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Everything posted by Logic

  1. Yes. The following was a real low point for me as a fan. http://www.espn.com/nfl/news/story?id=3665128 Jauron reportedly agrees to three-year extension with Bills Oct 26, 2008 ESPN.com news services The Buffalo Bills' fast start reportedly has earned coach Dick Jauron a three-year contract extension. The NFL Network reported Sunday that Jauron and the Bills have agreed to a three-year extension that will keep the coach in Buffalo through the 2011 season. Jauron, who entered this season in the final year of his initial contract with the team, has the Bills tied atop the AFC East with a 5-2 record after Sunday's 25-16 loss to the Miami Dolphins.
  2. Speaking of stupid Tyrod articles... I just read a prediction today on a major football website predicting landing spots for pending free agent QBs. For Tyrod, they listed Denver, stating that the Shanahan offense and all of its rollouts and playaction passing would be a great fit for his skillset. It's almost like they didn't watch a single Bills game or something!
  3. To think that we could have had a Haloti Ngata/Kyle Williams DT duo, but got bust McCargo and Whiffner instead. Yuck.
  4. I hope the Bills keep Preston. He's not a star, but like Poz (who we let walk after his rookie contract), he will be solid for you in the middle for the next five years. You won't have to worry about him. His health/availability, attitude, and production have been quite good for the Bills throughout his career. Given that the Bills want Preston and Preston wants to stay, I bet a deal will get done. Why create more holes by letting homegrown talent walk away? We already have enough holes to fill as it is. Besides: Keeping Brown does NOT preclude the Bills from searching for an upgrade. It just keeps the position solid for the next couple of years while they shore up other areas in need of more immediate attention (DT, Edge, Sam LB, RG, RT, etc). Oh, and one more thing: As it is, Brown lead the NFL in tackles. Now upgrade the defensive line and put better linebackers around him and watch his production increase even more. He's also only 25 years old. Hasn't even reached his prime yet.
  5. Bills wouldn't have won that game without two in-season roster additions by Brandon Beane: Kelvin Benjamin and Deonte Thompson. Benjamin, obviously, caught the only Bills touchdown in regulation with a perfectly timed leap. Thompson with the long catch of the wobbly Joe Webb pass to set up the winning Shady touchdown run. Following Joe Webb's awful end-of-game interception throw, we came a missed Vinatieri kick away from losing that game, which would have resulted in the Bills not making the playoffs. Crazy.
  6. Mayfield is the guy I want Buffalo to draft. I'll be fine with Darnold or Rosen, too, but Mayfield... Oftentimes, when a quarterback prospect has that undefinable "it factor" of leadership, rallying guys around him, elevating the play of those around him, said player doesn't have the physical skills to match. Therefore he does not succeed in the big leagues. The Tim Tebows, if you will. Mayfield, though? This guy has that quality AND the physical skills to get the job done. Go ahead and save this for #ColdTakes later on, but Mayfield is gonna be a stud in the NFL for a long time, and whichever QB-needy teams pass on him will regret it. Sadly, I have this gut feeling that the Bills don't feel the same way about Mayfield that I do. So be it. I just hope he doesn't go to the Jets, Dolphins, or Patriots instead. Heck, I hope he doesn't go to anyone in the WHOLE AFC if he doesn't become a Bill. Last time I felt this passionate about a guy was Deshaun Watson last year. Good thing the Bills didn't agree with me on that one! Really dodged a bullet!
  7. There is only ONE quarterback that I hope the Bills don't pick in this draft. Josh Allen. Losman/Manuel all over again. Big arm, good build, awful accuracy. Just say no to Josh Allen.
  8. Like their starting RG? Their kicker who won them multiple games? I think people underestimate the importance of some of the guys we would've needed to cut to the outcome of our season.
  9. We may have radically different politics, but it doesn't mean we can't share football opinions! Meh. Agree to disagree, then. You can only play who they put on your schedule. To that end, the only "lucky" thing that happened to the Bills was the Ravens losing. As for the Bills themselves, they beat who they needed to beat, when they needed to beat them. A big reason they got into the playoffs was their AFC win-loss record. Beating the Broncos, Raiders, Chiefs, Jets, Dolphins x2. Winning in Arrowhead isn't easy. Neither is winning in Atlanta. The Colts snowstorm game was no gimme, either. To whomever discounts that win just because the Colts stink, I think you're wrong. Weather like that evens the playing field, and the Bills played most of the game with their third string quarterback. As for the Falcons WR injuries...so what? How many of the Bills' losses over the years were discounted just because they had key players injured? How many games during the drought did the Bills play teams with injured stars and STILL lose? The bottom line is that the Bills did what they needed to do in the AFC, won some tough games, overcame a dreadful mid-season stretch of bad football, rebounded, won their must-win week 17 game (never a gimme when it comes to the Bills!) and made the playoffs. I can't point to too many wins on their schedule that were lucky or flukey. They earned the wins they got. They won games that most if not all of the Bills teams of the drought era would lose. And a BIG reason they were able to do all this was their mindset, their preparation and, in short, the influence of their head coach. There's no other way to reasonably explain a roster like the Bills had making the playoffs. I didn't view many of our wins as lucky or flukey, either. They earned them. You say luck. I say metal toughness and earned victories. Agree to disagree.
  10. I work with her brother. He just told me one day, non-chalantly. I was like "WHAT?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!". They look nothing alike. She must have gotten all the "attractiveness" genes. He showed me proof, though. I bust his balls about it constantly. Must be weird to have a Playboy Playmate for a sister. Also, Rachel's younger sister Jordan is still on the market. Not bad herself...
  11. Luck? I disagree. Bills beat the Broncos (2-0 at the time), handed the Falcons their first loss of the year in THEIR house, clobbered the Raiders, beat the Chiefs at Arrowhead (no easy task), won a must-win overtime game against the Colts with their 3rd string QB, won the game they needed to win in week 17, went 6-2 at home for the first time in decades, not to mention McDermott won his first 4 home games as HC, the first Bills coach to ever do so. All of this he/they did with a bottom 10 roster that was in year 1 of a salary cap/character purge and rebuild. I agree that McDermott has room for improvement, but you'd be hard pressed to find a more impressive coaching job -- considering the pressure the drought brings and the state of the roster and salary cap when he arrived -- anywhere in the league than the one he displayed this season. Luck had nothing to do with it.
  12. The most recent two times the Bills drafted a 1st round QB, they got a couple of Todd Blackledges. Here's hoping they get a Kelly, Marino, or Elway this time around!
  13. I agree that out of the top 5 QBs, Allen is the one I am most leery of. Big arm, great athleticism, bad accuracy. Losman and Manuel all over again. I personally want Mayfield, but would be happy with Darnold or Rosen as well. Allen, though? Yuck.
  14. Yeah. McDermott totally botched it last year by coaching the Bills to the playoffs for the first time since 1999! What a loser! I'd so much rather have 101st pick in this coming draft!
  15. This "rumor" is absolute nonsense. It's simply untrue. Shady will be a Bill in 2018. I'll happily eat crow if I'm wrong, but I'm confident I won't have to.
  16. Wow. Just wow. The evidence pointing to Trump team collusion (things like, ya know, statements by the FBI and actual indictments in a counter-intelligence probe) is FAR AND AWAY more voluminous and compelling than whatever unfounded Infowars conspiracy theory Alex Jones is peddling this week. But sure Tasker, whatever you say.
  17. One thing I find consistently interesting is that each side -- the left and the right -- feels that the other is living in an entirely alternate reality. The right feels that the left is just part of a baseless witch hunt and is blind to the great and wonderful things being done under Commandant Trump, who is "Making America Great Again!!!", while the left feels that the right have their fingers in their ears over Russia and are backing a vile, disgusting, criminal thug. Cognitive dissonance, echo chamber social media, and 24-hours news channels with agendas sure are making for an interesting debate amongst a fiercely divided populace.
  18. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2018/feb/15/russia-investigation-and-donald-trump-timeline-rec/ The Russia investigation and Donald Trump: a timeline from on-the-record sources "At least eight Trump associates had contacts with Russian government officials or business people during the campaign and presidential transition. To date, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation has swept up four members of Trump’s campaign, including two who have agreed to work with Mueller’s team as part of a plea deal. As the investigation has unfolded, we’ve learned that some things the Trump team claimed never happened, actually did happen. Stories have changed, recollections have been refreshed and government officials have come forward with new assessments of the intelligence." (because...ya know...people ALWAYS enter plea deals when everyone involved is innocent and there's nothing to see here!)
  19. Sure. And in exchange, I expect YOU to offer the same type of mea culpa if/when it's proven that Trump's white house colluded with a foreign enemy?
  20. Cool. This pretty much tells me all I need to know. Thanks. So we're just going to pretend that Mueller's investigation has Trump's full support, and that the GOP hasn't spent weeks and weeks trying to discredit the FBI and pretend its some sort of Obama-and-Hillary-run Deep State conspiracy, while Trump himself refuses to impose any sanctions, against the wishes of his own congress?Cool. And I'M the one not rooted in reality. Right.
  21. Voted for one criminal to keep another out. Right on. And you approve of the job he's doing thus far?
  22. Says the guy who, I assume, supports an obviously unqualified and morally reprehensible reality tv show star and failed steak salesman as president.
  23. It is positively AWE-INSPIRING how far righties are willing to go to defend the man who refuses to defend his country. Whether or not you believe in collusion -- and at this point, the evidence and indictments indicating collusion are beginning to stack pretty high -- the fact is that there absolutely WAS Russian interference in our election. To deny that at this point is the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and going "la la la I can't hear you!"...so the fact that so many people have absolutely no problem with the fact that our president won't lift a finger to protect us from future interference or punish those who DID interfere is beyond ludicrous. And if there's no collusion, why won't Trump do anything about Russian interference? For a bunch of people so adamant about his innocence, he sure doesn't ACT the way an innocent person would in this situation. You Trump defenders KNOW that if Hillary was president and was refusing to punish Russian interference or act to prevent it in the future, you'd be losing your mind and chanting "lock her up!" at rallies, foaming at the mouth. It'd be a non-stop Fox News scream orgy of the highest order. And yet, Trump sits there, totally okay with the fact that our country continues to be vulnerable to these security threats -- all while running a "wall and deportations!" dog-and-pony show and claiming to care about our security -- and you all have no problem at all with it. Hypocrisy of the highest order. No other way to put it. History will remember and record all of this. If you're still backing Trump, you're on the wrong side of history. Laugh now and call us lib-tards and snowflakes and whatever else you want and make clever little "nothingburger" comments.Continue to turn a blind eye to the treasonous and dangerous actions of the disgusting, vile thug in office. But again I say: history will remember.
  24. Maybe now president ****-for-brains will finally agree to some sanctions? Hah, who am I kidding?
  25. I agree with the Dude on this one: Best QB draft in recent memory, and Bills have two 1sts and two 2nds and a screaming need for a quarterback. It's not rocket science. We shouldn't overpay for a free agent, we shouldn't get cute, we should just use our draft capital to move up and take the QB we like best. I don't want to hear "fill other holes and wait 'til next year!". No. We've been filling holes for years, but because we haven't had a good QB, we've been spinning our wheels. Epic QB class, lots of draft capital, big need...don't mess this up, don't overthink it. Trade up, get your guy, and let's roll.
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