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Everything posted by Governor

  1. Motor won’t be the starter when this team goes to a SB, because we won’t make it to one if he is.
  2. This country has a victim complex. In the last decade it’s mostly come from the right, but recently the left has been doing it also. Everywhere you look now you see it. Everything is “some one else’s” fault. I’ve been oppressed by some “other” group. I’m this way because “this group” was mean to me. I have no idea where it came from.
  3. In 2000, I lived in Cobb County and that was mostly white and Hispanic. I’m not exactly sure if the demographics have changed all that much since then but the political leanings sure did. That’s a purple and sometimes blue district now. Thst was Newt Gingrich’s old district! So much has changed.
  4. Decisions like that aren’t made unless they can make money.....or at least not lose money.
  5. That sounds cool. Thanks! I’m over in Denville.
  6. The seat is basically reserved for Haley. The problem is that she might not be able to, or want to, run in this cycle with “this” Republican Party, and I wouldn’t blame her one bit.
  7. He just launched his PAC.
  8. Trump has no intention of running. He already shifted to phase 2 of his political career and wants to control the PACS and money so he can use it for his legal defenses. Not a secret what his plans are.
  9. https://apnews.com/article/top-officials-elections-most-secure-66f9361084ccbc461e3bbf42861057a5
  10. The reason why this ended up being the most secure election in history is because the nation was on high alert the entire time because we caught him trying to cheat multiple times. What, as a nation, should we do about that?
  11. We caught them trying to cheat every way imaginable and had no choice but to impeach him. You can’t get caught any worse than that. The Republican Party shouldn’t be saying much of anything right now, especially when it comes to elections. We’ll tell them when it’s ok to come out of their holes. Like 8 years from now.
  12. We just had a president that was caught and impeached for trying to rig his own reelection and now we’re supposed to answer to you when it comes to voter fraud? Then we caught them trying to break the USPS so votes wouldn’t be counted. Are we supposed to pretend that none of that happened? A do-over? Trump just being Trump?
  13. If we required a photo ID to vote and moved away from voter registration cards, there’s no doubt in my mind that Republicans would say millions of “unregistered” voters are voting fraudulently. I mean, who we really kidding here?
  14. Think about it this way. ive always had all of the other things that you need to get a photo ID. Birth certificate, SS card, proof of residency, credit cards in my name, but just never got an actual Photo ID. At the time, Wells Fargo and I believe PNC bank, only required 2 credit cards in your name, your SS card, and maybe your BC to cash a check. So, there’s nothing fraudulent about it at all. I had other forms of ID and never needed a photo ID. This is also when credit cards had your photo on it. And yes, it is a problem, because voting is a right that doesn’t require a photo ID, along with a lot of other things, and a few million people wouldn’t be able to exercise that right. You’re trying to fix a problem that doesn’t exist. Why not pass a law that says you need “some” form of ID? No, that’s not what they’re trying to do and everyone knows exactly why.
  15. There’s honestly dozens of reasons why a person might not have an ID on Election Day that I had no idea about until I moved to the beach in the South.
  16. Yeah, I kept telling myself that was going to get one and then 7 years went by. I had an out of state license that was taken away and I just never needed to get one. The other issue is that the license places are all privatized throughout the south so when you actually go to get an ID, you don’t walk out with one. It’s mailed to you in about 2 weeks. So, if you physically lose your ID before an election, you’d be seriously SOL.
  17. I actually put this to the test a few years back. I was born in the north and I was always under the impression that ID’s are needed for almost everything. Maybe that was because I lived kinda out of the way. I recently went 7 years in NC without an ID. When you don’t have one, and don’t want one, you quickly realize that you don’t actually need one for much of anything these days. Now I understand why millions of americans(young and old) don’t have and don’t want an ID. I lived in Smyrna(right near ATL) for 5 years. off topic but weird story. I was working in mid-town Atlanta for a valet service during the Rams/Titans SB. Remember what happened that night? The Ray Lewis thing went down 2 blocks away from my post. It was in Buckhead.
  18. Well, Republicans do the same exact thing outside of every church in America. They just don’t want “certain” people to vote. Being a registered voter is all you should need to vote. That’s what it’s for. You walk in, give your name, date of birth, and home address, and they hand you a ballot. This whole idea that random people are walking in and using other voter’s names and memorizing the addresses of total strangers has always been totally ludicrous. And no, Ga. actually doesn’t have much of a safety net at all. It’s just like Florida and SC.
  19. An under-incarceration problem? LMAO. What in the world was he thinking? He must hold stock in private prisons. Major screw up. Not that it really matters tho. He has no change of obtaining higher office.
  20. Ballot ID numbers of the voter’s personal ID number? Voting is a right therefore it’s illegal to require an ID or ID number to vote.
  21. The funniest part about Georgia is that Trump got butchered and then both R senators lost also afterwards, which basically confirmed that the numbers were exactly right and ended Donald’s fake narrative.
  22. It can happen at the local level where the election is decided by less than 1000 votes. Republicans were caught in NC in that House race that was really close. Safeguards were out into place after that. That was more of a “ballot harvesting” scenario. senate or presidential level? Nope.
  23. What ads are people talking about? I don’t see any on my end.
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