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Everything posted by Logic

  1. I saw that Tweet from Tompsett, but I can’t for the life of me see Hyde’s equipment in those photos.
  2. The 7-2 Buffalo Bills are playing a football game today. Today is a good day.
  3. Been re-watching What We Do In the Shadows on Hulu and laughing my ass off lately.
  4. As Bruce Exclusive would say: Let people like things.
  5. The humanity angle gets lost too easily. Sure, it stinks that they’ll have to miss the game, but the real concern is that these men may have contracted a dangerous virus whose complications can be long lasting and life threatening. Here’s wishing, more than anything else, for a full and complete recovery from any players who have been infected. Football success is a distant second fiddle to long term health.
  6. It’s... It’s not that bad. Really. The worst case scenario is losing a game to a tough NFC opponent on the road. It’ll be okay.
  7. Hydro flask products. They keep cold drinks cold and hot things hot for an absurdly long period of time. When I was living on a tropical island, I’d bring a Hydroflask of ice water to the beach, and after spending all day in the equatorial sun, there would still be ice cubes in it when I left. Ive also never had to replace any of my Hydroflasks. Extremely high quality and durable products.
  8. The thing that gives me the most hope for offensive success is that Arizona plays mostly man coverage and doesn’t rush the passer very well. So far this year, Allen’s best games have all come against just such a combination.
  9. Shaud Williams. Every time it was 3rd and 10 or more, I used to get so excited for the HB Draw with Shaud for 3 yards. Really set the forthcoming punt up nicely.
  10. Wow. It wasn’t just Wright in that clip. It was all three analysts. One guy said the Bills are “too up and down”. They’ve won three straight and just beat everyone’s NFC Super Bowl favorite. Someone show that clip to the Bills locker room, please.
  11. The Bills will apparently always be the backwoods, podunk kid sister that no one wants to talk about. Even when they ARE good, the media coverage is usually just like “aw, ain’t they cute? Bless their hearts!”. 7-2? Doesn’t matter. More wins against winning teams than anyone in the NFL? Meh. Exciting, endearing QB with a legit case for MVP? Yawn. I just can’t wrap my head around it. People will say “you have to earn it”, but what have the Cardinals earned? What did Lamar Jackson’s Ravens earn when they were the toast of the town? As others have pointed out: one of the teams in the Bills-Cardinals match beat the mighty Seahawks last week. One lost to the Dolphins. One QB outgunned Russell Wilson. One got outgunned by a rookie making his second start. So who does the media love and give the majority of the props and positive coverage to? The Cards, of course. It’s madness. I try not to let this stuff get to me, but it gets really old after a while.
  12. You won’t find a more valuable WR5 in the NFL than McKenzie. The specific things he does well benefit this offense and add a useful wrinkle. He can also fill in as a returner in a pinch. They keep bringing in dudes to replace him, but he keeps hanging around. I like McKenzie a lot, and if the cost isn’t prohibitive, I’d rather hang onto him than lose him.
  13. Interesting. I was just going off of this tweet:
  14. My understanding is that if a team tries to sign Dane Jackson, the Bills simply have to add him to the active roster to prevent the other team from getting him. Personally, I have faith that the Bills would do exactly that. Beane won't want to essentially give away a draft pick that played well in lone his start a couple weeks ago. Who gets cut so that he could be added? I have no idea.
  15. Kumerow is a great ace in the hole to have on special teams. Taiwan Jones misses a game, Kumerow steps in, the special teams doesn't miss a beat. Roberts had an all-around good game against the Seahawks, but his game-opening return in particular was key to the early Bills momentum and thus, to the win. Special teams stepped up. I'm glad we have pros like Kumerow, Duke, and Jonathan Harrison on the practice squad, ready to step in at a moment's notice.
  16. Matt Hasselbeck said yesterday that he once had the injury Josh has on his non-throwing shoulder. He said it causes you to throw high, and that it takes 4-5 weeks to start to feel like yourself again. I thought that was pretty interesting. Honestly, I think it was a perfect storm of reasons: Josh's injury, John Brown's absence, and the new ways that defenses were playing the Bills offense. Luckily, Josh seems to have healed up, John Brown is back in the lineup, and they're figuring out how to beat the soft zones.
  17. Time after time after time, a quarterback comes barnstorming onto the scene, dicing up defenses and destroying the opposition, and everyone in the media declares them "the next big thing". Time after time after time, defenses get tape on the new gunslinger, figure out his weaknesses, and start limiting his effectiveness. We saw it with Mayfield, we saw it with Lamar Jackson, we saw it Trubisky...it happens again and again, and analysts never learn from their mistakes. Could Tua be great in this league? Absolutely! He may well have a bright future, and we may well be in for a decade+ of Allen vs Tua for AFC East supremacy. Am I willing to crown him after two games, though? Absolutely not. Let's see how he does the rest of this season, and then how he does next season, once opposing coaches have 10 games of tape on him. For the record, I think Tua WILL be a very good QB in this league, but it is waaaay too early to state it as a certainty.
  18. Well, "the orange man" was a serial liar, a criminal, a con-man, and a thug, with an obvious hard-on for dictators and a clear desire to become one himself. He disgraced the office of president daily, did lasting damage to the reputation of our country, and was a general embarrassment and an objectively gross human being. He alienated our allies, cuddled up to violent dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Un, and badly mismanaged a pandemic that led to far more American deaths than there needed to be. History will record him as an abject failure and a stain on our country. An impeached one-term loser of a president. Clearly it's not just leftists that think so. When you're such an awful president that the entire world celebrates your ouster -- church bells, fireworks, spontaneous celebrations in the streets across the globe -- that's really saying something. So yes, JUST getting Trump out of office is a huge and significant accomplishment. This isn't just a "left vs right" thing, this is a "Trump is the worst thing that ever happened to the presidency and the mere absence of him will save our country from laughingstock status and violent fascism" thing. You can throw petty insults like "soy boy" all day long, and frankly, it's what I'd expect from a Trump supporter. At the end of the day, though, everyone who hasn't been brainwashed into Trump's cult recognizes his ouster for what it is: a glorious day for America and for the world.
  19. Like I’ve said before... Getting mad at a Boston sports fan for being a delusional homer is like getting mad at a cow for mooing.
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