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Everything posted by Governor

  1. I don’t mind paying, I just don’t like 50 companies having my card info and any info really. If I could mail Tim Graham a roll of quarters I would prefer that.
  2. But it doesn’t actually do that at all. It’s basically impossible to commit voter fraud on a meaningful scale and you know that. Each ballot is secure and mailed to the voter at their home address. What you’re actually saying is that millions of ballots are being stolen out of people’s locked mailboxes by random people who intend to fraudulently fill out those ballots. Think about how silly that is.
  3. The only reason to match signatures is to throw out votes. That’s not a new tactic only used in Georgia. It’s been deployed for years along with purging people from voter rolls if they don’t respond quickly enough to something they mail to you. The list goes on and on....
  4. It’s not a secret what the GOP has been doing. I was in conference calls with other consultants discussing these suppression tactics way back in 2003! At the end of the day, they’ll just have to pass a voting rights act federally and make it all go away.
  5. Truth is, we really have no idea how bad Florida is right now. With how they behaved over the last year, decreasing testing, changing how cases and hospitalizations are counted, changing or not providing “cause of death”, there’s no way for anyone to really know. All that we know is that it isn’t good at all.
  6. it’s amazing to me that folks are still trying to defend Florida. This is a state that just spent 10 out of last 12 months purposely testing as few people as possible each day to keep case numbers down. Now that the stimulus passed, which includes money for testing, it’s no surprise at all that their numbers are going through the roof. It’s about to get a whole lot worse too!
  7. I got my 2nd dose today so I’m ready to purchase tickets from unvaccinated people that won’t be able to attend. Woohoo! The side-effects were pretty minimal. It was totally worth the gamble. I think I can cover up this horn-like growth protruding from my head with a large fedora. I’ll see you at the “stadium.”
  8. Darnold had everything removed from the walls so the ghosts couldn’t hide behind the paintings.
  9. It’s the 4th worst state right now. Florida will likely be the last state to fully recover. https://www.eatthis.com/news-states-concerning-covid-spikes-experts/
  10. My mother wouldn’t be able to sleep at night If I did that. She’s be in my house while I’m at work hanging things on the wall. Mom, it’s minimalism! Nope, that wouldn’t fly at all.
  11. Is there a breakdown as to which games were the worst and where? I can’t really take any Florida numbers seriously since they’ve been lying/hiding their cases the entire time. They also decreased their testing throughout the year.
  12. “I think everybody should have that choice to do it or not to do it,” Allen said. “You get in this tricky situation now where if you do mandate that that’s kind of going against what our constitution says and the freedom to kind of express yourself one way or the other. I think we’re in a time where that’s getting a lot harder to do. Everybody should have that choice.” Express yourself?
  13. That very well may be the landscape by September. I guess it depends on how quickly children get vaccinated. Restrictions will probably change as the season progresses.
  14. From the looks of it, some concerts (arenas, stadiums, amphitheaters) will be happening in the month of August so the NFL will have that data and the used procedures to look at before the season starts. Vaccinated folks will get the go-ahead and tickets should be easier to get since 30 percent of fans won’t be able to attend.
  15. Grandpa, tell me about the Bills SB season! Did you go to the games? No, son. Why not????? I wouldn’t get a vaccine. Why grandpa?????
  16. People that are vaccinated and going to games won’t care what you do at that point.
  17. Yeah, you’ll need proof of vaccination or a negative test to enter a game next season and I’m just fine with that.
  18. That house has nothing on the walls. Kids these days!
  19. I had the feeling these QB’s wouldn’t all go early. If we were hoping a player was going to slide to us, that probably isn’t going to happen now. We would likely have to trade up a few spots.
  20. Let’s remove Pitts from the scenario since that isn’t happening. is there another player worth trading up 5-10 spots which includes Edmunds, our first, and more? Would you do it for Phillips?
  21. Of course they are. They don’t like the other two QB’s. I don’t blame them. if we went up that far we should just draft a QB, develop him, and trade him for 3 first. Screw a TE.
  22. Now we can trade up with the Panthers. It’s happening!!!!!
  23. That’s great for the Panthers.
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