Well this is just sad.
I’m still not convinced Donald will show up to the debates but if he’s down a bunch he will feel like he needs a Hail Mary shot which could really sink him. If I were on his team I wouldn’t let him debate.
Ticketmaster IS the scalper now and they’re creating artificial demand with presales, charity tickets, and holding tickets back on the sale date.
Exactly right. They control both markets now.
I sure hope so. That is what I felt we needed right after the Chiefs game. They’re just a lot larger than us. Their DC has that team set up exactly how he wants it and you aren’t beating him with a small, fast, but soft team. Not ever.
Definitely. Worthy was the last thing we needed. Look, we tried it. Josh can’t hit these tiny WR’s down the field. It’s a teeny tiny target. We need guys that can snag poorly thrown passes and we need the ball up higher.
No more Smurfs on either side of the ball. That isn’t beating KC whose a lot bigger on defense now. It also doesn’t work in weather. Hopefully this is Beane acknowledging that his philosophy failed and he’s switching gears.