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Everything posted by row_33

  1. Getting Woody fired is Clemson’s fault..... wow.... like.....
  2. Joey is his go-to alias when he’s a player
  3. Colin Powell, was said to “speak so well...” Chris Rock has a good riff on that back then
  4. best to keep any thoughts to yourself only stating them when you are in a guaranteed safe zone of conversation
  5. And to answer his question, no I probably couldn’t do a better job coaching than him. But I’d gladly fail just as bad for a fraction of the salary he gets paid
  6. I am looking forward to this with much relish
  7. for sure his daddy got him all his coaching jobs and coaching relies on a lot of luck and talent and things. but at the very least you have to look like you have a clue what you are doing standing there coaching a team, his expressions and reactions are of complete loss and haplessness in games and with the media
  8. there wasn’t an excuse in a million years for losing to that Giants team with Hoss at QB
  9. ———- to refresh our memories last years games went 30-3 45-34 44-16 none were as close as the scores indicated
  10. The halftime adjustment book How to Serve Badger.... was a cookbook!!!!!!
  11. it’s sure as heck is not the #4 team after getting demolished So it all took care of itself as usual so hopefully 1 or 2 games will be entertaining
  12. And when a hoax or inaccurate story is found out the media erases all traces of it from the internet forever
  13. Drudge’s news sources are usually Brit media, have been for a few years
  14. he’s a liberal media icon and Democrat they do whatever they want
  15. it’s just college kids... some may do something in the big leagues some day
  16. Payback will be ten times the B word that karma is, Dems.....
  17. Has a game had more lay on the field injuries than LSU/UGA? does the ranking matter at all? Nobody can tell who is better at this point.
  18. LSU Oklahoma and Clemson and tOSU still to punch their tickets
  19. Adding the twist that the women thought Jesus was the gardener after the resurrection?
  20. you gotta be kidding, that’s the best one has if they missed Juice and Jim Kelly?
  21. So.. they aren’t going to commercials on injuries? At least 10 minutes of Tv time was wasted on the first half injuries without an ad
  22. Calmly waiting for it to all pan out, probably not a decision to make or a surprise after tonight
  23. it would be hard to take a two loss team over a one loss big conference champ
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