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Everything posted by Logic

  1. Same. In 87, he was gonna have a great career. 16, though? Forget it.
  2. While the Bills "should" win this game and, frankly, NEED to win this game, given how tough the schedule gets afterwards... It's not going to be a gimme. I refuse to believe that any Ryan Fitzpatrick quarterbacked team will ever definitely be an easy out. Everyone on here should know by now that on any given day, Fitzpatrick can either throw four interceptions or four touchdowns. I was at Bills Stadium last year when Tre White's diving goal line interception saved the game for the Bills. Until that moment, there was a very real possibility the Bills were going to lose that game. Yes, I believe the Bills have gotten better and yes, I know Josh Allen tends to have good production against them. Still...I've seen The Fitzpatrick Show one too many times to count this game as an easy win.
  3. This is the absolute, bar none, best and most honest thing I have ever read in this series:
  4. I'd have to watch the All-22 to verify this, but it seemed like Knox was used in the backfield as a blocker quite a bit yesterday. The gameplan had more 10 personnel than I would have expected, and when Knox WAS in, he was often motioned into the backfield as a blocker. The Bills seemed to say "we don't think your corners can cover our wide receivers". I think they felt that was the better matchup than, say, Knox against Marcus Maye. I like Knox a lot and think he can be a top 10 TE in this league, so it will be interesting to see how the Bills use him going forward.
  5. The best parts came at the end. Devin saying "I'm gonna run a go route" when they're lining up in victory formation. Tre Day pushing Singletary away from Gore. Lastly, it's so awesome to see the friendship and respect between Gore and Singletary. Having Gore here just for one season to mentor Singletary was a really, really great thing.
  6. But did you see that play where he overthrew John Brown?!?!?!?!?! BUST!!!!! #LOLZ #PFF #ConfirmationBias
  7. This. USE A TON OF PLAY-ACTION NO MATTER WHAT, IT ALWAYS WORKS!!! This wasn't the only encouraging stat from week one, either. The Bills were also top five in the amount of screens they called and top five in the amount of pre-snap motions they employed. In other words, the Bills are keeping up with NFL trends and operating a modern offense. I can't believe I just said those words.
  8. That was really funny and neat to see. Also, Eppy Epenesa is objectively an elite name.
  9. Love Robert Woods. He's an EXCELLENT receiver, and a total McDermott "Process" kind of guy. Unfortunately, he was just in Buffalo at the wrong time. When his contract ran up, he couldn't wait to get out of here, and who could blame him? Honestly, I don't know that anything would have kept him here. He's a big LA guy, and he seemed dead set on returning to the west coast. Diggs, Brown, Woods would be a nasty trio. Nothing against Beasley, who's awesome, but....Bob Woods is a beast.
  10. Disagree. Did you watch Fitzpatrick's first matchup against the Bills in Orchard Park last year? If not, a reminder: We almost lost. Their offense pretty much had their way with our defense for more than half the game.
  11. Bills fans wringing their hands over Allen running too much. Meanwhile...
  12. They specifically asked him about yesterday's quote. The answer was in reference to that one game.
  13. As for people being upset about too many Allen runs (despite the team producing over 400 yards of offense), I'll just leave today's quote from Bill Belichick here. “We always try to do what’s best for the team to win,” Belichick said. “Everything we’ve done for the last 20 years, and rightfully so, has been for Tom Brady. It was for Tom Brady. Everything was dedicated to him, other than the games that he didn’t play in, like when [Matt] Cassel played or Jimmy [Garoppolo] and then Jacoby [Brissett] when Brady was suspended. So there were times when we had to plan differently, but when your starting quarterback has things that he’s good at or things that you can take advantage of, then I think you try to take advantage of them.”
  14. It can't be overstated how critical screens are to offensive success in the 2020 NFL. If anyone needs proof, I'd suggest they go watch a few Kansas City Chiefs games and tell me what they see.
  15. Ya know what I realized about the canned noise? Two things. One: My voice is likely included in that audio, as are many voices here, I would assume. It's from the last four years of audio at Bills games, and I was at a decent amount of those. Two. Some of it is dead people. That's right. Dead people. Statistically, it's certain that some of those people have died. We're listening to ***** GHOSTS when we watch the Bills!
  16. I feel like I've been screaming about the need for a screen game for AT LEAST six years. Certainly since Watkins was drafted. Yesterday, it finally happened. Dreams do come true.
  17. I'm not sure why no one has mentioned Corey Thompson yet. He knows the system, knows our personnel, and I feel he has shown reasonably well in previous stints filling in for injured players. I would say it was a bit of a surprise that he was cut in favor of Dodson and Phillips. Since Dodson and Phillips are both now hurt as well, I'd roll with Thompson.
  18. Man...when he hit the 300 yard mark, I was more excited than I'd like to admit. It was the cherry on top of a generally good day for him. Is he perfect? Nope. There will always be some degree of "The Josh Allen Experience" on display. He is improving, though. No one can deny that. He'll always be Josh. I knew from the moment I heard his quote "sorry coach...Favre says always go for the touchdown" that this is who he would be. You take the good with the bad. As long as the arrow keeps pointing up, all is well.
  19. I've been spending probably a bit too much time on Jetnation Forums today, drinking in the deliciousness of their misery. Two actual thread titles from today were "We need a QB" and "Gase is a ######ed Neanderthal". I mean...it was a good Sunday.
  20. “He’s still got a little bit of a kid in him,” Diggs said after the game. “So when he’s out there, he’s out there having fun and I enjoy it. I’m always in his ear kind of like, ‘Keep that positive energy going,’ just because I can’t imagine how hard it is to play quarterback. But when I see him out there having a good time, it gives me a little bit of a push in the back and a a little bit motivation to say, you want to play for this guy. You want to go hard for this guy because he’s damn sure gonna go hard for you.” https://theathletic.com/2064066/ How awesome is that? Love it.
  21. Are you being serious? You must have watched a different game than I did. What I saw from Daboll was a fantastic gameplan. The Bills used 3WR, 4WR, and 5WR sets frequently, dialed up 18 play-action passes, employed motion all day long that kept the Jets defense guessing, called and executed several different types of screens, saw their QB run for 60 yards and a score, collected over 400 yards offensively, and put up 27 points (that should have been more). Allen fumbling twice and missing a wide open John Brown in the end zone and not leading Beasley properly on a play that should have been a score are all not Daboll's fault. I agree that it would have been nice to see Allen run a little less. Still, if he would just learn to slide instead of constantly playing hero-ball, I doubt we'd mind the rushing as much. That's about the ONLY valid complaint about the offense today. I propose this: If you had a problem with Brian Daboll today, you're ALWAYS going to have a problem with Brian Daboll. He called a hell of a game today.
  22. Of the linebacker injuries, surely Edmunds is the most significant. While the Bills are clearly better with Milano on the field, they have learned to function decently without him the past couple seasons due to the time he's missed. Edmunds, meanwhile, is the QB of the defense and a team captain. If Edmunds and at least one of Dodson or Phillips is okay, the Bills should be alright. If Dodson and Phillips are both hurt, Beane might want to get out his Bat-phone and give Lorenzo Alexander and Corey Thompson a call.
  23. First sentence is nonsense. The rest of what you said is exactly the problem: Even though all those lives SHOULD matter the same amount, the events throughout our country the past few years (or, hell, the past 400 years) show that black lives seem to matter less to many people, including many police precincts. THAT'S the problem. What you said ("Lives matter, period") is true. It is not how things seem to operate in this country, however, so here we are.
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