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Everything posted by RalphWilson'sNewWar

  1. Justin Herbert “was” going to win this week…until Lamar.
  2. Not really my “take” just the facts to the reason why folks hate on Lamar round these “football educated” parts of WNY. bottom line…Mafia fans can’t tand if buffalo is not 100% loved and their WNY inferiority complex only drives it up further. simple really.
  3. always figured it’s because of being in the same draft class as Allen…and being more successful with more accolades yet being drafted later. Lamar represents that road block to claiming Buffalo got the best so and so from the 2018 draft at the most important position. Obviously JA17 is also amazing. But for soem fans…if they aren’t getting 100% love-attention…they rage. 😂
  4. It was message. An ego message to the owners of the teams that passed on him.
  5. Would be nice to go to a game and just sit in a nice soft seat away from elements and loud nosies and just enjoy. And less people! Less drunks…less nonsense…less traffic! 😍😍😍
  6. And honestly that’s all I was saying. he is a wonderful leader. But the topic of this thread was Coaches that are tough or scare you. as leader…yeah he’s pretty tip top. as a a game day coach…if the rosters are equal…yeah I don’t think he is above the average coach.
  7. Yeah he’s a good coach. I said that. Level headed, players coach, gets you to believe in yourself…that can be good enough to win too. but he’s got the horses. I mean…who is saying “oh god, we have to go up against McDermott’s bend but don’t break defense this week?” 😂 No is saying “oh I wonder what sorts of tricks and what not McDermott is going to throw at the opponent this week.” Just not the optics or reality of it. he’s just a really sound coach with a loaded roster. but your more concerned with the talent than the coach in Buffalo.
  8. Flo and McDermott are good leaders. Rah Rah guys with strong attention to detail. but no one is confusing them with the chess strategic minds of the nfl changing the game. they are more in the vein of Harbaugh and Tomlin. as opposed to the Bellichick, Reid’s, Payton and McVays of the world. so basically…no new coach to the AFC East should feel overwhelmed by the opposing head coaches (except for Belichick) new coaches should feel overwhelmed because of the teams the franchises in the division hve built from top to bottom.
  9. But they have $270 M Josh Allen. that’s why you pay. Because over time he is the only constant. everyone else comes and goes. And they go due to age, production, Injury or “other”.
  10. What did Aikman tell to Barry Switzer when Michael Irvin showed up to camp hung over ? “You don’t cut Michael Irvin, Barry. But you cut that guy and that guy.” so you want to send a message. Pick 2 out of those 3 and say goodbye Norman Jean.
  11. I think the fact that OF COURSE it was Sal to rush to the rescue…just plays perfectly into how Homer “journalists” like him are labeled and perceived.
  12. His question was the first football question to kind of end McDermott’s suffering of Covid. And you could tell Sal was a little embarrassed that McDermott thanked him cause he powered through the question in what I except was Sal attempting to seem like a real journalist in the moment. IMO
  13. Oh Sal… 😂 surprised he didn’t respond to McDermott with “anything else you need Coach? Water? Towel? Back Rub? Just…you know. Call anytime. I mean anytime Coach. I’ll be there for you. Really. I really will. I just…I just want to do my part in helping this team win.” Lap dog journalism at its finest. 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
  14. Bills Stadium to City Hall - 11.6 Miles Jets/Giants Stadium to Times Square - 7.9 miles 😳😳😳😳🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
  15. By all accounts it’s night and day from 2020 Tua to 2021 Tua. Health being primary. But the reports say confident, assertive, accurate and pushing the ball down field. Pre-Season practice though. So for the folks who were never going to like him…it’s only practice. For the folks who see him as the next great Dolphin QB…it’s the first signs of Franchise QB. find out soon enough.
  16. I don’t mind that athletes sometimes cut through all the romanticism and look at themselves truthfully. Solely as a product. No different then ketchup, gasoline or shaving cream. And each product has a cost/value in the market place.
  17. But even if they go 5-12 that is vast improvement from 2020. so…Jets need to: 1.) Temper expectations in the era of Hyperbolic Fanaticism. 2.) Show improvement on the field 3.) control the message as to what “Improvement” is. Is it going from 2-14 to 11-5? No. But is maybe scoring 350 points? Going from 2-14 to 6-11? Looking competent even in loses? yes those are all achievable and should be their goal.
  18. Makes sense. This is the target year for Miami to start to open the window. Where Playoffs are the floor and Division Title the ceiling. Everybody needs to be on the same page traveling in the same direction. Now…they have everyone onboard. Tua looks good to great in Camp. Confidence and energy and buy in are high. Time for them to go after it now without any nagging issues.
  19. 🤦‍♂️ what is going on?!?! You would think over enough time…fans and media would get smarter and the extreme hyperbolic nature of discussion players would subsided. NOPE! Instead it’s just the opposite. Up until yesterday Joe Burrows was done. Until yesterday when he was unconscious apparently at practice (which is also too hyperbolic). But alas…the media keeps serving it up and the audiences keep willingly opening their mouths and swallowing hard. 🤦‍♂️
  20. *Sniff* Both a great and bitter sweet day. Because even as he signs the document to link him to the team for about the next decade you know deep down that with that type of money and expectation the real pain is just beginning. Hopefully everyone’s skin is a thick on this new adventure
  21. Strange Thread… Does all positive stories about other players/teams/Rivals just always get so quickly dismissed? maybe title change of thread.
  22. I get it. but the quotes several owners gave after they approved the Pegula‘s bid made it seem that there was definite concern amongst the owners that the stadium issue be addressed it was a major hangup for a lot of these NFL owners All these other owners are pushing the envelope for new stadiums and now they’re going to let the pegulas buy a team and just sit at the current stadium that by their own admission didn’t sit over well with them. honestly I can only go off of what some of the owners were willing to say to the press on the record that’s the way the quotes read to me back then that the Pegula‘s were not gonna do anything about the stadium in the immediate future but they understood that by getting permission from the other owners to buy the bills it was kind of a wink wink will take care of this at some point. and if they decide not to I would just assume that would piss off some of the owners who put their faith in the pegulas back then
  23. good question. Not sure. several owners would feel “betrayed” I figure. The Mara’s being one of them. Mara was the owner who hinted that Pegula gave the other owners assurances that the stadium issue would be address. mara made it sound it was this assurance that led the owners to give pegula the team and not explore other bids.
  24. The overall team performance collapsed I would label as a separate issue from individual player relationships.
  25. Oh Terry, Terry, Terry… What are we gonna do with you Terry? between the Sabres disaster, eichel embarrassment…and now this? Everyday he must be thankful Elway passed on JA17. my goodness.
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