads in NY.
  16. People get paid to write steaming piles of cow dung like this? What a freaking moron. I wanna punch him. Right in the snout.
  17. I think they like that Bass can probably boom it through the back of the end zone on kickoffs whereas Hausch wasn't able to do that consistently.
  18. If you're getting kicked in the balls enough to go and do this then you're probably doing something wrong lol At this point, I'd say almost if not all of the media we have reporting on camp have had nothing but rave reviews on him. Joe B even thinks they'll move on from McKenzie and use Davis in the slot at times when Beasley comes out. IMO I don't think they'll cut McKenzie, I think they like his versatility a lot and he can take on return duties if Roberts were to get hurt. But yeah, Davis has been great so far. Hopefully he can carry it into the season.
  19. Oh man, if I could do implants, I would. Been thru the ringer with the dentist. Had a drill dropped on my face, stabbed in the gums, said, "Ow, I can still feel that" and was met with, "Nah, you're fine, hold still." Braces, fillings, root canals, apeico, etc. I'll blame mom and dad for the soft teeth genes but I wanna simultaneously punch my "I didn't have a cavity until I was 41" brother.
  20. It definitely is a concern. What's the protocol if a player does indeed test positive? Do all the guys in his position group that he shares a meeting room with have to go sit out for two weeks? I mean, could you imagine something like, "Dion Dawkins tests positive for the rona, had been in close contact with every single OL and OL coach on the team" so does that mean he and all 15 other OL (yeah, yeah, I know it'll be 7 or 8 for the regular season, I'm speaking in generalities and currently there are like 15 OL in camp) have to go quarantine for two weeks? What are they gonna do, scoop up some dudes off the street, slap some pads and a helmet on them and say, "Go block Aaron Donald, fella!" It's just such an unknown variable. I think they probably should've done something like the NBA bubble. I know logistics on that are difficult but figure something out at least. Or hey, maybe our leaders could've taken this stuff seriously when they were first told of it back in November/December, we'd be in much better shape. I don't care which way you mean politically, the way this country has handled this whole thing has been a friggin' embarrassment. We got a toddler in office saying crap like, "It'll just go away!" Yeah, sure. I don't mean to go so far off topic but I'm getting tired of people not taking this thing seriously. My in-laws just HAD to go visit my brother-in-law down in Indiana. Guess who can't breathe after a few steps and shows every friggin' symptom of COVID? That's right, my conspiracy theorist brother-in-law who's been convinced all this time that all of this is just some kinda conspiratorial BS. And my mother-in-law today, "We wanted to stop by and use the grill" no, no you may not. You've been back for four days, you're both over 60, your son is suspended from his job until his results come in, go get tested! Aye yi yi. Again, sorry, I got a GD tooth infection and I'm fussy.
  21. Seeing Dave's last name reminds me of the esteemed comedic genius Jeff Portnoy, known for classic films such as "The Fatties" and "The Fatties Part Two."
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