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Everything posted by Logic

  1. Thanks Shaw. When I looked at yesterday's win, I actually thought of the Patriots dynasty. The sheer amount of "ugly" games they won. The amount of games lacking in style points. Heck, a bunch of those came against the Bills. How many times, during the years that we were awful, did we as Bills fans feel like Buffalo came THIS CLOSE to beating the Pats, but couldn't do it. From their point of view, I doubt they were bemoaning lack of style points against the woeful Bills. From there, I think of the drought era Bills. How many times did I console myself after another Bills loss by thinking about the moral victories? The style points? I don't believe in moral victories OR style points any more. I believe in wins and losses, and the Bills won yesterday. It's not that things can't be gleaned from such ugly wins, or that it's not fair to point out areas of needed improvement. It's just that each game, as McDermott says, is a unique entity unto itself, and there are only 16 of them per season. The Bills have won 5 of 7, and as Bill Parcells said, "You ARE what your record says you are".
  2. To not see this as a big game is to ignore the past 20 years of Bills football. It IS a big game. There can be no denying it.
  3. Most of the replies in this thread are reminding me why I don’t come to the forums as much during the season as during the offseason. The negativity, even after wins, is just over the top and a total buzzkill.
  4. Most replies and the whining in this thread and others are pathetic. The Bills are 5-2 and leading the division and people are crying because the win didn’t include enough style points. Toughen up. Quit being such fairweather negative Nancies. Root for your team and accept that they lead the AFC East and be happy. “But they didn’t beat the Jets by ENOUGH points!”. Wahhhhhhh. Bunch of garbage and misery and pessimism. Shameful.
  5. The Bills never punted today. Yes, they needed to do a better job in the red zone, clearly. But when your punter never enters the game, it means your offense did a good job moving the ball. It's simple: Defenses are playing soft deep zones and daring the Bills to beat them underneath and through the running game. That's what defenses do against good QBs and good passing offenses. It's what teams do to Patrick Mahomes. Think about that: Teams are now defending the Bills offense the same way that they defend Mahomes and the Chiefs offense. In order to defeat that and force teams out of their zones, the Bills need to be able to run the ball and complete underneath passes. They haven't been able to do so with any consistency until this week. The ONLY bone of contention I have with Daboll is that he's too quick to abandon the run at times. Then again, seeing how poorly the Bills ran the ball when they DID try to do so the first six weeks, I sort of can't blame him. Teams used to blitz Allen and play man. He learned to beat that and did so with regularity the first four weeks. Now teams are taking a different path, and little by little, Allen is adapting. It's hard, though, without a run game. Even Mahomes still struggles at times when teams drop eight against him.
  6. If Folks who think the Bills will win 11 games are in a fantasy land of optimism, you're just as equally in a fantasy land of negativity saying they're a .500 team. I'd rather be optimistic and enjoy the season than be pessimistic and miserable all the time. But hey, you do you.
  7. I find fans like you to be the most miserable kind to be around. Life is short. There's a worldwide pandemic. Sports are supposed to be fun. 5-2. Get a grip.
  8. I disagree vehemently. Not a playoff team? Maybe. Time will tell. They're comfortably leading their division right now, though. McDermott's "days being numbered"? Just outright silliness.
  9. People will pick nits about the Bills not being more dominant against a bad team, but... 5-2 approaching the half-way point of the season -- including 3-0 in the division -- is an excellent start, no matter HOW the Bills got here. They've had to deal with injuries and COVID-related delays and adversity, they haven't looked like themselves on defense, and they're still 5-2 and comfortably leading the AFC East. Good game, good outcome, on to New England.
  10. The offense didn't punt all day. Quite simply, they kept shooting themselves in the foot in the red zone, just like they did in week 1 of this season AND last season against the Jets. It wasn't as if they weren't moving the ball all day, though. And Allen was good today. The defense is what won this game, though. I know it was "just the Jets", but the defense suddenly waking up in the second half and looking like their 2019 selves was awesome -- AWESOME -- to see. If the defense can keep playing like they played in the second half...we're on to something.
  11. Whatever magic spell the coaches cast at halftime....that spell gets the game ball. The defense allowed NEGATIVE SIX yard in the second half. NEGATIVE SIX! And Bass, despite the misses, scored every Bills point today. As the OP said, Allen, Beasley, and Hughes also came up big.
  12. Lots of comments in here talking about all the Duke fanboys, but I see it as just the opposite: way too much hating and clowning on a Bills player for no good reason. To be clear: he’s a below average receiver who dropped a key TD pass in a playoff game. He’s also a hard working Buffalo Bill with a good attitude. Why so much hate for a guy that suits up for the Bills ? All the love and clamoring for Duke early on in his tenure here may have been over the top, but the hate for him now is just as ridiculous.
  13. I'm done with Bills nostalgia. I'm over it. I want the team to be successful NOW, with these jerseys and these end zones and these players. When I want to watch a good Bills team, I'm sick of having to go 30 years back in time to do it. I can only watch the K-Gun Bills so many times before it occurs to me how damned sad it is that I have to be stuck three decades in the past in order to watch some good Bills games. Let's create some great memories NOW for future generations to pine after.
  14. I bet. If it makes you feel any better, I watched the 2015 Bills-Jaguars London game at a resort in Cancun. The rest of the wedding party were at the pool, sipping drinks and enjoying the day, while I was holed up in my room watching that stupid game. The BS pass interference call on Nickell Robey to set up the Jaguars' winning score ruined my day, and I was still dwelling on it the NEXT day. Leave it to my obsession with this team to ruin a perfectly good day in a tropical paradise. 😒
  15. Yeah, an early to mid-year three-game stretch of defensive ineptitude seems to have become a yearly McDermott tradition. That 2017 Saints game still gives me nightmares.
  16. Crowder being out for the Jets is huge, particularly with the Bills so thin at CB. Crowder picking on Johnson all day would’ve been a thing. Mims has had three pro practices TOTAL, so he’s not just gonna step in and dominate. It’s gonna be Perriman, Smith, and Berrios, and I’d like to think that even a super banged up Bills defense can handle that motley crew.
  17. What if Lawrence stays in school for another year to avoid being drafted by the Jets, a la Peyton Manning? We can play the "what if" game all day.
  18. Fear him? No. I do think he will be a high quality NFL quarterback, though. I used to think Allen vs Darnold would be the big QB rivalry in the AFC East for the next decade. Now I think it'll more likely be Allen vs Tua.
  19. Fair enough. He wasn’t all bad last year, either. Had some bright spots. I’m just saying I prefer McKenzie to be a gadget guy, Davis to be WR4, and Roberts returning kicks. I’m not saying we should give Duke a permanent spot on the roster, but the offense has been struggling sinceBrown got injured, and I think it’s worth a shot to see if Duke can provide a boost.
  20. Agreed on Duke. If Brown sits — and he should — call up Duke. Instead of doing the timeshare between Roberts, Davis, and McKenzie at WR2, just play Duke. He’ll be supremely motivated, he’ll provide some swag to the offense, and he’ll help in the run game.
  21. I don’t get that sense. The Bills could be without their top three (!) CBs and Matt Milano. Just win.
  22. In GB’s case, Jackson hasn’t adapted well to their man-heavy scheme. He’s not a plus player for them. Here’s an article from a year ago about his struggles and diminished playing time. https://www.google.com/amp/s/lombardiave.com/2019/10/24/packers-happened-josh-jackson/amp/ The hope, of course, is that he’s a better fit for what McDermott likes to do. He’s a rangy, long limbed player with good instincts and a nose for the ball — or at least he was at Iowa. In the Chargers’ case, King is in the last year of his deal. He would only be available if they don’t plan to re-sign him to an extension. Bills have 3.5 mil in cap space. Rudolph is at 7.5 mil this season. Bills can’t afford him.
  23. I liked Greg Tompsett and Joe Buscaglia's ideas of Josh Jackson, CB, Green Bay or Desmond King, CB, Los Angeles. Jackson is Miscast in Green Bay's defensive scheme. King could possibly be had. Bills need depth at the position. Neither would likely require a king's ransom.
  24. You're right. He did not specifically say "I regressed". I guess I meant that he used language like "this team can't afford for me to play poorly" and "we've gotta be better and that starts with me". That does not necessarily equal "regressed", but it's not the type of language he was using after the first four games. Could just be generic post-loss player-speak, though.
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