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Everything posted by blacklabel

  1. Yeah, I saw a couple tweets from the talking sports heads that said he still had his helmet and was moving around on the sidelines without any noticeable trouble. Makes ya wonder if they were just being extra cautious with him considering the opponent and everything.
  2. Maybe it’s boo, maybe it’s Bease, maybe a little of both. The man is complaining about the same crap he thinks he stands up for, he wants to stand up and say, “These are my opinions, I’m free to have them and you’ll just have to deal with it.” And that’s true, so by the same token, fans are allowed to have their opinions and if their opinion is voiced via boos then he just has to deal with it, doesn’t he? The man has a weird degree of ignorance and arrogance to him. What’s he care what fans say anyway? Aren’t we all just a bunch of lesser-than folk with our pitiful little day jorbs and no money? Leeching off him for autographs and selfies, right? Dude is a legend in his own mind, believes he’s a victim, can’t STFU about things he said he was gonna STFU about. If he wasn’t on thin ice with the organization already, I’m sure he could be getting there. I dunno. Trade his dumba$$ for a guard or something. They don’t have time for the sideshow BS he wants to do right now.
  3. This is a treatment that has become quite popular in just the last couple of years but as far as I’ve read, it doesn’t seem to be anything revolutionary or game changing. There’s a fair bit of speculation on just how useful it is, I guess. Feels kinda like a new trendy thing in sports rehab but hey maybe it works for some.
  4. I’ll take a peek on a Monday following a loss but generally don’t participate in any discussion or anything. I’ll avoid articles and highlights and stuff until later in the week.
  5. ah, yes, I see that now. Thank you. mods can delete this, question answered
  6. I don’t go to many games and when I do it’s usually a friend who calls up last minute with a spare ticket. I have tickets to an event I bought through Ticketmaster but I don’t think I’m going to be able to make it. I know I can resell through the Ticketmaster app but I already have a couple of offers from friends. I’m just wondering how I get them the tickets since they’re digital tickets on the Ticketmaster app. Would they be able to Venmo or PayPal me for them and the I can just transfer the tickets to them through the app? They wouldn’t have any issues getting in if my name popped up on the tix or anything? i ask because I’ve never resold tickets and just don’t wanna goof it up. Figured I’d ask here because I’ve seen ticket sale posts before and figure someone here has to know how it works. Thanks.
  7. He’s right. It’s not the responsibility of your opponent to keep you safe but that’s how the league has made it. A defender going after a QB now has to think, ok did he throw it already, because I’m diving at him and I’m not sure but he had it when I began my dive, oh crap, better not hit him low! Oh crap, if I pancake the dude I better put my arms out so I don’t land on him with all my weight! Or if you’re a DB and a guy catches a ball in front of you, you go to make the tackle, receiver drops low at the same time to protect himself, helmet to helmet through no fault of the defender….flag on the defender. I dunno. Maybe him speaking up will create some conversation about reviewing some of these rules.
  8. Sure thing, chicken wing! *slams face into giant stack of pancakes and inhales*
  9. He definitely made his dough off that 9.5 sack season. I thought he was pretty good, I can't recall if they offered him anything or just let him hit free agency without an offer but maybe they knew the dude had injuries that were gonna compound things.
  10. I know I’m not alone here, I love their RBs. Motor looks like all the work he put in during the off season is paying off and Moss looks recovered from his injuries. Brieda looks like another option for some gadget stuff and that jet sweep they usually run to McKenzie. Daboll can really play the chess match with defenses by putting different stuff on tape each week with those guys.
  11. Ugh, just go with the retractable roof instead of this specially designed partial roof that’s gonna cover “most” of the seats. What’s the point then? And the weather advantage is way overblown. Yeah it gets cold, gets windy, but some people act like they’re playing in straight blizzards from mid-November on when in reality they get a heavy snow game once every three or four seasons, so it really isn’t that big a deal.
  12. Beanedalf the Blue? Ya know, since blue is a main color for the Bills. But he's not blue as in depressed. Nor is he blue-da-ba-de-ba-da-be!
  13. 2-4 in the division? I like to temper my expectations but that’s not happening. McDermott puts way too much emphasis and importance on division games for them to slog through like that and go 2-4. Jets cans go 0-17 for all I care. Buncha bums. Miami has a QB problem and the Bills beat them by like 30 last year when Miami was fighting for a playoff spot. And reports out of NE are that Cam looks just as shot as he has the last few seasons. Mac Jones…meh.
  14. Sucks it didn't count but what a hit. Not a dirty hit, either. Smith would've collided with bus shoulder first had Fields not started to duck as soon as Smith hit him. His coaches aren't even gonna reprimand him for that one. It really does suck that it's always on the defender to figure out a way to rearrange his actions as he's going full speed and is somehow responsible for making sure opponents get hit "safely." There should be some subjectivity with these kinds of hits. If it's egregious, yeah it's a penalty. But if it's the ol' "bang bang" play as they call it where it's no fault of the defender then it should count. Also, nice to see Chicago fans are excited about Fields. It's just weird when I see a crowd and a teams sideline going ape$#!+ when a routine play is made. Bills keep calm and collected even when they're laying the smackdown. That Arizona game last year is such a perfect example of how poised this team is. Arizona ran around like they won the GD Super Bowl and then proceeded to lose all but what, one game the rest of the way? And the Bills were just like, aiet, they got us on a last second play, whatever. And then proceeded to win out all the way until the AFCCG. I friggin love it. I thought maybe this team might regress just a smidge this season but based on what I've seen in preseason plus what we've heard of how crazy Josh has been playing in camp makes me feel like I'mma be majorly wrong on dat, and I'm more than happy to be lol.
  15. That’s a bummer if he has to miss significant time, especially after all he dealt with last season. I thought he looked good in the couple games he played in early 2019, seemed to have a knack for getting open when Josh started running around. He could be a sneaky weapon for them. Like last season they snuck it to Lee Smith a couple times, one was a wide open sideline catch that would’ve went for a TD if the guy was a smidge faster. Maybe Sweeney would’ve scored on it. But yeah he’s more athletic than Smith so he can do more coming out of the blocking role.
  16. Same, yeah probably takes anywhere from 6-8 minutes to take a spin up Abbott and get there. In laws used to live on one of the side streets off Abbott and I used to park there and walk the rest of the way. The game day atmosphere is definitely something. I love the energy and the buzz you can feel as you get close to the stadium. I don’t particularly care for tons of drunk people stumbling around by 11 AM, though.
  17. You are a braver and stronger man than I, good sir. I tapped out at 19 seconds lol.
  18. Welp, I dunno about the rest of youse but man oh man this Tyler Bass kid…yeah, like, he made his field goals and his extra point but uh…on a few of those kicks he was like a good foot or two from dead center. I don’t think he makes this team. Can’t kick it dead center every time, needs to go. Obviously I’m being facetious but I swear those are the expectations some people will have. Player has a great game and there’s always one that’s like mehhh he ran for 300 yards and 11 touchdowns but he didn’t tie his shoe on a 2nd down in the fourth quarter, kids a bust. Reports out of camp have said McKenzie has been the best returner by far, apparently both Stevenson and Powell have muffed some punts. Stevenson had a really bad one, dropped it with absolutely no one around him and failed to recover it. McKenzie isn’t going anywhere. Daboll loves him and dials up all sorts of fun plays for him. Stevenson can chill on the PS for the year.
  19. Of what I watched, which wasn't a whole lot, I got the vibe that Fields kinda has it. I think he's got something to him and maybe he'll be a boom, we shall see. The other guys, I dunno about Lance. Only 19 starts at Nebraska. It sounds nuts to say this because we Bills fans haven't had the franchise QB in forever, but, maybe teams are gonna follow the McBeane Method of Quarterback Development! Lance will need consistent coaching and good WRs (they seem ok there, I like dat Deebo kid) just like they gave Josh. The difference is in work ethic and how well they can understand the system and apply it, etc etc. I didn't see a lot of Wilson. I know he has a good arm and seems to move around well in the pocket. He can go ahead and throw 9 INTs to the Bills D, though. In one game if he wants to be efficient, or spread out over two, we're not....picky....but we are...cause ya see....JFC I gotta go to bed
  20. I felt good about the McDermott hire when it happened but I was still cautious. But then in 2017 he took a 9-7 mishmash team not really built by him and went to the playoffs. I knew 2018 was the "growing pains" season and some of the blowouts were tough (there were people on this board demanding everyone get fired like after the Saints game.) 2019 really saw things start falling into place and lining up with the McBeane vision. And then in 2020 they really took off, although I do admit after the Tennessee and KC games last year I was nervous that they would be a team that could beat up on the slack teams but not hang with the good ones. They proved me wrong. I also think KC just has their number right now. Hope they can beat them this season. Sticking to the process and the four seasons of major continuity both for the players and coaching staff is a huge reason this team is so good. McDermott has completely overhauled the culture and even the outside perception of the team. No longer are they an undesirable destination for free agents but now people are actually trying to get up here and play whereas before it was more like, well they signed a couple guys but you know they've told their agents, "Hey man, I'mma ball out on this one year deal but afterwards you gotta get me the heck outta here." They've done so well at identifying core leaders and core team members here for the long haul like Tre White, big Dion, Josh, Tremaine, Diggs, Hyde, Poyer, Milano, etc. And again, the continuity is so vital. They have so little turnover of coaches and players. It's a much more welcome sight. Sometimes it feels odd to have such competent leaders at the HC and GM spots. And I'm so glad the Pegulas have their guys and just let them do their thing and trust them. That all said...early in the season whenever a bad play goes down I tend to exaggerate like, "Welp that's it, they may as well pack it in, they ain't winning another game this season." I think that's the Bills PTSD OP was talking about, haha.
  21. Probably dead last. Don't get me wrong, I'm stoked at how they've handled the Bills but they have really fudged up the Sabres. I read a headline today about the roster and all that was said was, "Well...that is indeed a team." Admittedly I haven't been following them closely probably since their last playoff run, I keep up with the news but don't watch a lot of the games. 8ts been rough, I mean, how long does it take to get their stuff together?
  22. Soon as I program this bada$$ 1986 Zenith Z-Super 368 and get me some Fujifilm videocassettes I'll be all set!
  23. Ya know... I'm gonna give credit where it's due. Ol' Tommy Boy and Papa Bill are the GOATs of their respective occupations. That said, their legacy is always going to have a little black eye to it. Because if you ask me, the Pats and Brady either flat out broke the rules or constantly pushed the envelope as far as they could in their endless quest to find a winning edge. From Spygate to Deflategate to Brady's defending of that walking hemorrhoid called Antonio Brown and to Belechick's and now Araians' refusal to disclose the injuries. Throw that on top of all the BS calls he's had go his way every year since his first SB win and yeah, it was neat to see history be made but also I hated all of it because again, the dude skirts the rules on a regular basis and then gets all the friggin' calls in the world to go his way. I hope a decade after he's retired it comes out that he was on a Lance Armstrong level of cheating and they have to strip all of his titles. And take his testicles just for good measure.
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