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Everything posted by RalphWilson'sNewWar

  1. My goodness! jets new guy is a monster!
  2. Tua Ana Burrow in AFC in a matter of minutes?! woooeeeeee! Dog fights! Glad there is 7th playoff Spot!
  3. No. They lose a lot? i mean I recall Stafford was playing well in 2019 before the injury and barring a THREE defensive collapses... They blew a 24-6 lead in 4th QT in Week 1 against Arizona. 30-27 lead in 4th QT in Week 4 against Kansas City 22-13 lead in 4th QT in Week 6 against Green Bay and these were all Last second loses too. So they were knocking on the door of 6-0 start. So how far are they really away?
  4. Good! Take a CB...help the defense. With 7 playoff spots...with some defensive help 8-8 could get you in.
  5. If he plays his cards right on the field he can run OHIO. Lol.
  6. Burrow! Seems like such a good dude and easy to root for.
  7. Ehhh. NFL is a product first, entertainment second, sport third. who wins or loses doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. Who won the super bowl last season? See! It didn’t really effect anything. Play a few exhibition games (8 games) at a neutral site. Call it a day around Christmas and we will see everyone back in 2021.
  8. Cousins did lead the 7.5 point underdog Vikings INTO New Orleans and lead a Overtime Winning Drive capped with a TD pass. Now playing in New Orleans...in that dome...with their fans...that sounds like a challenge? Perhaps? ???? Oy!
  9. Buy or Sell? Sell. "I'm not anticipating that happening in this state," Newsom said via SFGate.com. "We've all seen the headlines over the last couple days in Asia where they opening up certain businesses and now they're starting to roll back those openings because they're starting seeing some spread and there's a boomerang. One has to be very cautious here, one has to be careful not to overpromise." Newsome also shared that one "well-known football player" inquired about whether or not the NFL season would begin on time. "I would move very cautiously in that expectation," Newsom said. "Our decision on that basis here in the State of California will be determined by the facts, will be determined by the health experts, will be determined by our ability to meet this moment and bend the curve ... Right now I'm just focusing on the immediate, but that's not something I anticipate happening in the next few months." https://www.49erswebzone.com/articles/135818-while-trump-expects-football-september-california-governor-optimistic/
  10. Probably the most significant improvement for me with the league going to 14 playoff teams is... ELIMINATE The phony benchmark of simply ‘making the playoffs.’ belitve me when you are fan that has sunk as low as Buffalo is...you see first hand how quickly many are to crown even the slightest achievements. a team simply making the playoffs or winning a division should always be incredibly low on any accomplishment level. And yet simply making the playoffs has saved or extended many a coaches career in certain towns when they were obviously not the right person for the job. it should only be about one thing Super Bowls. Simply making the playoffs now does (as it always should of) mean squat.
  11. Absolutely. Chargers rank as near the top if not the top team for a 2020 turnaround. They are, after all only one season removed from a 13-5 season in 2018. With a 2019 season that watched them go 5-11 with 9 games lost by 7 or less points, 5 of those games really being 4th quarter loses... for sure they could win 3-4 more games in 2020 and be the 6th or 7th seed in the AFC Playoffs.
  12. Maybe the best thing for. This nation already has an unhealthy addiction/obsession with it as it stands pre- Covid-19. When something on this scale happens only exposes how “non-essential” a sport ANY sport really is besides mindless entertainment that gets treated like life and death. I tell you even if the NFL does come back all sports for that matter the last thing I’m gonna wanna hear is some coach give a BS answer with coach speak when asked a simple question. ”Coach ____________. You’re a football coach you’re not a scientist you’re not a doctor stop making it seem like what you do is very important just answer the question.”
  13. Lol i say tht with the biggest grin. I love the whole Diva Gadget Plyer vs Qb showdowns. It keeps it fresh. watching the body language, the shade throw post game in interviews and Twitter. when they are robots it’s just...ehhh
  14. Bond now Josh. BecUse the first time the stat line reads 3 receptions for 34 yards 0tds...win or lose...March will seem like a distant memory.
  15. All 32 GMs suffer from one thing. Paralyzation by over analyzation. give them 100 pages of data...or 10 pages of data. It’s all just a shot in the dark if PLAYER A is going to get a Yellow Jacket or be out of the league by 2023. Enough of this making This seem harder or more important than it is. make the draft health safe and run it.
  16. 2020 or 2021 or 2022 i wouldn’t be picking Patriots to win Super Bowl WITH Brady. Another 1-2 division titles? Sure. But not the Super Bowl. So just do it now. Start now and maybe you get your new program implemented sooner. its not like Brady was 32 and they were letting him go and missing out on 160-190 more games. They are missing out on having him for 32 - 40 more games.
  17. The offense has to get out of the teens when it comes to points per game. But importantly Allen just needs to start making it happen when it needs to happen. But that is just the standard all top QBs are held to. So it’s a fair ask.
  18. The Miami home game on the return onside kick. Safety on Baker Mayfield.
  19. Pts per/game under Coach McDermott 17.9 16.8 19.6 (some defensive/special teams touchdowns have inflated these) But safe to say...this is near bottom of league which points to a combo of philosophical/talent deficit when it comes to offense. So I guess I’m not sure what it looks like ALLEN not working out. Because this offense and Allen haven’t really been “working out” on offense for 3 seasons and yet they have 2 playoff appearances and loses. Is Allen supposed to beat his own teams offensive philosophy along with the opposing team? That might be asking ALOT!
  20. props to Brady for playing as long as he can play. Because there’s no going back once you’re done you’re done. Good fortune and God willing he’ll have another 40 years to be retired. If this is what he wants to do let him do what he loves. I guess I kind of look at college players the same way and they need to leave early I think that’s kind of dumb because once they leave they may never play again but to each their own again
  21. Nice to see the right decision was reached. Romo sticking with CBS was the only decision that made sense.
  22. This is beautiful. now the goal and the standards will FINALLY be on what it should be...CHAMPIONSHIPS! One of the more annoying things about football is when coaches or organizations point and say “Oh! we made the playoffs so we shouldn’t change anything even though we’re not really a serious contender to win the title” Anything that lessons simply making the playoffs that can be used for self-preservation by franchises and coaches is a good thing. It may take some time but eventually you’re going to see teams make changes at the top even after going to the playoffs three out of four four out of five times and always losing
  23. Taylor with a solid defense could arguably get to the 8-9 win range and a playoff spot. Shoot...had he been in Buffalo these past 2 seasons...comfortable to think he could have gone 16-16 with a playoff loss. Chargers get the defense going...and settle the RB issue...they have a schedule primed for rebound.
  24. Mahomes Jackson Watson its tough enough...loading the AFC with POTENTIALLY Tua and Burrow. woooooeeeeeee Its an arms race baby.
  25. Going to go Ralph. Just not enough visible appearances from Terry. And frankly his public speaking abilities give Doug Whaley a run for their money. Sorry...but that’s my tie breaker.
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