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Everything posted by Bronxbomber21

  1. We need to sign him and Malano
  2. I wish i was in the ***** weather with the othere Bills fans i would trade it all in a min
  3. Beer i just opened a Hooligan IPA im on rhe house boat. Might do a little fishing before the game.
  4. So did Sam Adams that was the last time we shut out the Pats
  5. Sam Adams that was on Brady also lmao
  6. I think the OP is saying that the record isn't speaking for itself like it would for other teams
  7. How about this stat buffalo hasn't lost a game to a out of division team since Nov 3 2018 vs the bears thats including the preseason thats almost a full year.
  8. I think the problems where the penaltys and the drop passes to be honest.
  9. Soooo now hes getting $ 0. Dollars that makes sense.
  10. This is really random but where can i get my Sam Donald i see dead people t-shirt i would like to sport it to the next bills jets game
  11. Week 17 vs the fish was his best game hands down.
  12. Why is it that every player that has been brought in from Carolina are disappointments KB, Star, Captin, Tolbert that wr i thought they new what they were getting....
  13. Star was getting pushed around all game i watch the replay last night and i was going to make a thread just like this
  14. I love the other teams messages boards
  15. Come on Buffalo Aj Green
  16. Yeah i just feel like its really close
  17. It might be just me but i feel like the Offense is about to break out. In the Dolphins game this Sunday i really feel like they where beating themselves with dropped passes and bad penaltys.
  18. The pats have 2 of Dornalds 5 completions
  19. I feel like im watching Clemson (pats) they play nobody
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