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Everything posted by RalphWilson'sNewWar

  1. Tonight shows enough that Brady is needed. belichick and pretricia and there Swiss cheese defense can split.
  2. Oh yeah...and some more Offense. get me a QB who can sling it a OC who can creatively scheme a HC that wants to pile up points if you can’t see it and still endorse running it 30 times and defense and trying to win 16-13...there is no help for you. No offense but it’s just...no help for you.
  3. If his words mean anything... Ian Rappaport just reported Patriots expected Brady to play 2 more seasons and Belichick and Brady and team will discuss extension in the offseason. The next young Qb the Patriots draft will probably be the aimed successor in 2020-2021.
  4. Oh yeah...I just assumed nothing will get browns to give up the 1st pick.
  5. Cousins to Vikes that would hopefully spring all 3 of the vikes qb elsewhere then we’d have keenum, Bradford, Bridgewater, Taylor available and jets, Broncos,, cardinals able to swoop them up. anything that puts as many starters on other teams looking for QBs so it makes more of the rookies avialbe to Buffalo.
  6. I’m in a unique position where I actually find myself liking something with each of the possible 1st Round QBs. That hasn’t always been true in the past. so I guess my answer would be...come away from the 1st round with a Qb. im okay risking it all to move up for Darnold. im okay giving a decent amount for Mayfield im okay giving a little for Allen im okay staying put and drafting Rudolph/Jackson just do it.
  7. I’d say his 35 td passes to likes of Ginn, fuchesss and cotchery powered the way to all the success the Panthers found in 2015.
  8. The rushing QB is a failed commodity with a history of football filled with QBs who have never maintained consistent success for themselves or their teams by tucking and running. it is the Qb who stands in the pocket who is primarily thinking throw first and he stays in the pocket and delivers passes who find sustained success in the league.
  9. It’s better if he throws for it over running for it. That is what a QB does. They throw. Plus, the rules are designed to protect the Qb Who throws not the QB who runs. Once they run they are more prone to injury and the leagues ability to protect them diminishes. as for the play calling. WRs are open all the time or they can be thrown open or they just need a QB to give them a chance. All three things Taylor doesn’t see, do or trust to do enough of for the modern game.
  10. Of course his rushing stats count. Statistically. But you are never going to convince me that they in anyway make up for his lack of passing ability. wilson and newton both run but they also light up the scoreboard with passing numbers as well. i know Roman tried to open the playbook for Taylor and then was forced to reduce it and then fired. and Dennison was also fires due to lack of offense. 5 games man in 2017. 5 games where Taylor started the team scored 0 Touchdowns total the entire time Taylor was the starter in those games. its 2018! for the amount of production we get from him it’s smarter to tKe a swing at a rookie being great.
  11. Is it really a surprise that a back up QB is regressing the more and more game tape is collected of him? Regressing each season in yards and td passes. 3 Seasons started only averaging 1.15 td passes per game? Benched twice by two different coaching staffs. got 2 OCs fired in 3 seasons. 2015 - 8 wins 2016 - 7 wins 2017 - 8 wins Not a single season with enough wins to make the playoffs. Due to style and body structure has now been Injured and missed Games in 2 out of 3 seasons. His rushing stats don’t matter to me because they are most useless numbers a qb can put up when it come to consistent winning and they only mask his inability on 3rd downs to rip it. he doesn’t want to take a pay cut? Fine. we can draft a QB that will average 1 TD per game. very done with him as the starter
  12. IF the bills are planning on retaining Taylor I think they should start soon to do some public relations work to make it seem that them keeping him is a choice other than how it looks right now then forced due to limited options. when your fan base doesn’t want him. when other teams don’t want him. when your own GM doesn’t believe in him. and you still might keep him? Some people need to start spinning this so it doesn’t look like buffalo was standing without a chair after the music stopped.
  13. It was 2012 and it was almost all so perfect. The Bills hasd ust finished the 2011 season by blowing a 5-2 start to finish 6-10 and 4th in the AFC East and produced the undeniable fact that that there was no franchise QB in Buffalo. Buddy Nix and the Bills top brass were generally excited with Cousins. J. buscsglia from WGR was reporting the team was very interested in Cousins in the mid rounds. Fitzpatrick made the perfect bridge QB to give Cousins the 2012 season to sit and learn. The 4th round came. The bills were ready, the fans were ready to welcome Kirk. and then Mike Shanahan got stupid smart and drafted his 2nd Quarterback in 4 rounds. as it turned out 2012 would be Fitzs final season and instead of turning to Cousins buffalo dove into the bottom of the barrel for EJ and Kolb and have been fishing with Minos ever since. now as fate would have it Buffalo gets another shot at Cousins. Not too often you have the opportunity to fix a past mistake or for fortune to knock twice. Regardless...the football gods are smiling on Buffalo with this opportunity and all signs are screaming for Buffalo to bring Kirk back to where he was always meant to be.
  14. Why stop at 13? get to 13 and then see how higher we can go from there?
  15. Upgrade? well for starters we won’t have 6 out of 17 games with 0 Touchdowns total from the offense. that is a start
  16. A division with Mahomes, Carr, Rivers looks a lot hard road to playoffs than a division with McCown/Rookie, Tannehill and Brady.
  17. What’s the % ? 70% of the NFL is African American? diveristy in viewpoints is never a bad thing especially when one viewpoint represents the majority of the actual players.
  18. I’m a huge draft a qb guy. but I don’t understand the need for the Giants to do it now. If Schumer gets Eli going and with a healthy Beckham...Eli could go for 3-5 more seasons. seems too eRly to pull the plug on Eli.
  19. Maybe something got lost in translation. Murph is very old school. Too old school to be left alone as the sole voice of a show. That show needs a voice from a person with a younger on the ground perspective. so when Murph can’t understand why 20 year olds like to celebrate after Touchdowns a former player who is still youthful can give that view point. And with other subjects as well. murph has lost touch of the modern day athlete and speaks from a perspective from a past era. Its good counter balance programming for a sports show.
  20. Too bad. the show needs a balance between between Media/Athlete. lets Face it. murph is an old white man whose idea of football is still stuck in the 1970s. Run, Run, Pass Punt. Win with defense. Score hand ball to ref. No Instant Replay. Final Score 13-6. snooze. that show needs the perspective of a young black former athlete. when listening to Murph, his view is more a naive idealism to what sports should be.? Player should want to do this for a greater purpose. donald brought the current athletes view which was much more real and down to earth. Whose got my money? I do it for that money. some of the best debates these two had were when they clashed on the modern culture of the nfl. juat sticking two old white media guys from 12-3 will be boring. sal is just homer lite version of Murph but just as wishful thinking that he confuses as what he thinks he believes. they need another former player.
  21. Just excited to see greatness when it plays. Brady is amazing to watch and if you ever listen to his interviews he was one of the most humble, level headed, opponent praising players you’ve ever seen in sports. What has Brady ever done to hurt Buffalo? Beat them? Lol. So what? Buffalo being terrible is all of their own short sighted spin making. Even if Buffalo would split New England would they ever have won the division? lady on Fox said it best. Greatness is boring because it so consistent and this environment we live in needs freshness. plus there is a little of the mentality that everyone gets trophy in todays society which The Patriots reAlly fly in the face of. shoot I still miss Favre and Manning and will miss Brady and Rodgers and Brees and all the greats. football fan first buffalo Bills fan second (unless they earn it back)
  22. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yTcBUS10OU0 this video is all I need to see. Cousins ability to pierce through high winds, which we all know is something many Buffalo GMs have said is needed when getting a QB.
  23. McCloughan was the GM and wouldn’t ageee with Cousins on a contract. then at some point prior to this game McCloguhan went public and said he wanted Cousins to earn his paycheck. mind you this was said AFTER The Redskins went 9-7, won their division and hosted a Playoff Game plus it was said AFTER Cousins had as a 1st year starter 34 Tds Combined 11 ints 4,000 passing yards and a QBR of 101. but yeah...McCloughan was totally right. ?
  24. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jfkISmocJVU its called a Mulligan Mr. McCoughan.
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