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Everything posted by Governor

  1. Can trading Edmunds get us up that far????
  2. If this is true, that means that Beane thinks that the Jets and Jags are such awful organizations that they’ll reach for a RB, so we have to reach further. Yup, sounds about right. That sucks.
  3. You’re happy then? I actually prefer Harris and I only expected to move up a few spots if necessary. Not 7 or 8 spots!
  4. You can pretend it’s some 4D backgammon smokescreen if you like.
  5. Where there’s smoke there’s fire.
  6. Phillips slides and we move up for him.
  7. I told you guys we were coming for your hamburgers. Go check your crazy right-wing news today.
  8. Good book. https://www.amazon.com/Hey-Whipple-Squeeze-This-Advertising/dp/0470190736
  9. And women, if you have one of those “NJ boardwalk style” tie-dye jumpsuits in your online cart, don’t you dare do it!!!!
  10. He’s bigger than I thought he was. Did he add weight through the process?
  11. I don’t make the rules buddy. Don’t be that guy in his 40’s that’s dressing like someone in their 20’s. The Honeys hate that. Your daily wear should be a nice pair of Chino’s, button down shirt or polo, and a nice pair of loafers. You shouldn’t be leaving the house in anything else unless you’re going to the gym. Also, no baseball hats, hoodies, or cargo pants! That’s a big no-no.
  12. When children will be vaccinated is still an unknown so my guess is that they’re leaving the door open in case something happens. I do think that kids likely lost all of their fun snow days moving forward. That kinda sucks if you’re a kid that likes to go sledding.
  13. NJ announced no virtual option. NY will follow. it’s possible that some private schools could remain virtual. I’d be more afraid of what non-union states will do.
  14. It isn’t actually happening. I’ve already heard states announce that there won’t be a virtual option for next year. I’m not sure if NY did yet but these are just scare tactics. That poster is correct about kids not returning to class though. The worst part is that it’s kids of parents who complained about going virtual in the first place that haven’t gone back yet. Schools are open and the kids aren’t going.
  15. Ok. I’m trusting you now. No pressure.
  16. If we draft another bust from Penn State, someone has to be punished. I would like to stay away from DE unless Phillips drops to us. I’m getting sick to my stomach just thinking about it. Some of you guys are real glutens for punishment.
  17. I actually have NewsMax channel. WTH? Why is that a real channel? Who would watch that? I thought that was just a YouTube channel for crazy people.
  18. Southport is pretty far. That’s where the old people go. Lol. I used to work down there a lot. It’s just an old fishing town. There's a community down there called St. James. They call that “little Jersey.” Youre probably not touching a home down there for under 350 anymore. I know a few people that work at the nuclear plant there. It’s decent for retired folks but I wouldn’t suggest any young person go down there unless you’re transferring to the Research Triangle with your northern salary or landed some hotshot tech job in Raleigh. Believe it or not, taxes are really high in NC. They get you every which way. Property taxes are a few grand cheaper but it really isn’t the savings people think when they get there. Taxes on clothing, food, etc. The only good thing about becoming a teacher is the loan forgiveness program. If they took that away, your Walmart greeters would be your teachers. Lol.
  19. I’ll ask her tomorrow for the exact breakdown of pay in those two states and how long it takes you to get to certain pay. I’ll post it tomorrow. It’s pretty laughable. It was a really easy decision for us to make.
  20. I just left there bud. Cost of living is nearly identical. This is the mistake people make. Maybe 10-12 years ago it was cheaper. Not anymore. All of the snowbirds moved in and everything is highly inflated. Raleigh is a little pricier than Wilmington but they’re pretty close. They both pay their teachers the same. Benefits suck. Pension sucks. No bonuses for doing extra stuff like the “Science Team” or whatever that’s called. Yeah, it’s a total joke down there. You can’t go to UNCW, which is a pretty expensive school, and come out making 35 and then 42 or 43 in your 5th year of teaching. You don’t get to 50k for a long time.
  21. I think she started 18k higher in NJ this year. That goes up again next year. Wilmington and Raleigh pay the same. It’s poverty. I’m not sure how it could be much worse than NC. You start at like 35 and don’t hit 60k for like 10 years. You’d likely be around 85k in NJ after 10 years.
  22. My original point was about lesson planning. In NJ, thst time is in your union contract. in NC, and most of the South, you don’t have that time so you have to use your entire weekend doing it. Teaching is a 7 day/week job there for little pay. Now, some would say, “why not just use your lesson planning from the previous year?” Well, in the South, you’re not teaching that same grade the following year. They almost always change it so you have to do it all again each year for whatever grade you’re teaching.
  23. I named one on the first reply.
  24. You’re not supposed to wear jeans once you hit 40.
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