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Everything posted by row_33

  1. comic books and complete rip-offs of prior hits... that's all they got...
  2. last year with the "top four" we had 2 massacres and an 11 point win, can't even be bothered with the details, more teams will give us even more massacres hoping for those 88--0 wins of Ohio State over Northern Illinois, and LSU wins 110-0 over SMU
  3. it would have been a far worse loss yesterday if played in Baltimore
  4. they were up 15 in the 4th, teams pull back a bit on risk-taking and go into prevent at that point they want the win, especially on the road, with the least injuries and risk and showing opponents how they are in the clutch that did that
  5. TMJ, a condition where it pops out on occasion went through a bad bout of it over the fall season, was the worst when sleeping on my side had to retrain myself to put the tip of my tongue in the ridges above the top row of teeth and hold my jaw in place for naps and sleeps almost completely disappeared unless i forget and really misalign for a sleep
  6. RW Jr was king of the one-appearance guest star on top TV shows...
  7. that was a solid and honest road win against a good team rare as hen's teeth the last 20 seasons
  8. he's still a god to millions of Bills fans.... (i don't get it either...)
  9. it was amusing, until they got real angry at people telling them IT'S OVER Johnny...
  10. opponents for the Ravens next season will have the entire offseason to write "the book" on Jackson, that will make a big diff in stopping him playoff opponents will do their best under limited time as well, but it's not the same without months and months of putting his game under the microscope
  11. it's nice to have games to look forward to in December
  12. SiriusXM is not consistent with commercial break times, so you begin a few minutes behind the live TV action, then have some adjustments during the game, worth it!!! I'm at the point where i don't bother to let said by anything Romo or Fouts or Booger sink into my comprehension, it's just like two people yammering behind me on the subway.... whatever... college basketball is the worst, can they have 2 seconds of silence pile up at some point?
  13. he doesn't care at all, he just reads a script and gets paid to do so
  14. repeating the same dialogue 7 times wasn't a big thrill?
  15. or Marv whining to Rozelle to stop the Bengals from a no-huddle O in the AFC CG?
  16. fixed... okay... always against the team you cheer for.... sucks to have that happen... it isn't....
  17. it wasn't a classy thing to do a good reminder this sport is merciless and the Ravens are just a mean angry team that might show up again in the playoffs...
  18. beat all the garbage heaps, sometimes squeaking it out lost to the teams it should have then again Marv's teams never won a game they shouldn't have, lost a handful of games they had no business in a million years
  19. replay isn't going to solve everything, it has added a few good things and brought just as many bad things i can't imagine sitting there for another 15 minutes lost for replays in football and hoops, enough already... and if you are in a fever that it's all a conspiracy against your team, there is no hope for you anyway
  20. just arm people for areas of danger and hope they put several rounds into the terrorist before someone of use dies
  21. good thing about being a 2 digit IQ liberal nobody ever asks you to do something you are going to have to answer for
  22. journalist? .
  23. next year is a far tougher schedule (on paper and right at this moment....)
  24. always FEAR the words "all the Bills gotta do is...." every year we had people with a playoff machine scenario for the Bills getting in after they were 100% mathematically and metaphysically out of the playoff running
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