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Everything posted by row_33

  1. It’s been criminal to sell seats in football stadiums for basketball games, you can’t see anything unless you are sitting in the risers or court side Syracuse was always fair in cutting off half the seating or telling you it’s practically zero visibility seating
  2. The best first round game in Buffalo was VCU talking out Duke in OT. I thought the roof was coming down as the crowd was so loud and hostile to theBlue Devils
  3. a friend went to a dozen Championship Games in a row back in the day by waiting outside the stadium for the losing fans of the first Final Four game to practically give away their ticket only person I knew who visited Albuquerque, saw the Jimmy V upset win
  4. Second round games I attended were close to empty most years as the caravan accompanying a Kansas or Duke left the city one hour after the Thursday/Friday upset loss
  5. So why DOESN’T the NFL do that for OT? because the original coin toss wasn’t a noticeable advantage over all the games played?
  6. Gumby the brain surgeon?
  7. Most recollections are a disaster when that was involved, the Grateful Dead were unknowingly dosed one night, security was beefed up
  8. for sure, they severely have to deliver when on the front line of a serious situation
  9. The pace and ways of football make for situations where replay is not going to be helpful, we’ve been watching this for a long time now this isn’t just a matter of taking ones sweet time to see if a hoops player had his foot on the 3 point line, usually while the game resumes
  10. Can’t wait for the next Buffalo area kid to be exceptional in high school and college and one of the alltime greats in NFL history, and right in the face of the Bills
  11. The original sudden death coin toss wasn’t even an advantage for winning everyone remembered the losses and forgot the wins
  12. It’s okay to feel that way as a reactive measure once in awhile, but more than 3 months and you should talk to someone for a few months we had a work group of emeriti (sp??) from the top schools of North America, didn’t envy them in any possible way for a minute
  13. Tough position to evaluate, most of the all time greats had little fanfare entering the NFL
  14. Santana performed the best, some bigs names gave less than stellar performances, fully understandable
  15. Excellent, give us a show recap!!
  16. It was a life goal, but my anatomy forced me into team sports like basketball and volleyball which has been a good thing, mostly.... my natural curiosity and charm and presence gets people talking way too much when I meet them, a good thing, mostly...
  17. don’t hate yourself or burden your children’s entire life for failure to get into a top school
  18. I’m also disappointed he acts this way, and hope for a reunion, he has to see what $$$$ can be pulled in from even one tour I hope Santana liked their Woodstock performance, it was a great public debut and they were the best overall to me (not that huge a fan)
  19. I just read a report on here that apparently is 100 percent and it’s a doomsday scenario i have a life and talk to real people standing a few feet away, as well as ride the subway every day and bemusedly hear all kinds of theories on the matter, the whole universe isn’t what people are saying on TBD ? as well as stock tips, point spread locks, the day Jesus is returning and other fun stuff i don’t judge or bother fighting, all part of life’s rich pageant but I’m a little bit concerned about the person saying it’s all a hoax....
  20. you are more phoney virtue-signalling over the doomsday scenario than the one who says it’s all a hoax? get help.... and wash your hands with soap and water more often
  21. I understood nobody but John wanted the Mardi Gras concept John is extremely driven, kind of shows every time he talks The most hits churned out in the least time, and didn’t get the $$$ either Summed up by him being the only star at Woodstock to not “partake” in drugs, with his friends saying they wished he had....
  22. that’s another story once on spring break in the 80s the band’s yacht pulled into the marina I was near and I got talking with KC and he invited me and my three friends aboard for a day, that was quite the time....
  23. but most already have these connections from their birth dont hate yourself because you missed out on the fantasy of maybe meeting important people to make your life enjoyable
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