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Everything posted by Fetou

  1. Jackson is better as a prospect in every way than Josh Allen, other than a few inches of height (Jackson is not short) and the size of his hands. When is Josh Allen converting positions?
  2. I'm inclined to agree that there isnt a consensus pick that you are hearing is better than Goff/Wentz. Meanwhile the cost of moving up is far above what it was for Wentz due to the Jets trade. It's a terrible year to be looking to move into the top 5.
  3. He's black and historically black QBs have not been very successful in the NFL. It's not really racism so much as pattern detection leading to bias. I think Beane will give him a fair evaluation. He compared the shallow evaluations of Jackson to the shallow evaluations of Cam Newton coming into the NFL.
  4. I'm generally inclined to agree. With a few exceptions: 1) I know Brian Orakpo is better than Aaron Maybin. I've always known, since I was born 2) I know Donte Whitner isn't worth the 8th pick overall 3) I know fan picks as a rule have been better than the player we've ended up with in 1st round for the last ~15 years. Hopefully we now have a FO who has the ability to compete with drunk Bills fans.
  5. I do think that Star makes it a bit less likely. I'm not sure how well Vea compliments him on the line. I do agree that he is going to be a special player and merits consideration.
  6. I just looked it up and they didn't. Kelly makes it three. That means the Bills have a 33.3% success rate at drafting Hall of Fame quarterbacks in the 1st round! Get it done OBD
  7. Somebody just traded the 1st pick in the 3rd round for Tyrod Taylor and he is starting again next season. Even if Jackson's progression is unfavorable, he projects pretty easily to be a much better prospect than Taylor.
  8. I'm with you on Rosen. I would take Jackson over Mayfield.
  9. Brandon Beane: "He is a special athlete. He really is. I understand why people say (he should switch to wide receiver) because they’ve seen guys convert that are special athletes. I still think he’s going to get a chance to prove that he can play quarterback. I think he’s earned that right. He won the Heisman doing that. I think he’s going to get every chance to prove that before he ever looks at a position change. I refer to Cam (Newton) because it’s so recent. Those were the things a lot of people said about Cam. ‘It’s a simple offense, he can’t learn it, everything he’s done has been run first, pass second.’ Look at what Cam has done in this league. He’s done a lot of good things. You have to give Lamar Jackson that due diligence to prove what he can do mentally, physically, all of those things. What his intangibles are. I haven’t gotten to meet the young man yet. I’ve heard great things about him and I’m looking forward to getting to know him between now and the draft.” I'm sure he will be fully considered and given a fair shake.
  10. I'm sure you would love if your workplace performance was judged by things that were out of your control. WR drop % by QB. If your eyes get tired going down the list, Jackson is #53.
  11. So you think that the number is better with spikes and drops in it? That's a pretty indefensible position to defend your contrivances. I think that's rather obvious here. The NBA equivalent would be looking at field goal % without context for the type of shot being taken. Shaq would be a better shooter than Steph Curry under that view.
  12. Which makes raw completion percentage a muddy stat with lurking variables outside of the QB's control and skillset. There exists an adjusted completion percentage that takes out the impact of WR drops and spikes. Jackson has a better % than Darnold.
  13. So what is the argument in this wisecrack? Wide receiver drops and play type (such as a spike) doesn't contribute to completion percentage?
  14. I don't start threads. There are plenty of other BBMB converts that have been doing so for a very long time and have had so long to hone their skills. I didn't need to make threads there either!
  15. This is intentionally misleading though. The OP is arguing that they won't give up a bunch of picks to get one pick. As in, he is saying it would be crazy to consolidate multiple top 60 picks into one pick. The Glenn trade up was converting a veteran player into what is essentially extra draft pick position. One move is in line with team building through the draft (and in the same vein as trading Watkins and Darby), and the other move would shift a good portion of the team building into future free agency.
  16. They've only drafted a QB with a 1st round pick twice if I'm not mistaken?
  17. Yes, but to gain draft pick capital, not to spend it. Essentially Cordy Glenn for a mid 2nd rounder
  18. They traded Cordy Glenn and swapped a 5th for a 6th.
  19. I think Beane is being somewhat honest when he says they aren't/weren't planning to move up. They seem to have a value system that is formed through conversations between front office personnel, and they will stick to that value system over any overarching plan to take one route or another. i.e, they will trade up only if they feel that they are getting better value than what they are giving up. They have a ton of options as to how to handle this.
  20. And he improved significantly with time. He especially keeps his eyes downfield longer than he did in 2016, and is a bit less prone to scrambling. His mechanics are very correctable. A lot of good things to work with.
  21. I don't really think the fan opinions matter at all to be honest.
  22. He actually has pretty good touch on his passes. The consistency with his accuracy could be greatly improved with targeted modifications to his throwing base. He is not a top 5 pick kind of prospect, but I think he worth a mid-late 1st round flyer.
  23. Lamar has physical tools that Tyrod didn't have. He is larger and longer.
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