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Everything posted by Logic

  1. I don't believe that question has any relevance in this discussion. Simple question: Which drug poses the greater threat of real, dangerous, physical addiction? Cannabis or any opioid (take your pick)? Next question: Which drug poses the greater thread of death due to overdose? Cannabis or any opioid (take your pick)? Can you produce any evidence whatsoever that cannabis is the answer to either of the above questions? Because there seems to be myriad evidence that opioids are the answer in both cases. And, as JohnBonham said above, can you find even ONE irrefutable, scientifically vetted case of cannabis itself being the cause of death in a person? I can't. I don't think you can either.
  2. Please show me the science, then, that lends any credence whatsoever to the idea of a reasonable equivalence between the addiction and death potentials of opioids and cannabis. I'd love to see it. Studies not in any way funded by pharmaceutical companies or others with vested interest would be preferred.
  3. Dude...you can try to tie everyone up in double blinded studies and all sorts of jargon, but there's no reasonable way to assert that cannabis is as dangerous as opioids. There just isn't. From https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/index.html "The United States is in the midst of an opioid overdose epidemic. Opioids (including prescription opioids, heroin, and fentanyl) killed more than 42,000 people in 2016, more than any year on record. 40% of all opioid overdose deaths involve a prescription opioid." Now how many people did cannabis kill in 2016? I mean, seriously, this isn't even a debate.
  4. This. Is it even a reasonable discussion? Cannabis is, without question, safer than opioids, and kills FAR less people and destroys FAR less lives. Everybody from medical doctors to McDonalds fry cooks can see that. Well, everybody except Jeffrey Beauregard "my private prisons depend on weed arrests to make money!" Sessions.
  5. I think that blaming it all on inept QBing is selling both defenses short. How many points did the Jags hang on Pittsburgh the very next week?
  6. Meh. There are plenty of defensive slugfests out there. 10-3 Jacksonville Buffalo was one of them.
  7. https://www.vox.com/2016/2/29/11120184/gun-control-study-international-evidence A huge international study of gun control finds strong evidence that it actually works A 2016 study, published in the academic journal Epidemiologic Reviews, seeks to resolve this problem. It systematically reviewed the evidence from around the world on gun laws and gun violence, looking to see if the best studies come to similar conclusions. It was the first such study to look at the international research in this way. The authors are careful to note that their findings do not conclusively prove that gun restrictions reduce gun deaths. However, they did find a compelling trend whereby new restrictions on gun purchasing and ownership tended to be followed by a decline in gun deaths.
  8. Trumpie indictments, guilty pleas, and those turned state's witness piling up. Still nothing to see here, I'm sure.
  9. Not really sure how the Rams plan to afford him. They've already got to pay Aaron Donald the richest contract for a defensive player in NFL history and find a way to keep Lamarcus Joyner, Sammy Watkins, Mark Barron, and Robert quinn. After THAT, they're going to have to pay Todd Gurley and Jared Goff. I just don't see where they're getting all this money.
  10. There are a few young, explosive veteran WR options on the market this year: Donte Moncrief, Allen Robinson, and Martavis Bryant. I'll even add Albert Wilson in there. All are under 27 years old, all have shown they can be extremely effective in the NFL, and all would look great opposite Kelvin Benjamin next year, and would allow the Bills to concentrate their draft resources on other positions. Get a quality veteran across from Kelvin, push Zay to the slot, re-sign Deonte Thompson for depth, and we're good to go.
  11. I know I'm in the minority, but I fully believe Sammy has the physical talent to be the best receiver in the league, or at least top 5. It has been his attitude, his health, and his quarterback circumstances that have held him back. He's not without fault for his failures, but he's also been dealt a bad hand at times. He was in run-first offenses in Buffalo with simple, outdated passing concepts and a QB who rarely threw for over 200 yards a game. The Bills also never seemed to work to his strengths. For instance, he was one of the best screen WRs in NCAA history. The Bills NEVER dialed up any screens for him. The one time he DID stay reasonably healthy and got things clicking with his quarterback, he was absolutely dominant. We all saw it. One of the best, if not THE best deep ball receivers in the league. Last year, he was a late addition to a Rams team that had already seen its QB build more of a rapport with the other receivers. Also: Goff, for all of his strides last season, is still a terrible deep ball thrower. In the Rams games I watched, Sammy was either over or under thrown too many times to count. If it sounds like I'm a Sammy apologist, it's because I am. Aside from his bad attitude -- which I admit was a bad look and which he seems to have corrected -- he has been the victim of some bad circumstances. Put him in a legitimate passing offense with an even halfway decent QB who can throw a deep ball, and he can and will dominate. I just hope the place in which he dominates is not New England.
  12. Belichick always signs guys that have hurt him in the past. If Watkins hits the market, watch the Pats sign him at a big discount and Brady/McDaniels finally unlock his potential. Gilmore will talk the place -- and the chance to produce and to win -- up to Sammy. He will proceed to torch the Bills twice a year for the next five years. Sorry. I went down a dark road there.
  13. That was completely uninformative and uninteresting. That's not a knock on the OP for posting this. I appreciate the link. It's just...Kiper and McShay offered absolutely NOTHING worth listening to here. I'd honestly rather randomly pick any two TBD members and listen to their opinions. Mayock is the only mainstream draft guy I can listen to any more. The rest are no better than an internet fan in terms of information and opinions.
  14. I totally agree. I think McDermott wanted to stake his coaching tenure with the Bills (because lets be honest: If they took a 1st round QB and missed, he'd likely ultimately be fired) on the decision making of someone he trusted more. I think they also knew that THIS year's draft crop at the QB position would be all-world, hence the trade-down to get an extra 1st this year. All that being said, I have most recently read that it was TRUBISKY that the Bills loved, to the point that they were willing to trade UP if he dropped past a certain point. So even IF McDermott had trusted Whaley's evaluations and gone for a QB, Watson still was likely not going to be a Bill. I now understand WHY the move was made (or, in this case, NOT made), but I'm still hugely disappointed. Watson is dynamic.
  15. I read that during the Wood (non) press conference, Daboll and Fitz talked for quite some time. IF the Bills move on from Tyrod and go with a rookie, it wouldn't surprise me one bit to see Fitz brought back to be a mentor/break-glass-in-case-of-emergency option.
  16. I'm fairly certain that doesn't make any sense. But I do like your avatar picture. Have a lovely day.
  17. For what it's worth (not much), I DID want Watson last year. Couldn't fathom why a QB needy teem in year 1 of a rebuild with a new coach would pass on a QB. And now, here we are, once again needing a QB. Oy vey.
  18. I'm not quite sure why you're so angry. This isn't just about quarterbacks, is it?
  19. Something about this kid just rubs me the wrong way. I fully admit that that could just be effective rumor-mongering by opposing agents. I don't know for sure, I'm not a scout. But I read his interviews and observe his demeanor, and something about it just doesn't scream "leader of men" to me.
  20. I'm surprised to see that Kirk Cousins is leading this poll so far. He does not scare me AT ALL. Actually, that's one of the reasons I DON'T want the Bills to draft him. Because if I have an opponent coming up, and I look and see that their QB is Cousins, I'm just not worried. He's an all-stats, no "special something" guy to me. He's a Cutler or a Stafford, not a Brady or a Brees. Ask the Cowboys, Giants, and Eagles how they felt about going up against Cousins twice a year for the past 3 years...
  21. I understand and respect your opinion. I disagree. I think this incident falls into the category of "really stupid, but ultimately harmless". I don't think it portends to future trouble. Unfortunately, I somewhat doubt that the Bills front office agrees with me. I can see them skipping Mayfield because if the off-the-field stuff.
  22. Simple question: Who is YOUR PERSONAL CHOICE for Bills starting QB in 2018 and why? Not who you think they will pick, but who you WANT them to pick. Preferably someone reasonable. I mean we could all say "Aaron Rodgers" or "Tom Brady", but that wouldn't be much of a thread. I'll start. My top choice (and its not even close) for Bills 2018 starting quarterback: Baker Mayfield. I feel that Mayfield has every single thing you look for in a QB, both physically and in terms of intangibles, EXCEPT for his height. If he were 2-3 inches taller, he'd be the no-question number one pick. In a few years, we'll all look back and wonder how so many people failed to see that Mayfield was going to be an elite player for a long time. Physically, he can make every throw needed in the NFL, can improvise outside the pocket and make plays that aren't even really there to be made, and can rally his team from deficits. He has accuracy, arm strength, decision making, and escapability. I know everyone's already heard the tired old Russell Wilson comparison, but I believe it's accurate in this case. I also believe Daboll would craft an offensive scheme around him that would really play to his strengths. What makes me really, really want the Bills to draft him, though, are his intangibles. Off the charts. Two time walk-on, the biggest chip on his shoulder you've ever seen, rallies guys around him, makes everyone around him better, hates to lose, loves to win. LOVES football. Hard worker. I don't buy into him being any kind of trouble-maker off the field. I think he's got an attitude, sure, but it's the type of attitude you WANT the leader of your team to have. Bottom line: The Buffalo Bills have not had a real identity since the K-Gun days. It's time to change that. Baker Mayfield and the city of Buffalo are a PERFECT match. He's the consummate underdog, earned-everything-he's-ever-gotten guy. We all know at least one person who still owns a box of Flutie Flakes. This city LOVES underdogs. He would give this Bills team a swagger and offensive identity that it's sorely lacking, and would give Bills fans one of the most -- if not THE most -- popular player in Bills history. You may think I'm exaggerating, but go watch him talk about playing Texas. Now picture him saying those things, but about the Pats* instead. Baker's the guy. I'd be fine with Darnold or Rosen or whomever, but I strongly believe Mayfield will be the best of the bunch, and will give the team and its fans a shot in the arm that is sorely needed.
  23. Sorry, but just cutting those three wasn't gonna do the trick, if I recall. Wasn't it going to take more than that? And yeah, whether you like Ducasse or not, he WAS our starting RG for pretty much the whole year. Cutting starters when you're in the playoff hunt just to get a compensatory third round pick? Nonsense.
  24. I get what you're saying, but I think McDermott/Frazier are more adaptable than you think when it comes to who fits their scheme. I think they like Brown's availability, attitude, and consistency. I also think that, while Brown is not the most athletic linebacker around, many Bills fans underrate him. As I said originally, he's not a star and not a Davis or a Kuechly. What he IS is a guy who will be healthy, stay out of trouble, quarterback your defense, and be top 5 in the league in tackles every year. I think they'd like to have that card in hand for the time being. They will eventually look to upgrade him when the time is right, but with as many holes as they currently have elsewhere on the roster, I don't see how they can afford to let Brown walk. Put it this way: Wouldn't you rather have Brown in house WHILE you look for an upgrade/better fit? Letting him walk away leaves the cupboard completely bare in that department. Not good business.
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