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Everything posted by Governor

  1. Both of the RB’s have skill sets that ours don’t possess, so I would think both are in play if they fall to 30.
  2. Kinda seems that way doesn’t it? He’s bigger than I thought he was. I wouldn’t hate the pick.
  3. So much for being “all in” on Edmunds. Ha!
  4. You’re the driver of this clown cart. This is embarrassing.
  5. TBH, I have no idea why Trumpers are here discussing presidential politics. They totally wrecked the country and half a million people are dead. They think voters will forget that and put another R in office 4 years later? What in the world???? Wanna talk House or Senate? Cool, I get that. Gotta rebuild and start somewhere.
  6. It isn’t working! https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/04/19/why-gop-is-fretting-about-its-inability-define-biden/#click=https://t.co/a5tyZWfeto
  7. This is exactly why he’s going to run. Your narrative didn’t work at all the first time and you’re still sticking with it. Years, and you still can’t find something that sticks to him. No one believes any of that silliness.
  8. I like the idea of WR. I just think we should take a bigger one. I guess it depends on how much they think Beas has left.
  9. Lance only played 1 game last season? There’s no way you can draft him in the top 5.
  10. I know that he wouldn’t already be sending people on TV saying he’s running if he wasn’t going to run. Of course he’s running. He could suffer a vicious dog attack at the WH and die I guess. I’d put it around 95 percent for sure. He’d be an idiot not to run.
  11. I have no idea why anyone would think that. He basically already said he’s running. I also have no idea why anyone would think Harris would win the party’s nomination. Extremely small chance that either of those things occur.
  12. Oh dear, it’s going to be a bloodbath. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/meet-the-press/gop-faces-massive-realignment-it-sheds-college-educated-voters-n1264425
  13. Biden is definitely running. He understands he’s in a very unique and favorable position. He’ll win pretty easily barring a 911 sized attack or scandal. Every president faces some sort of crises but it would have to be HUGE to derail Uncle Joe.
  14. If you take the new polls and add them to the average he’s probably at a rock solid 54 percent. That’s right where he needs to be heading into infrastructure that will give him another bounce.
  15. If DeSantis starts to look like he’s going to run, that means he was told Trump wasn’t going to run. That would make some people sad. Biden will beat any of them like a drum so it doesn’t much matter. Haley is lurking around waiting also. I expect Chris Christie to explore a run too.
  16. He definitely played the organization hard but I wonder if he had permission to do his thing and they just kept quiet about it. We did stink so it didn’t matter all that much.
  17. There was a 4 or 5 game stretch where he was just carrying dudes 20 yards down the field on his back. He was possessed! I always think about what might have been before that injury that season. I always wanted him getting the carries. I was never a Lynch guy.
  18. He’s my favorite too. He probably would’ve broke every rushing record if he didn’t get hurt that one Fitz year.
  19. We get it. You don’t want certain people to vote. That’s being on the wrong side of history. Mail-in voting is here to stay.
  20. Republicans are going to lose this seat and it will probably be the deciding race. Democrats want Trump or McCrory to win. How embarrassing. They couldn’t find a viable candidate to run? 2022 North Carolina Senate — Republican Primary: Lara Trump 32% Robinson 20% McCrory 14% Forest 13% Walker 3%
  21. They had no choice. The players likely would’ve threatened to protest and not play. It’s never a bad decision to be on the right side of history on a no-brainer like this issue.
  22. DeSantis has a Gaetz problem now. He really should’ve known to stay away from that loser. Now he has to throw Matty overboard.
  23. He’s cruising! https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/04/15/biden-nears-100-day-mark-with-strong-approval-positive-rating-for-vaccine-rollout/
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