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Everything posted by Governor

  1. If someone is going to slip, it will probably be Phillips. I could definitely see us moving up a few spots for him.
  2. Watch out guys! Mom jeans, high rise jeans, and the jeans with the big holes in the knees are back in style. Noticed it NYC last weekend. I only own 1 pair of jeans. Some brand called Mavi. I wouldn’t even know where to find Levi’s. I’m older so I mostly shop at Nordstrom or Nordstrom RACK for business casual.
  3. Not in my lifetime. I’m 45.
  4. Trump killed a lot of young careers. The number could be in the hundreds. No future WH or respectable campaign is ever going to hire any of these folks. Damaged goods. News is their only option now. The right’s last Hail Mary, the fake Hunter Biden stuff, really hurt both Fox and Trump. No one wanted to here from either one of them after that. That’s when people just turned it off. All that was left were the extremists.
  5. Handing Russian Intel polling data of specific states that Trump was behind and had to win was taking it to a different level. They got caught.
  6. I’ve been watching the news since I was 3 years old. I used to watch Jimmy Carter speak and my mother would always say what a nice man he was, but not a great president. I’ve seen every major speech all the way until Trump. He was an absolutely dreadful speaker. That’s when my streak ended. As a family we watched the local and national news every evening during dinner. I started watching cable news regularly around 1991 or so. I also had CSPAN and Washington Journal on pretty often before school.
  7. I agree with everything you said but there was actually a recent poll that said most people aren’t willing to pay more for environmentally friendly goods anymore which was a bit disturbing. I guess it really depends on what that product is.
  8. It’s not really a party of ideas anymore. It’s just manufactured culture wars. 1. Privatization. That’s it really. They flip-flopped multiple times on most of the other issues. Lately, they have this cute strategy where they pass an extreme law that they know the courts will overturn. They do that to get short term political points and they don’t get blamed for it going badly since the voters never actually see the law in place.
  9. Not true. Cats and Otters can get pregnant and they just found Otters at the aquarium that tested positive for Covid.
  10. Enough Trumpers have died from Covid to flip Florida blue and keep a few other swing states blue. Its a national suicide pact to own the libs!
  11. Found the millennial! Someone should hire this young lad. He will answer texts and emails when his workday is done. You could go on vacation! This poster will run your entire business. You don’t even have to pay him. Weekends? No problem!
  12. Do you usually work 10-20 hours a week for free when you aren’t on-site?
  13. It is when you’re only being paid for 40.
  14. Overall mood on teachers has improved over the last few years, but 8-10 years ago most polling broke against teachers even here in NJ. Thats all Chris Christie did was attack teachers. Florida and NC were the same.
  15. I could dig up some state polling that says that.
  16. Yeah, don’t even get me started on parents. But just so some here understand, this isn’t some “librul” conspiracy, that federal inclusion law was bi-partisan and enacted back in the 70’s.
  17. It’s the Federal inclusion law. They aren’t problematic as in punks that misbehave, they’re special needs kids being thrown in with the general population and the schools can’t do anything about it.
  18. Joe is supreme leader! Biden Job Approval a Respectable 57% at 100 Days https://news.gallup.com/poll/348974/biden-job-approval-respectable-100-days.aspx
  19. The biggest problem I see in the schools is the inclusion policy. These kids really can’t be in the same school. It’s not fair to them or anyone else.
  20. That’s not what I gathered from his last responses/attacks to me. He blamed me for racism still existing in the world. Lol.
  21. It’s the rewriting of history that offends me.
  22. There’s no such thing as an Independent. Those are angry Conservatives that don’t like the direction of their party or don’t like how it was taken over by evangelicals, white nationalists, etc. They still overwhelmingly vote Republican. You see an uptick in Independent voters after a Republican president has recently failed. Huge uptick after W. Bush, and then now after Donald’s debacle. I’m a registered Independent but only because I like to get the direct mail advertising from both sides since my family is in that business.
  23. The virtual teaching is actually a lot more difficult and takes more time. In the South you don’t get “prep” time before the day starts. You have to do it at home or stay longer. It probably requires 50 hours a week of your time.
  24. It’s like saying.....Boy, you sure were lucky that you couldn’t vote because we weren’t gonna let you anyway and then we would’ve had to kill you. Oh thanks! I feel better now.
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