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Everything posted by blacklabel

  1. I gotta say, it feels like the Twilight Zone to see the Patriots ranked somewhere other than top of the mountain. I suppose that's what happens when a team dominates for 20 years. They did lose a lot of players and had players opt out but Belichick believes he can succeed with any player plugged into his system. Year after year he wins games with guys that might be backups on a different team. He's always been able to do that because he never has to compensate for the most important position in the game: QB. When that's taken care of, it makes everything else a lot easier. You can afford to be below average in a few spots because you know you have a QB that can strap the team on his back at any moment. I also feel like he's in a bit over his head. I know he's done this in other years but again, he doesn't have the luxury of not having to worry about the QB and really the offense in general since he has McDaniels. But other than him, I don't believe he has a defensive coordinator or a special teams coach, I believe he's handling those aspects himself and delegating things to his mullet-headed kid and some other assistants. He's also the GM so he has a lot on his plate and maybe he should really consider balancing his staff a little better so he doesn't have so much responsibility. This is 100% a winnable game for the Bills. Two ugly losses and an ugly win... shake it off, go in there and smack them around and win in a definitive fashion, doshgarnnit!
  2. I'll trade for Apple with my Snapple.....cap, my Snapple cap...they ain't gettin' the whole beverage as it is far more valuable than the defensive back services provided by Mr. Apple.
  3. I would avoid the Jets like the plague until they're under new ownership.
  4. I really feel like they should beat New England but the way the defense has played makes it tough to completely trust that they will. Defensively, it's not like they're constantly giving up monster plays, it's that they cannot end a drive before it hits double digits in plays, so it seems anyway. They allow so many easy down and distance situations, 2nd and 3, 3rd and 4, etc. I think that affects what types of packages and pressures they can dial up. And then when they do get a 3rd and long, they end up screwin' the pooch and giving up 21 yards when the opponent needed 20. That $#!+ is disheartening as a fan, I can't imagine how it is as a player. That stuff will drive a defense batty and weaken their confidence. All season long they've just given up too many long drives and end up on the field for too long. They gotta force more 3 and outs and more punts. That said, I don't think the NE offense should have a field day out there. They don't really have any major weapons. Yeah, they can run the ball a buncha different ways and that may be a problem but I feel like if the Niners can go in and beat them that bad, the Bills can too. I'm sure a lot of people probably saw Seattle on the schedule and thought, "That's a loss" but I think they play Seattle tough and we'll see what happens. And then I hope McDerms and Frazier dial up some super confusing looks for Murray and the Cards. That dude is tough to defend. I really have no idea. The eggs they laid against Tennessee and KC were very concerning and it made me second guess if these guys are as good as they were they their first four games. I don't think the Jets game is as bad as some think. Offense moved the ball very well, just sputtered when in Jets territory and had to settle for field goals. They were super close on a few plays and Gabe Davis needs to stop getting robbed of TDs on BS procedural calls. It was 18-10 but if a few things go the other way it could've been 38-10. Should've been... Bah. This sport gives me anxiety.
  5. Grew up in a family of Bills fans. Played backyard football with friends and family as a kid and when you're a kid, you gotta have your own thing, can't be some sheep falling in line and liking what everyone else likes. So, our little crew all picked teams we liked, for whatever reason. My brother picked the Giants because he liked Mark Bavaro, my cousin took the Falcons because he liked Andre Rison. Another friend went with the 49ers because they were winning all the time back then. Myself, I went with the Raiders because I thought silver and black was cool. And then 51-3 happened and I switched teams to the Bills, haha. I also had picked the Bengals the year before because of the orange and black. I look back at my childhood now and wonder how many decisions I made based on color lol.
  6. I like things that are nice. This is definitely good news. He's a solid player, but what I really like about him is he can get the team hyped up. He's vocal, he's loud, he's provocative, gets the people going.
  7. He did. Stidham went in. I wasn't paying real close attention but I think it went something like: handoff, handoff, handoff, incomplete, handoff, interception.
  8. 95 yards and 3 interceptions, he's really on 🔥
  9. The Peterman Pickapalooza was against the Chargers in 2017 in a 54-24 heiney-whoopin'. Bills played the Chargers at home in Week Two of 2018 and while they lost 31-20, they had a much stronger second half, limiting the Chargers to 7 points. However, there were a few more rough games in 2018, especially a three-game stretch where they were outscored 103-20. They were 2-7 at that point but to their credit they went 4-3 to finish the season.
  10. Really good game for Beasley. I liked his post game comments too. He said that when the deeper stuff gets taken away, he knows he has to do everything he can to be real "QB friendly" and make it as easy as he can for Josh. Can't wait to see JB15 and DK88 get back out there.
  11. It's probably just habit at this point. They say he's the same dude day in and day out, win or lose, he's always a real steady Eddie. He has a naturally positive disposition. He works to keep the players in a positive mindset in the face of pressure and especially when things aren't going well. It can be easy for a player to get in their own head if they screw up. McDermott is the type of coach to say, "Hey, you're better than that, chin up, get 'em next time" as opposed to an old school, hard-@$$ type of coach who might just yell at the dude and bench him. He has a lot of good qualities not just as a coach but as a leader.
  12. Sheesh, some of y'all "fans" that really "love" this team sure have a lot of disparaging things to say about other human beings that are infinitely more athletically gifted than anyone posting here. I see crap like "worthless" or "waste of space/money" or "absolutely awful" or "putrid" or whatever other colorful terms you Rhodes scholars can come up with. It's one thing to criticize a guy and just say, "Yeah, he hasn't been playing very well" but the insults are just bullcrap, grow up.
  13. Chiefs 6794 Bills 4 At least that's what the commentary will sound like given that Mahomes will be on the field. "Patrick Mahomes has just delivered the most beautiful, mystical, and majestic sneeze I have ever witnessed. It's like being sneezed on by God himself! Just look at that Kermit-voiced angel." I hope Buffalo is just p*ssed off a out the Titans game and comes out and slaps KC in the nuggets. Bills 31, Chiefs 30
  14. The only INT that's 100% on Josh is the second one that Butler picked off. Don't think Josh ever saw him. It happens. While Josh has dramatically improved, he still has that "area code accuracy" at times. Meaning, the ball is in the receivers area but might not be placed where they prefer. There have been times where he's robbed a receiver of some YAC because the ball is a bit behind them or whatever. Just like he has his entire career so far, I expect he'll work on it and continue to improve. But yeah, I'm sure the receivers are aware that they might need to make some adjustments at times in order to make the catch. Off topic but I just wanna punch Mike Vrabel in his stupid fat head. What a frickin' mongoloid.
  15. He's very good when healthy. He's consistently underrated, he pops up in almost every game with a sack or a TFL, batted down pass, etc. Very good player. That said, I don't think he's in play. He's a leader on Washington and the type of veteran Ron Rivera holds onto.
  16. They voted Poyer captain so I'd assume he's an emotional leader out there. Harrison Phillips is a guy with a lot of heart and he likes to get the guys riled up. They obviously believe in Edmunds, he's still playing hurt and I think he hesitates when he doesn't have Milano next to him. Hughes is a fiery guy. They have some personalities on that side of the ball but yeah I'm sure they miss a guy like Lorenzo. They probably miss Shaq Lawson and Jordan Phillips as well. Both guys were always trying to get things fired up. I'll tell you what they miss the most: us, the crowd. They've said as much several times now, when the chips are down late in the game and they're dragging ass, they feed off that energy from the fans in those situations. I do think it's a tad unfair that some stadiums can have fans while others can't. McDermott agrees, he was none too pleased about that. The league tries to pride itself on its parity and keeping the playing field level so we can get "any given Sunday" situations but they missed on the fans. If all of them couldn't have fans then they should've waited until all teams can, but whatever. Trust the process. It's one ugly game, but looking back on it I don't think they played that bad. The turnovers and uncharacteristic mistakes did them in. That first INT that deflected off Roberts snatched the wind right outta their sails. Josh pressed a little bit to make a play. I don't think he saw Butler on that second INT until about .02 seconds after the ball left his hand. Butler was somewhat hidden behind another DB so there's a chance Josh thought there was only that one DB there so he chucked it and just never saw Butler. Sh*t happens. Too many mistakes and turnovers and most every team is gonna struggle when their opponent starts every drive inside your territory. Regroup, refocus and show everyone that game is NOT who you are. Show up for the Chiefs cause you can bet they're ready after they got shelled by Vegas. Sometimes this sport, man....yeesh. Just...go Bills....please?
  17. If this is true I'm sure Beane will do his homework and at least inquire but the odds of him coming here are slim and none and slim just left town.
  18. I knew he'd go with Miami. The whole "I wanna win is just lip service BS. Miami is throwing stupid money at him and that's where he'll go and that's where he'll continue his tour of suck.
  19. Yeah, same. I avoid Twitter in general but I do like to check in during the games just to see what the talking heads think on close calls or whatever. The board can get pretty doom and gloom during and after a loss so I'll steer clear for a couple of days. It was a rough game but they've had those each year McDermott has been here. I dunno if they just went thru the motions or if the rescheduling threw them off or if the lot of them are all playing really banged up right now. It would've been a much closer game without the turnovers and having to defend drives that started at the 16 and crap. Andre Roberts also had a downright awful game, caused two turnovers on his own. And the officials seemed to have moved on from "It's a strange season, ease up on the flags, let 'em play" to "Don't let 'em play or the world will forget about the absolute most important part of any game in history, us, the officials! Call flags for all bull####, take TDs off the board on non-existent procedural penalties! Be seen and be heard my little striped zebra men!" Fudge. Sometimes I really hate this GD game.
  20. The foundation of his system is adaptation. He wants to be able to run whatever type of offense they need based on their opponent. That's doesn't seem real easy to do and a lot to ask of your players. They gotta know all sorts of concepts and formations and the audibles and adjustments, etc. Players have said it's the most complex offense they've seen. Having the consistency they've had in terms of personnel on the offense over the last three seasons and the advancement of Allen seems like it's finally unlocked all of Daboll's playbook. And seeing them execute it pretty cleanly has been awesome to see as a fan, man. Most years of the drought were filled with rather abysmal offenses without a solid QB so it was always a run-focused offense to hide the QB flaws. Fitz and the Island of Misfit Toys had some fun games as an offense. But again guys like Manuel and Taylor were in offenses that relied mainly on the run. So we haven't seen some of these laser shots Allen has thrown. Not in a while anyway. And not nearly as often. The last QB consistently making throws like he has was Bledsoe throughout 2002 and a little bit of 2003 before he began staring down Moulds and apparently Moulds is a descendant of Medusa because the more he stared him down the more of the sack statue he became. As fun as it has been so far, I always feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. Nearly two decades of futility will really train your brain to expect failure. You expect it so much you don't know how to react when they're super successful and should be the expected team to win in most games. It's definitely an interesting season and I really think this team can hang with anyone in the league.
  21. I love Tre and hope that he's just off to a bit of a rocky start for 2020 but I can't help but wonder if his heart is in it this year. He went down to the wire on opting out and has a young family, I'm sure that weighs on him. But, I could be way off and it's just taking some time for him to find his groove.
  22. There was no way Lynn could've gone back to Taylor after how Herbert has played. I'd rather deal with Herbert throwing a pick here and there but still pushing it down the field than Taylor who sees the big throw but pulls it down and dumps it off. Sucks for Tyrod, eff that doctor, man. I wonder if he'll be pursuing some sort of compensation or something for that.
  23. Daboll: OK, on this play here if you can't get Stefon on the out route I want you to dump it to Devin in the flat. Josh: No coach, Brett Favre says touchdowns first. *Daboll grabs a coffee can from under his desk marked "Brett Favre Jar" and Josh drops a $5 in it.* Daboll: *sigh* As I was saying....
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