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Everything posted by blacklabel

  1. Well, reading the tea leaves and connecting the dots and referencing Mercury in Retrograde, my high level business meetings have left me with many, many high level sources and several of those sources have said that Brandon Beane personally called them to ask what they think he could get in a trade for Josh Allen. When it's all said and done, the BeaneMan trades Allen to the Jets for a 9th round pick in 2046. He also cuts every single player that will fetch him a 3rd round compensation, and of course this advice was given to him by several high profile TBD board members who constantly say, "Cut this dude so we get comp picks!" So now Beane has 39 comp picks and a sweet 9th rounder in 2046. This is how you win, gentlemen.
  2. Yeah, there was a point during the AFCCG where I felt like I saw almost every Bills receiver labor to get off the ground after a play. Those dudes were pretty banged up and of course we wonder if had they been healthier, would things against KC gone a bit different?
  3. I honestly didn't know this dude was still in the league. I know he had a few solid seasons several years ago but he fell off the face of the Earth after that. I don't doubt that they'll at least inquire with his agent and see what kinda shape he's in. Could be a Daryl Williams type thing. Or the Vontae Davis thing like the guy said in the tweet.
  4. Yeah, I'm with ya there. I just don't know how highly they prioritize adding a receiver. I'm sure they will via draft or FA as they always love to create competition, just not sure how much they'd spend on a FA or in which round they'd draft one.
  5. Yeah, I like JB, he was great in 2019 but the injuries definitely wrecked his 2020. I know early on when he was missing games it seemed like the offense stalled a little bit but eventually they got to clicking so well that I didn't even realize Brown wasn't out there sometimes. I think they let him go to save some cap. Davis should only keep getting better and McKenzie could possibly start doing some deep routes. 2021 WR Group Guess 1. Diggs 2. Beasley 3. Davis 4. McKenzie 5. Kumerow 6. A guy who is primarily their return specialist and gets 4 targets and 2 catches a year. 7. Hodgins? According to camp reports the dude was catching everything.
  6. I doubt they go after Tyrell Williams. I know he's a size guy but I think Gabe Davis could be a solid #2 and I kinda think maybe Kumerow will get a chance to be the 4th or 5th WR and he brings some size.
  7. I don't think we'll see as many changes to the OL as some people are suggesting. I see a lot of "they're gonna cut Morse." I don't think he played that bad. I think some of his play could've been affected by having different guys on his right and left for some games. I don't think he goes anywhere. I think they see him as an anchor and leader on that OL and he's a smart dude who's helped Josh understand protections and all that stuff. I also don't think Feliciano was any better when he stepped in at center. Speaking of him, I'm certain the injury he had affected his play at times this year. He struggled at times but other times he was solid. He's a leader and a player that teammates gravitate towards. I think he stays right where he's been on the right side. Seems a lot of people are done with Cody Ford. I'm not and neither are the Bills. He's gonna get a chance to take that left guard spot and it'll come down to him and Boettger. I do hope they make a real effort to re-sign Daryl Williams. He finally solidified the right tackle spot after they've had issues finding a solid starter over there. I'm betting that they hope Trey Adams can turn into something (he was once viewed as a high round prospect) but I wouldn't bank on that. According to the camp reports last year the dude was getting whooped constantly. He was on everyone's cut list except Beane's so they must see something they can develop. I think most of the changes will come in finding better depth. Brian Winters certainly isn't the worst you can do but you can definitely do a lot better.
  8. Didn't have too much time to be bummed, had our first baby two days after the AFCCG. Felt bad for the team, they were right there and we know how much they wanted it. It's gotta suck to go out there and not be able to do what you did all season and just not play up to their own expectations. A buddy of mine and his wife had their second on Jan 12 and I really thought our little guys were gonna be the good luck charms. And had the Bills won the big one I would've been like, "I had to wait 30 years to see this happen, you weenies waited two weeks!" And I thought it'd be a Bills vs. Packers Super Bowl. I think that would've been a better game. Honestly, this one was a dud. No real big plays, no drama, etc. Tampa just came out and forced Mahomes to run for his life all night and that was that. It reminded me of the Pittsburgh/Seattle SB from 2005. Not that there's anything real similar about those two games, I simply mean that both games moved the lever on the ol' excitement meter about half a notch.
  9. Ooh, fancy words. You right...to a degree. Saying that Tampa would've beat the Bills in the Super Bowl is one thing. Saying that they'd absolutely dominate the Bills like I've seen said is another thing. Some seem so certain that Tampa would just wipe the floor with the Bills and I don't see it that way. I think KC overlooked Tampa and figured they'd do what they did to them in the regular season. Tampa was ready, tho.
  10. Looking at the comments in this thread you'd think the Bills just finished 2-14. How quickly the tune changes.
  11. I guarantee they were saying they would've given Tampa Bay much more of a game. KC looked flat and uninspired all night. And there was absolutely zero magic left in the Mahomes bag of tricks. And their turdball defense finally burned them with the constant penalties.
  12. I've seen that suggested several times already this off-season. I guess people are unaware that last off-season when Beane asked Farwell who he thought would help his unit he had one answer and it was Matakevich. So Beane went out and got him and for all intents and purposes he performed exactly how they expected and is a core special teamer.
  13. Wilson gets a mulligan because he's been their best and most consistent player for nearly a decade now. He routinely puts the team on his back and pulls them out of jams all the time. When he's having an off day, I think people are more apt to say that he can't do it all on his own and the team needs to lift him up and play more sound. QBs are always expected to elevate the play of those around them but some games they're the ones that need the boost and that just doesn't seem to happen in Seattle. If Russ is off, there's like no other facet of their game that steps up and compensates for him. He also routinely comes out of the ruts he gets in. That probably instills confidence in the fan base since they've seen it so many times. Whereas we Bills fans get nervous if Josh has a rough one because he's still pretty young and not that far removed from his wild play at Wyoming and his first two years. So if he screws up I think people overreact and go, "Oh crap, he's regressed back into the unrefined player he was in college!" We've been snakebit so many times before, ya know? I hope he comes back better than ever and his experiences only serve him in reading defenses.
  14. Yeah, that 1T DT has to be a priority this off-season. I know they expect Lotulelei back but even with him they need to add to that position and let those guys compete for spots.
  15. I wonder if they still intend to keep developing Tommy Sweeney. Those couple games he played in early 2019 he didn't look too bad. I know injuries sidelined him a lot this season. We shall see, I guess. As for Lee Smith, good for him if he decides to hang it up.
  16. Some of what he's saying is interesting. The only job he's ever had is football so he doesn't have any frame of reference for what it's like in other industries or whatever. Everyone makes friends at work that seem like your best pal Monday thru Friday but then one of you moves on to a new job and you just don't stay that connected. Comes with age as well. When I was younger it was easy to make friends at work and people were always hanging outside of work. Nowadays if I get asked to some non-work function with work people I always pass because I'd rather just go home. Many industries like football seem glamorous due to how much money they make but every industry has its dirty, seedy underbelly. Especially those northern elves that evidently control a monopoly on the holiday toy industry. Sketchy folks. Small hands. Smell like cabbage.
  17. Despite the fact that we've seen the defense really shut down some opponents over the last few years, McDermott's scheme is designed to allow yards and move the sticks at times. They usually clamp down in the red zone and force a team to kick field goals. That may have been the strategy against KC. They may have thought, "They're going to get yards anyway so let's try and contain and then lock down as we get backed towards the red zone. Hold them to field goals or make them miss on 4th down and get the ball back." Sounds nice in theory but honestly KC can score on any given play. Because they're big stupid buttholes and I hate their stupid faces and their stupid Kermit the frog quarterback. I want both teams to lose the Super Bowl this year.
  18. I'm sincerely beginning to dislike this guy. He's absolutely devoid of humility. I've seen clips of older players who were great in their day go and compliment him like, "You the best in the game, dawg" and his response was a cocky, "I know." There's a line between confidence and arrogance. As far as a lucky catch goes, eh, whatever. Seems to me like he'll be one of them great seasonal players who never does a thing in the playoffs. He should go read Dion's Players Tribune article about how they felt after losing that game. Cards treated it like a Super Bowl victory and then proceeded to lose almost every single game afterwards. And now their star player is focused on his one big play he had all year and not about how he can help his team get over the hump and start competing for championships. I mean, to each their own and all that. Arrogance just irritates me.
  19. Good dude, decent player, apparently a favorite in the locker room. He also feels a sense of loyalty to the Bills for scooping him up out of Denver and giving him a real opportunity. That said... I don't think he'll be back. Money is tight for them. I think they'll offer him but he might have a couple other teams willing to pay him a bit more.
  20. From the bottom of my cold, dead heart: both teams can go straight to H-E-double puck slappers. Can they both lose? It's a rule that I must always root for Brady's demise. But Mahomes is also a guy I'm starting to root against because I can't stand his cadence lol. Dude sounds like Kermit. "Balllooooooooo eightyyyyy...balllooooooooo eightyyyyy-ahh-HUT!" Go sit down, Kermit. Bitter? Sure. I'm sick of KC already and even though I like Bruce Arians, I need Brady to just go away and never return. 21 years of this BS. Enough's enough. They also employ that walking turdpile known as Antonio Brown. KC has their own walking turdpile in Hill. And then Kelce is like every obnoxious frat boy you've ever met all rolled into one. Cripes. Just replace the game with all of them lining up to get kicked in the nuts.
  21. Yeesh. It's obvious that Culley has a sterling reputation because I don't think you can say he was hired based on his results. Baltimore has one of the worst passing games in the league, due in part to Greg Roman creating very elementary route concepts and designs that aren't difficult for defenses to handle. I dunno. All I know is that one of my first criticisms of McDermott was his hiring of this guy. I just don't see it. Surely Watson will want out either way but last I heard he wanted to go play for the Jets which is like trading in your POS '87 Buick LeSabre with 234k miles on it for a friggin' '78 Montgomery Ward riding lawnmower with three wheels and no seat.
  22. He's a very versatile player which is a trait that McBeane really love in their players. It's possible. Joe B dropped his name as a possible trade candidate back at the deadline. I doubt he had a scoop that said they are interested, it's more just him connecting the dots and looking at players that fit what Buffalo does. I expect more under-the-radar free agent signings since the cap is a little tighter for them this year. I could see guys like John Brown and Trent Murphy being let go to create some cap space if they have some FAs they really wanna go after.
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