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Everything posted by Logic

  1. I find it more likely that they take a QB in the 2nd or 3rd round. Someone like White or Lauletta. They're still not sure what they have in Davis Webb. If they stay at two, it's to take Barkley or Chubb, IMO.
  2. Personally, I agree with you. I want nothing to do with Allen. I'm only stating what I think the Bills would do in this situation. I've decided that I think it's more likely that McBeane likes Allen than Mayfield. Just a hunch.
  3. Your post is awful and without substance. Thank you for contributing nothing of value to the forum and wasting everyone's time.
  4. I don't know many two-down, thumper 3-4 ILBs that are "stars" any more. We'll see.
  5. Yeah, I'm not gonna get into a pissing match with you. Saying "What about Comey?" is no different than "what about Hillary?" or "what about Obama?" or any of the other numerous diversion tactics people use to deflect attention away from the indefensible acts of the vile thug in office. Every shred of Trump's behavior -- not to mention plain-as-day signs like the president's own lawyer having being raided by the FBI and the numerous indictments and resignations of Trump cronies -- points to some degree of guilt. If you can HONESTLY look at all the ways in which Trump has tried to shut down the investigation and conclude that this is the behavior of an innocent person, then I don't know what else to say. Time will tell the true tale. Only on a forum like this, with this many Trump apologists, could this tremendous amount of smoke and this amount of unprecedented (or "unpresidented", to use Trump's word) events not make people at least question if there's fire. We'll see.
  6. How anyone can make schedule predictions at this point is beyond me. We have NO IDEA what teams will look like come opening day. In many cases, we don't even know who will be starting at QB against the Bills. Record predictions made any time before August are madness.
  7. Nothing like a little Whataboutism to deflect attention away from the original point.
  8. Yeah, people said they'd be the worst team in the NFL LAST season, too. How did that work out? That being said, it won't surprise me to see them regress this year, especially if they start a rookie QB. Anywhere from 6-10 to 10-6 is the range, in my opinion.
  9. All three of Trump's new lawyers have spent decades on organized crime cases, racketeering, and complex white collar criminal defenses http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5640043/All-three-Trumps-new-lawyers-experience-organized-crime-racketeering-cases.html Trump hired criminal defense attorneys Martin and Jane Raskin Marty Raskin has experience dealing with the mob and complex racketeering cases as a federal prosecutor He served on an organized Crime and Racketeering Section One case involved a complex securities fraud involving pension fraud and kickbacks His wife, Jane, was a lawyer with Organized Crime and Racketeering Section's Boston Strike Force Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5640043/All-three-Trumps-new-lawyers-experience-organized-crime-racketeering-cases.html#ixzz5DJq1Axw9 Oh, ya know, no big deal. Just the President of the United States hiring a mob lawyer. Nothing to see here.
  10. Nothing says "innocent man" quite like Tweeting this type of nonsense at 11pm on a Friday night.
  11. On the one hand, I'm beyond ready for the draft to get here. The anticipation is killing me. On the other hand, the buildup and the anticipation are the best parts! Once the draft ends, it's a loooong two and a half months until football starts. And the feeling when the draft ends, ESPECIALLY if you don't get the gifts you were hoping for...is quite similar to the post Christmas letdown. Post-draft depression. PDP. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm gonna soak up this next week of what has been the most fun, interesting, frustrating, terrifying draft season I can remember. The waiting is the best part.
  12. First, I think "worst QB in the draft" is an overstatement. "Worst of the big four" is one thing, but worst in the whole draft? C'mon, man. Second, I'm not saying what I would do (I don't like Allen), I'm saying what I feel the Bills would do.
  13. One thing I really hope happens when we draft a QB but am smart enough to know is a pipe dream: Bills fans need to give the player time and give him a chance. They need to remember that, as someone said on Twitter: football fans are GUESSING at which QBs will be good based on an extremely limited set of data and footage. They are PROJECTING which QBs COULD be good in the league if all goes well. GMs and scouts have a lot more information and expertise than fans, so fans need to not freak out and jump off a bridge if the guy they prefer based off of 3 Youtube videos doesn't get selected. Give the kid time, give him a chance, and have faith that maybe our scouts and front office aren't complete goofballs just because their (professional, much more well informed) opinion on a player is different than your (amateur, often uninformed) opinion.
  14. People who are mad about lack of Buffalo in prime time games or national spotlight must always remember two things: 1.) The Bills are a small market team with very little national interest. 2.) NFL schedule makers largely look at quarterbacks when determining which games to showcase nationally. Because of point 1, the Bills will always have a harder time getting onto national TV than larger market teams -- who often get national games by default simply because people will turn on the TV in large numbers to watch said teams (Dallas, NYG, Patriots, LA, SF, etc). If the Bills want to start getting national exposure, they need to start winning more games consistently. Because of point 2, the Bills have rarely been on national TV over the past 20 years. No QB, no prime time slots. If the Bills want to start getting national exposure, they need to acquire a franchise quarterback. Until points 1, 2, or both are addressed, nothing will change any time soon.
  15. I agree with all of this. Good post. When I ask myself "Who would Sean McDermott and Brandon Beane -- with all of their emphasis on hard work, the process, faith, leadership, etc -- want leading their team?"...I keep coming up with the same answer: Sam Darnold or Josh Allen. The only thing is, I'm not entirely convinced they like what Allen brings to the table in terms of skillset. Just last year, they jettisoned a big-armed guy (Jones) in favor of Nathan Peterman. If you look at the two QBs on the roster right now, what do you see? Guys who don't have the biggest arms, but who are accurate, can play from the pocket, and have exceptional character. Darnold just "fits the Bill", so to speak. I just can't imagine McDermott wanting Rosen or Mayfield as the leaders/tone setters for their team.
  16. Here is one thing I DO Believe: Darnold is #1 on the Bills' board and has been for a long time. I also believe that the reason the Bills and Giants are waiting to pull the trigger on a trade is that they're waiting to see what the Browns do at 1. If the Browns take Allen, the Bills will trade up to 2 and take Darnold. If the Browns take Darnold at 1, the Bills move on to plan B, which likely involves trading up to the 4-6 range for Rosen or Allen. I think Darnold screams "Bills DNA" (whatever that means), and they'll do everything they can to get him if possible.
  17. By "between the ears", I was not referring to his coachability or likability. Everyone says he's a coach's dream and I have no reason not to believe that. His mental processing, ability to anticipate receivers coming open, and his lack of willingness to throw with anticipation into tight windows are what scare me. Brain stuff. At the end of the day, the following graphic is deeply discouraging to me: I just don't see him suddenly completing >60% of his passes just because he's surrounded by better talent. I'm sure you've read the recent article suggesting that a player's statistical college production is more likely to represent his ceiling than his floor. That's my fear. That Allen's ceiling is about a 58% completion rate. No amount of Jordan Palmer offseason footwork drills are getting me to buy in to the idea that Allen will vastly improve on those numbers, and those numbers aren't NFL caliber.
  18. I was kidding with the "What do you mean YOU PEOPLE?" remark. I was not kidding that my opinion is that Allen stinks. I also respect and appreciate your contrary opinion. I have already read and quite enjoyed your Allen thread. I have also watched every "all throws" video I can find on Youtube, because part of me thinks the Bills really like him, and I'm trying to get myself mentally ready. He makes anywhere from 2-5 "WOW" throws per game. But everything in between those "WOW" throws -- the misfires of simple swing routes and screens, bailing out of pocket due to phantom pressure, failure to keep the offense "on schedule" much of the time, misfiring on seam routes and overthrowing would-be TDs, boneheaded "WHAT WAS HE THINKING?!" interceptions -- concerns me very much. Of all the QBs, I feel like I've watched and read about Allen the MOST, even though I like him the least. I've watched and read about him BECAUSE I don't understand why he is a candidate to be a top five pick. It's so strange to me that a guy who completed less than 60% of his passes in high school, failed to garner any major college offers in two separate recruiting campaigns (despite THAT arm and THOSE physical tools), didn't blow away the competition in the Mountain West, and failed to complete 60% of his passes again at Wyoming...is somehow a top five candidate. I can see his off-the-charts physical gifts, I can see that the skill position players and offensive line around him in 2017 stunk, I can see that he makes some jaw-dropping throws...but all of that doesn't add up to an NFL projection I feel comfortable with. Physical gifts and "Want-to" alone won't do it. I fear he doesn't have what it takes between the ears. That's my opinion. I respect that yours is different and all that really matters is that we'll find out what Beane and McDermott's opinion is on the matter in one week.
  19. Never has there been a more ringing endorsement of a player than "I"m fine with him. He was a neat kid". That quote speaks volumes about Dorsey's true opinion of Rosen.
  20. Woah woah woah....what do you mean by "YOU PEOPLE"?
  21. Have you just not been around on the forums for the past 3 months? It's been discussed nonstop over that entire period. And no one "hates" him, there are just plenty of people who think he's gonna stink at playing quarterback in the NFL. The usual reason given is that, well, he stunk at playing quarterback in high school and college.
  22. Leadership and work ethic were never the problem with Tyrod. Now if he starts throwing for >200 yards per game or tallying some comeback victories, THAT'LL turn some heads.
  23. My favorite current Bill is also my favorite all time Bill: Kyle Williams. A close second for me was Eric Wood. Within the span of two seasons, I may well see BOTH of my favorite Bills retire. Who's up next? With any luck, the dude in my avatar pic will ball out and make it an easy decision. Lord knows the Bills could use the pass rush boost.
  24. On the one hand, I'd really rather see the Bills take a Mike Linebacker at 22 than a center. We get our quarterback for the offense, we need our quarterback for the defense. We could still potentially get Ragnow or Price in the 2nd round. On the other hand, if they get Josh Rosen, I really couldn't fault them at all for pairing him with a blue chip center prospect. Arguably THE top priority once you get a franchise QB is to keep him upright and healthy and to ensure you don't retard his development with shoddy o-line play....even if it means your defense stinks for a year. Either way, landing Rosen would make the draft a success almost regardless of who else gets picked.
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